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A. EL ALLAOUI, and F. RHAZI FILALI, and N. AMEUR, and B. OUMOKHTAR, (2012) Qualité hygienique des saucisses fabriquées traditionnelement dans la ville de Meknes au Maroc. Sciences Lib ED. Mercenne, V. 4 N° 120707 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

A. AHMADI, and F. EL BOUANANI, and HUSSAIN BENAZZA, and Y. BENGHABRIT ., (2012) Reduced Complexity Iterative Decodig of 3D-Product Block Codes Based on Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Volume2012, article ID 609650, 8 pages..

A. BELCADI, and M. ASSOU, and E. AFFAD, and EL H. CHATRI, (2012) CH4/Nox Reduced Mechanisms Used for Modeling Premixed Combustion. Energy and Power engineering ,2012, 4, 264-273, ISSN: 1949-243X.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, (2012) Evaluation de la pollution physico-chimique des eaux de l'ouede Khoumane. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci.6(6) 2012, 7096-7111, ISSN: 1991-8631.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, and M. CHAHBOUNE, and A. ABOULKACEM, (2012) Etude du chagement de l'état des eaux de l'oued khouman a la confluence avec les eaux thermales de la source ain hamma my idriss. Larhyss Journal, n°11, Novembre 2012,pp. 17-36..

A. BENAMI, and A. LOPEZ SUAREZ, and L. RODR´IGUEZ-FERN´, and A. CRESPO-SOSA, and J. C. CHEANG-WONG, and J. A. REYES-ESQUEDA, and A. OLIVER, (2012) Enhancement and quenching of photoluminescence from silicon quantum dots by silver nanoparticles in a totally integrated configuration. AIP ADVANCES 2, PP. 012193-1--012193-10 (2012), ISSN : 2158-3226..

A. BENI HSSANE, and M. HASNAOUI, and S. BENKIRANE, and D. EL OUADGHIRI, and M. LAGHDIR, (2012) Householder Algorithm Applied to Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks. Int. Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications, 4(1),19-31 (2012)..

A. CHOKRI, and EL ABIDA K, and ZEGZOUTI YF, and R. BEN CHEIKH, (2012) Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation induced by globularia alypum extract is mediated by EDHF in perfused rat mesenteric arterial bed. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 May;90(5):607-16, ISSN (électronique) : 1205-7541..

A. DALLI, and L. ZENKOUAR, and S. BRI, (2012) Conception of circular sector microstrip antenna and array. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP. 32-37, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

A. DALLI, and L. ZENKOUAR, and S. BRI, (2012) Low cost antenna multiband for mobile application. J. Basic. Sci. Res, 2(3), PP. 2662-2668, 2012, ISSN: 2090-4304.

A. EL AMRANI, and B. LUCAS, and B. RATIER, (2012) The effect of the active layer thickness on the performance of pentacene-based phototransistors. Synthetic Metals, Volume 161, Issues 23–24, January 2012, Pages 2566–2569..

A. ELHAMZAOUI, and A. OUKABLI, and J. CHARAFI, and M. MOUMNI, (2012) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Moroccan Cultivated Almond in its Area of extreme diffusion, using nuclear microsatellites. American J. of plant Sciences, 2012, 3, 1294-1303..

A. FAHLAOUI, and S. FAHLAOUI, and A. HAFIDI, (2012) Psi-entropy inequalities for the Ornstein -Uhlenbeck semigroup. Semigroup Forum (2012) 85: pp361-368, springer.

A. HALIMI, and A. EL-KOURAYCHI, and A. BOUZID, and A. ROUKHE, (2012) Defects detection and extraction in textile imageries using mathematical morphology and geometrical features. Journal of signal processing theory and application 2012 n°1 pp1-6.

A. IDRISSI TAGHKI, and M. LARIF, and R. HMAMOUCHI, and A. ADAD, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and T. LAKHLIFI, (2012) New aromatic compounds based on thiaoxazaphenanthrene. Quantum chemical investigations of structure and optoelectronic properties relationship. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. Vol. 3 (5), 2012, PP. 870-877..

A. JOUHARI, and M. SERHANI, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2012) Dynamic and controllability of a nonlinear wastewater treatment problem. J. Appl. Maths. and Informatics.(2012), Vol. 30, N°. 5-6, PP. 883-902..

A. KAMAL, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, and S. A. OULD BEINANE, (2012) Regional Controllability of Semi-Linear Distributed Parabolic Systems: Theory and Simulation. Intelligent Control and Automation. Volume . 3, number 2 , pp 146-158 . (2012)..

A. MAAROUFI, and O. OABI, and B. LUCAS, and A. EL AMRANI, and S. DEGOT, (2012) New composites of ZnO–P2O5/Ni having PTC transition and high Seebeck coefficient. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Vol.358, N° 23, (2012) 3312–3317..

A. MAKHOUTE, and H. AGUENY, and S. CHQONDI, (2012) Resonant laser-assited excitation in electron-helium collisions. Phys. Chem. New, Vol.65, 1-8(2012)..

A. MAMOUNI, and L. OUKHTITE, and M. SAMMAN, (2012) Commutativity theorems for*-prime rings with differential identities on jordan ideals. International scholarly research network, Vol, 2012, PP. 1-11, scopus.

A. RHATTOY, and A. ZATNI, (2012) The impact of propagation environment and traffic load on the performance of routing protocols in ad hoc networks. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.1, 2012, 75-87..

A. RHATTOY, and A. ZATNI, (2012) The impact of radio propagation models on ad hoc networks performances. Journal of Computer Science 8 (5): 752-760, 2012..

A. SAYAD, and S. CHAKIRI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and Z. BEJJAJI, (2012) Impact des stress hydriques sur les potentiels de dayet aoua ( Moyen Atlas-Maroc). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne:Volume4, N° 120604, 2012, ISSN: 2111-4706.

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, (2012) Effects of the random field on the magnetic behavior of nanoparticles with core/shell morphology. European Physical Journal Web of Conference, Vol. 29, N°. 00035, PP. 1-6, (2012)..

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, and A. AINANE, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, (2012) Theoretical Investigations of Hysteresis Loops of Ferroelectric or Ferrielectric Nanotubes with Core/Shell Morphology. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism , 25 (2012) 2407-2414.

A. ZARROUK, and B. HAMMOUTI, and H. ZARROK, and R. SALGHI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and F. BENTISS, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, (2012) Theoretical study using DFT calculations on inhibitory action of four pyridazines on corrosion of copper in nitric acid. Research on Chemical Intermediates, November 2012, Volume 38, Issue 9, pp 2327-2334..

A.Y. ELBEKALI, and A. SIAH, and A. RAMDANI, and L. EL CHARTOUNI, and B.TISSERANT, and C DEWEER, and A. HAFIDI, and PH. REIGNAULT, and P. HALAMA, (2012) First Report of the mating types MAT1 and MAT1-2 of micosphaerella graminicola in Morocco. Journal of Plant Pathology (2012), 94 (1), 243-247..

ABDELAHK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2012) Conception of the coupler with 3 branches. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 463-466.

ABDELAHK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and ADIBA ELFADL, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Conception of the coopler with 3 branches. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 463-466.

ABDELALI ALA, and DRISS EL OUADGHIRI, and MOHAMED ESSAAIDI, (2012) Core Backbone Convergence Mechanisms and Microloops Analysis. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,V.3 No 7, PP.10-25 , 2012..

ABDELALI ELHAMZAOUI, and AHMED OUKABLI, and JAMAL CHARAFI, and MOHIEDDINE MOUMNI, (2012) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Moroccan Cultivated Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb) in Its Area of Extreme Diffusion, Using Nuclear Microsatellites. (2012). American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3, 1294-1303.

ABDELHAK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Size and design of broadband coupler. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP.20-23, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and DRISS ABRID, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, (2012) Caractérisation sédimentologique et physico-chimique des sédiments de carottes de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed, NE de Meknès, Maroc. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEAR, Volume 3, Issue 2, 91-96, 2012..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Comparaison the effect insecticide of the oils of six plant extracts on the aphids in alfalfa green. Journal of biology, agriculture and healthcare, Vol. 2, N° 8,2012.

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Comparison of Insecticide Effect of Plant Extracts on Aphids of Watermelon and Green Alfalfa. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 1, No. 2,2012..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Insecticide effect of plant extracts on aphids of watermelon. Journal of biology, agriculture and healthcare, Vol. 2, N° 5,2012, ISSN: 2224-3208.

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2012) Insecticide Potency on alfalfa aphids of kanuka, ravintsara and tea tree essential oilsand neem vegetable oil. Journal of Environmental Solutions Volume 1 (Issue 1) (2012), PP. 16-22..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2012) Study Of The Insecticidal Effect Of Oregano And Thyme Essential Oils And Neem Carrieroil On The Alfalfa Aphid. Journal of Environmental Solutions, Volume 1 (Issue 1) (2012), PP. 1-5..

ADIBA ELFADL, and LEKBIR BELRHITI, and HAMID BOUYGHF, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Analysis and Design of Narrow Band Filters for Telecommunications Applications. JOURNAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1, 2012, ISSN : 2042-8839..

ADIL SAADI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Charactérization of Dual band compact microstrip patch antenna using FDTD Method. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386), Volume 2 No 7, 2012, PP. 19-27.

ADIL SAADI, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Microwave filters design optimization by implicit space mapping technique. International journal of Emerging trends in enginneering and development, Issue 2, Vol. 7, 2012, PP. 369-379, ISSN: 2249-6149..

AHMED RASSAM, and ABDELAZIZ CHAOUCH, and BRAHIM BOURKHISS, and MOHAMED OUHSSINE, and M'BAREK BOIRKHISS, and TAHAR LAKHLIFI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and CHAOUKI HAMID, (2012) Evaluation du degré de pollution métallique dans la station d'épuration des eaux ussées de la ville d'oujda 'Maroc oriental). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 4, N° 121103 ISSN:2111-4706,2012, PP. 1-7.

ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and JOËLLE RISS, and COLETTE SIRIEIX, and ANTOINE MARACHE, (2012) Caractérisation des réservoirs d’eau souterraine à l’aide de l’analyse géostatistique des sondages électriques au sud du bassin de Saïss. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,Volume 3, Issue 2, 76-82, 2012, ISSN : 2107-6510.

ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and M. ABBA, (2012) Contribution of Remote Sensing and GIS for the Study of the Evolution of the Spatial and Temporal of Land Use in the ZIZ Middle, Errachidia Region (Morroco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (2): 37-43, 2012..

AMINA KASSOU, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MOHAMED AISSA, (2012) Extraction of Structural Lineaments from Satellite Images Landsat 7 ETM+ of Tighza Mining District (Central Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (2): 44-48, 2012..

AMOUNAS FATIMA, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2012) An elliptic curve cryptography based on matrix scrambling method. Proceedings of the Network Security and Systems (JNS2), 2012 National Days of, 2nd National days of Network Security and Systems, 21-22 avril 2012, pp. 31-35 (IEEE).

ANOUAR DALLI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Comparison of circular sector and rectangular patch antenna array in C-Band. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2012, 4, 457-467, ISSN: 1942-0749..

ANOUAR DALLI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Study of Circular Sector Patch Array Antenna with Two and Four Elements for C and X Band. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.81 No.2 (2012), pp.150-159.

AOURAGH MY HACHEM, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and SAID KAMEL, (2012) Lineaments frequencies from Landsat ETM + of the Middle Atlas Plateaus (Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (1): 05-11, 2012..

ARZARELLO M., and L. BOUDAD, and C. PERETTO, and S. GUISLAIN, and M. AARAB, (2012) Le débitage Levallois du site d’Amane Oukider (Sud-Est du Maroc) : analyse technologique d’un assemblage standardisé. Comptes Rendus Palevol, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2012, Pages 567-574..

AZIZA MIMOUN, (2012) Colonisation et migration au Maghreb (1830-1962). Les flux migratoires entre le Maroc et l'Algérie à l'époque coloniale. la bienvenue et l'adieu. Migrants juifs et musulmants au Maghreb (XV- XX siècle), Vol. 1, Temps et espaces, edition la croisée des chemins, casablanca, 2012, ISBN: 978-9954-1-0365-4.

AZIZA MIMOUN, (2012) Un Orientalisme "périphérique": l'orientation espagnol face au passé arabo-musulman de l'Espagne. Maghreb et sciences sociales, 2012 Thème 1, 43-50, l'Harmattan, Paris, Isbn : 978-2-336-00895-0.

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and K. SBAI, and M. BENTALEB, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J.L. SAUVAJOLB, (2012) Infrared spectrum of single walled boron nitride nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B » Volume 85 » Issue 11, 2012, 9pages, 115437-1, ISSN 1550-235x.

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and K. SBAI, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and M. BENTALEB, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J-L SAUVAJOL, (2012) Computation of the infrared active modes in single-walled boron nitride nanotube bundles. J Phys Condens Matter. 2012 , 24(33):33530, ISSN 1361-648X.

B. LUCAS, and A. EL AMRANI, and A. MOLITON, and A. SKAIKY, and A. EL HAJJ, and M. ALDISSI, (2012) Charge transport properties in pentacene films: Evaluation of carrier mobility by different techniques. Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 69 (2012) PP. 99–103..

B. MOUSSAID, and A. CASAS, and J.J. VILLALAIN, and H. EL OUARDI, and T. ROMÁN, and B.OLIVA, and R. SOTO, and S. TORRES, (2012) Paleomagnetic and AMS study of mesozoic basins of the northern central High Atlas. Tectonic implicaions. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, spécial issue, p. 100, 2012..

B. OUCHAO, and E. H. EL KINANI, (2012) Analysis of the influence of the rate of spies' measure on the quantum transmission. Sciences Journal Of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 2012 (2012),PP. 1-6..

BOUCHAIB MANOUN, and A. EZZAHI, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and A. IDER, and P. LAZOR, and L. BIH, and J.M. IGARTUA, (2012) X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies of temperature and composition induced phase transitions in Ba2−xSrxZnWO6 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) double perovskite oxides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 533, 25 August2012, PP. 43-52..

BOUCHRA BOUGARIANE, and ZOUHRI SAMIR, and BRAHIM OUCHAOU, and OUJAA AÏCHA, (2012) Description et Position Systématiqueb du grand Canidé de Tamaris I (Casablanca, Maroc). Quaternaire, 2012, vol. 23, no 2, PP. 149-156..

BOUTOULOUT, and H. BOURRAY, and F.Z EL ALAOUI, (2012) Regional gradient observability for distributed semilinear parabolic systems. Journal of Dynamical and control Systems. Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 159-179, (2012)..

BRAHIM AMAZIANE, and MUSTAPHA EL OSSMANI, and MLADEN JURAK, (2012) Numerical simulation of gas migration through engineered and geological barriers for a deep repository for radioactive waste. Comput Visual Sci.. February 2012, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp 3-20.

BRAHIM EL FASKAOUI, (2012) La vitiniculture marocaine: héritage colonial et situation actuelle. Actes du 8ème colloque maroco-allemand de Bayreuth 2011/hrsg.v.herbert Popp and Mohamed Ait Hamza, Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft bayreuth e.V Bayreuth, 2012, ISSN 1436-137X.

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ABDELAZIZ CHAOUCH, and AHMED RASSAM, (2012) Evaluation qualitative et quantitative de la station d'epuration de la ville d'earrchidia-Maroc bilan de 5 ans de fonctionnement de la station 2006-2010. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 4, N° 120902 ISSN2111-4706,2012.

D. BEN HMAMOU, and R. SALGHI, and A. ZARROUK, and H. ZARROK, and B. HAMMOUTI, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and A. CHAKIR, and M. ZOUGAGH, (2012) Alizarin red: An efficient inhibitor of C38 steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7, (2012), PP. 5716 - 5733..

D. BEN HMAMOU, and R. SALGHI, and H. ZARROK, and ABDELKADER ZARROUK, and B. HAMMOUTI, and M. EL HEZZAT, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) Temperature effects on the corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in acidic solutions by alizarin red. Advances in Materials and Corrosion , 1, 2012, 36-42..

D. EL OUADGHIRI, and A. JAMALI, and N. NAJA, (2012) An Enhanced MPLS-TE For Transferring Multimedia packets. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 3, No.8, 2012,PP. 8-13..

D. GHAZALI, and A. ZAID, (2012) Caractérisation physico-chimiques des eaux de la source ain salama jerri (Region de Meknès). Science Lib Editions Mersenne, 2012, Vol. 4 N° : 120106, ISSN 2111-4706.

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Etude de la contamination métallique des sédiments de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (NE de Meknès, Maroc). JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, Volume 3, Issue 2, 55-60, 2012.

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Impact de la pollution sur les eaux de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (Meknès, Maroc). Etude physico-chimique et bactériologique. Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research,, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, PP. 31.

E. H. EL KINANI, and M. R. SIDI AMMI, (2012) Fractional virasoro algebra. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, Volume 7, Number 1, pp. 81–88 (2012)..

E. HABIBOU, and N. BOUYA, and H. EL OUARDI, and E. MERCIER, (2012) Ramp folds and fracturing in the southern Rifian ……. Mineralia Slovaca, Vol. 44, 2012, PP. 65-70..

E. ZERRIK, and S. BENHADID, and S. REKKAB, (2012) Sensors and Regional Gradient observability of hyperbolic Systems. Intilligence Control and Automation Vol 3, No 1, pp 78-89. 2012..

EL FADL ADIBA, and ANOUAR DALLI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Circular patch array for smart antenna in C-Band. Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications, 2012; 2(6): 175-183, ISSN: 2167-7336.

EL FADL ADIBA, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Multipath elimination using matrix pencil for smart antenna with uniform linear array. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 87 No 3 October, 2012, pp.397-405.

EL H. ZERRIK, and Y. BENSLIMANE, (2012) An output Stabilization Problem of distributed linear Systems Approaches and Simulations. Intelligent Control and Automation. Volume.3, number 2, pp 159-167. (2012)..

F. AMOUNAS, and E. H. EL KINANI, (2012) ECC encryption and decryption with a data sequence. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 101, 5039 - 5047, ISSN: 0066-5452, Springer.

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2012) Cryptography with elliptic curve using tifinagh characters. Journal of Mathematics and System Science 2 (2012) 139-144, ISSN:2159-5291.

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2012) Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm using boolean permutation based ECC. International Journal of Information and Network Security (IJINS), Vol.1, No.3, August 2012, pp. 216 -222..

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2012) Fast mapping method based on matrix approach for elliptic curve cryptography. International Journal of Information and Network Security (IJINS), Vol.1, No.2, June 2012, pp. 54~59..

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2012) An efficient elliptic curve cryptography protocol based on matrices. International Journal ofEngineering Inventions, Vol.1, Issue 9, november 2012, pp. 49-54..

G. CRISTOFARI, and M. ZNINI, and L. MAJIDI, and H. MAZOUZ, and P. TOMI, and J. COSTA, and J. PAOLINI, (2012) Chemical diversity of essential oils from Asteriscus graveolens (Forssk.) Less.n: Identification of cis-8-acetoxychrysanthenyl acetate as new natural component. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9, 2012, PP. 727-738..

G. CRISTOFARI, and M. ZNINI, and L. MAJIDI, and J. COSTA, and B. HAMMOUTI, and J. PAOLINI, (2012) Helichrysum italicum subsp. italicum Essential Oil as Environmentally Friendly Inhibitor on the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 6 (2012), PP. 9024-9041..

H. AIT BOUH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and Y. NOACK, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M. TAHRI, (2012) Caractérisation physico-chimiques des particules atmosphériques en suspension et identification de leurs sources de pollution dans laz ville de Meknès au Maroc. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (3) (2012) 434-445, ISSN : 2028-2508.

H. ALLOUCHE, and N. GHANOU K. TIGMA, (2012) Detecting discontinuity points from spectral data with the qd algorithm. Journal of computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 236, Issue 9, March 2012, Pages 2406–2424..

H. BOURRAY, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, and F.Z EL ALAOUI, (2012) Boundary flux reconstruction for semilinear parabolic systems: HUM Approach. Int. Review of Automatic Control REACO, Vol 5 No 5 pp: 652-659, 2012.

H. HAJJAJ, and J.M. FRANÇOIS, and G. GOMA, and P.J. BLANC, (2012) Effect of Amino Acids on Red Pigments and Citrinin Production in Monascus ruber. Journal of food Science. Volume 77, Nr. 3, 2012, PP. M156–M159..

H. LAMRANI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and J. ELADDOULI, and A. ENNABILI, (2012) Etude de la qualité des eaux de l'oued Boufekrane et application de l'analyse en composante principales. Science Lib Editions Mersenne V.4 N°120303 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

H. MOUSTABCHIR, and Z. AZARI, and S. HARIRI, and I. DMYTRAKH, (2012) Three-Dimensional T-Stress to Predict the Directional Stability of Crack Propagation In A Pipeline With External Surface Crack. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 498 (2012) pp 31-41, ISSN: 1662-9795 ..

H. SINOUH, and L. BIH, and M. AZROUR, and A. EL BOUARI, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and B. MANOUN, and B. BELHORMA, and T. BAUDIN, and P. BERTH, and R. HAUMONT, and D. SOLAS, (2012) Elaboration and structural characterization of glasses inside the ternary SrO-TiO2-P2O5 system. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, V, Issue7, July 2012, PP. 961-968..

H. TOUFIK, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and O. NINIS, and F. LAMCHOURI, and M. ABERKANE, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) Opto-electronic properties and molecular design of new materiels based on pyrrole studied DFT. Research on Chemical Intermediates, September 2012, Volume 38, Issue 7, pp 1375-1388..

H. ZARROK, and A. ZARROUK, and R. SALGHI, and H. OUDDA, and B. HAMMOUTI, and M. ASSOUAG, and M. TALEB, and M. EBN TOUHAMI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and S. BOUKHRIS, (2012) Gravimetric and quantum chemical studies of 1-(4-acetyl-2-(4-chlorophenyl)quinoxalin-1(4h)-y1) acetone as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solution. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2012, 4(12), PP. 5056-5066..

H. ZARROK, and A. ZARROUK, and R. SALGHI, and H. OUDDA, and B. HAMMOUTI, and M. EBN TOUHAMI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and S. BOUKHRIS, (2012) A combined experimental and theoretical study on the corrosion Inhibition and adsorption behaviour of quinoxaline derivative during carbon steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta,30 (6) , 405-417, 2012.

H.BOUIAMRINE, and M. DIOURI, (2012) Response of durum wheat callus culture to osmosis induced drought stress caused by polyethylene glycol. Annals of biological research, 2012, 3 (9), PP. 4555-4563..

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M. AMINE, and M. HAMIDI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and A. AMINE, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) A quantum chemical study on structural and electronic properties of new conjugated polymer named poly(4-methylthioazole-2,5-diyl). Advanced Materials Letters, Vol. 3(1), 2012, PP. 15-20.

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M. BOURKHISS, and M. HNACH, and T. LAKHLIFI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and A. FARAH, and B. SATRANI, and M. OUHSSINE, and A. CHAOUCH, and J. COSTA, (2012) Fractionnement et valorisation de l'huile essentielle de la sciure de bois de tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters du Maroc. Phytothérapie, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2012, PP. 222-228.

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M. EL AMANE, and M. N. BENNANI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, (2012) Synthèse et caractérization par Rx, infra-rouge du diphosphate Na2MgP2O7, 2H2O et sesc compostes MgP2O7(NH3(CH2)nNH3), H2O n=2,3. Phys. Chem. News, Vol. 63, 2012, PP. 90-95.

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M. ZNINI, and G. CRISTOFARI, and L. MAJIDI, and A. ANSARI, and A. BOUYANZER, and J. PAOLINI, and J. COSTA, and B. HAMMOUTI, (2012) Green Approach to Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Essential Oil Leaves of Asteriscus Graveolens (Forssk.) in Sulphuric Acid Medium. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7 (2012), PP. 3959–3981..

M. ZNINI, and J. PAOLINI, and L. MAJIDI, and J.M. DESJOBERT, and J. COSTA, and N. LAHHIT, and A. BOUYANZER, (2012) Evaluation of the inhibitive effect of essential oil of Lavandula multifida L., on the corrosion behaviour of steel in 0.5M H2SO4 medium. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 38 (2012), PP. 669–683..

M. ZNINI, and L. MAJIDI, and A. BOUYANZER, and J. PAOLINI, and J.M. DESJOBERT, and J. COSTA, and B. HAMMOUTI, (2012) Essential oil of Salvia aucheri mesatlantica as a green inhibitor for the corrosion of steel in 0.5 M H2SO4. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 5 (2012) 467-474..

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N. JANATI IDRISSI, and CH. FALGUERES, and M. HADDAD, and R. NESPOUL, and M.A. EL HAJRAOUI, and A. DEBÉNATH, and L. BEJJIT, and J.J. BAHAIN, and P. MICHEL, and T. GARCIA, and L. BOUDAD, and K. EL HAMMOUTI, and A. OUJAA, (2012) Datation par ESR-U/Th combinées de dents fossiles de la région de Rabat-Témara : Grottes d’El Mnasra et d’El Harhoura 2, région de rabat-temara. Quaternaire, 23, (2012), 25-35, ISSN : 1965-0795..

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N. JEBBOR, and S. BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and M. CHAIBI, (2012) Experimental complex permittivity determination of low-loss dielectric materials at microwave frequency band. International Journal of advanced scientific and technical research, Vol.5, Issue 2, PP. 1- 10, ISSN: 2249-9954, 2012..

N. MOUKRAD, and F. RHAZI FILALI, and Y. MAKOUDI, (2012) Prévalence de la multi-résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques des infections urinaires dans la ville de Meknes (Maroc ) et son evolution dans le temps. Sciences Lib ED. Mercenne, V. 4 N° 121105(2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

N. S. PATEL, and S. JAUHARI, and G. N. MEHTA, and B. HAMMOUTI, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) The effect of 2-aminoquinoline-6-carboxylic acid on the corrosion behavior of mild steel in hydrochloric. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, October 2012, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp 635-641..

NADIA BOUDI, and HADDER YOUNESS, (2012) Linear Maps Preserving Generalized invertibility on commutative banach algebras. Rocky Mountain J. Math. Volume 42, Number 4 (2012), 1107-1114..

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NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2012) Unicalibrated microwave measurements for complex permittivity determination of dielectric materials at X-Band frequencies. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP.28-31, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and ANGEL MEDIAVILLA SÁNCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2012) Microwave characterization of low-loss solid dielectric materials using rectangular waveguide. International Journal of Emerging Sciences ISSN 2222-4254, Volume: 2; Issue: 4; PP. : 526-532; 2012..

NIZAR ZRIGUI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Electrical performances comparison of semiconducting planar resonator's new topologies. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 92 No 3 December, 2012, pp.440-454.

NIZAR ZRIGUI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Study of new planar resonator's topologies little perceptible in variations of substratum's height. Circuits and Systems, 2012, 3, 223-229, ISSN: 2153-1293..

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O. SENHAJI, and M. ACHCHOUBI, and M.K. SKALLI, and E. DERWICH, and R. TAOUIL, and M. TOUZANI, and J.J. ROBIN, (2012) Cinétique de polymérisation d’un phosphonate méthylique de sodium en milieu aqueux (Polymerization kinetics of a sodium methylphosphonate in an aqueous medium). J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (4) (2012), PP. 706-711..

R. ELOUAHABI, and D. BOUZIDI, and N. ABGHOUR, and M.A. NASSIR, (2012) A Flexible Approch to Modelling Adaptive Course Sequencing based on Graphs implemented using Xlink. International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and applications, Vol.3, N°.2, 2012, ISSN : 2156-5570..

S. BOUCHIBA, and M. KHALOUI, (2012) Generalized second change of rings theorem for homological dimensions. International electronic journal of algebra 11 (2012) 38-45..

S. BOUCHIBA, and M. KHALOUI, (2012) Stability of GORENSTEIN Flat Modules. Glasgow Mathematical Journal 54, issue 1 (2012) 169-175..

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S. AGOUJIL, and A.H. BENTBIB, (2012) Symplectic Modified Gram-Schmidt as A Symplectic Householder SR Factorization. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 11, Issue 1, PP 58-69, 2012.

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S. BELMALHA, and M. EL IDRISSI, and G. ECHCHGADDA, and ALI AMECHROUQ, and S. BACHIR, (2012) Composition chimique des huiles essentielles de trois especes de thym sauvage au Maroc…. Phys. Chem. News, Vol. 63, 2012, PP. 121-127..

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and F. DUJARDIN, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, (2012) Hysteresis loops and susceptibility of a transverse Ising nanowire. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324, 2434-2441 (2012) (elsevier).

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, and M. KEROUAD, (2012) Hysteresis loops and phase diagrams of the spin-1 Ising model in a transverse crystal field. Chinese Physics Letters Vol. 29, N°1, 016101-1 (2012).

S. KASSIMI, and A. ELFADL, and S. BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and M. HABIBI, and M. BEN AHMED, (2012) Thermal effects of mobile phones. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2012, PP. 10-16.

S. KASSIMI, and S. BRI, and M. HABIBI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2012) Dosimetry at GSM frequencies. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP. 43-47, ISSN: 2320 2599..

S. KHARCHOUF, and L. MAJIDI, and M. ZNINI, and J. COSTA, and B. HAMMOUTI, and J. PAOLINI, (2012) Stereoselective Synthesis and Corrosion Inhibition Behaviour of Allyldihydrocarveols on Steel in Molar Hydrochloric Acid. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7 (2012), PP. 10325-10337..

S. M. BOUZZINE, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and F. SEREIN-SPIRAU, and J. P. LÈRE-PORTE, and J.M. SOTIROPOULOS, and A. IRAQI, (2012) Theoritical investigations on the electronic and optical properties of bridged oligothiophenes. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116 (39), pp 9730–9738..

S. TORRES-LOPEZ, and J.J. VILLALAIN, and A. M. CASAS, and H. EL OUARDI, and B. MOUSSAID, and V.C. RUIZ-MARTINEZ, (2012) Cretaceous widespread remagnetization in Mesozoic sediments of the High Atlas (Morocco). Magnetic properties constrained by paleo-basin geometry. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, soécial issue, p. 117, 2012..

SAFA ZAAKRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Bi-band rectangular array antenna. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No1,PP. 38- 42, 2012, ISSN: 2320- 2599..

SAFA ZAAKRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Simulation of a rectangular patch antenna. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 16-24.

SAID LAAFOU, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and AMAL ABOULKACEM, (2012) Etude de la qualité bactériologique des eaux de certains puits et sources de la région Sebt Jahjouh, province d'El Hajeb, Maroc. Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research,Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, PP. 267.

SAMIRA KHANNOUCHI, and FATIMA ELHILALI, and TOURIYA ZAIR, (2012) Biocidal effects of aqueous extract of the roots of anacyclus pyrethrum (Asteraceae) on Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) (Coleoptera : Bruchidae). Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry, 1(6), 2012, PP. 316-325.

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SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMMED ELALAMI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2012) Conception of the solar regulator for renewable energy. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2012, 3, 207-213, ISSN: 2151-4844..

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