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Number of items: 139.

A. ABDALLAOUI, and H. EL BADAOUI, (2011) Prediction of toxic levels of heavy metals in sediments from the river Beht Physico-chemical parametres. Phys. Chem. News 58, 2011, PP. 90-97.

A. AMARI, and N. EL BARI, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Contrôle qualité du lait de chèvre par un nez electronique portable basé sur des capteurs à oxydes mettaliques semi-conducteurs. Revue des Systèmes: Instrumentation, mesure, Metrologie, Vol. 11/1-2 (2011) pp.31-40, ISSN 1631-4670.

A. AMHOUD, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and S. ABOUARNADASSE, and M. MBARKI, (2011) Synthesis, characterization, and testingof catalysts derived from Mg-Al-CO3layered double hydroxides. Phys. Chem. News, 2011, vol. 58, pp. 105–109.

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Derivations On Prime Near-rings. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2011,PP. 162-167..

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Generalized Derivations and Commutativity of prime near-rings. Journal of Advanced research in Pure Mathematics Vol.3, Isssue.2 (2011)120-124..

A. BOUTOULOUT, and H. BOURRAY, and M. BADDI, (2011) Regional observability with constraints of the gradient. Int. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2011) Volume 73, N°2, 235-253.

A. CHEBAIBI, and F.RHAZI, and FILALI.A.AMINE, and M.ZERHOUNII, (2011) Effet bactericides(in vitro) des extraits aqueux des feuilles de grenadier mùarocain( punica granatum l;) sur des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques. Phytothérapie (2011) Volume 9, Number 3, June 2011, pp. 158-164(7)..

A. DALLI, and L. ZENKOUAR, and S. BRI, (2011) Theoretical analysis and optimization of circular sector microstrip antenna. International Journal of Computer Science and information Technology and security, vol. 1 N° 2, 2011, ISSN: 2249-9555, PP. 83-89.

A. EZZAHI, and BOUCHAIB MANOUN, and A. IDER, and L. BIH, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and M. AZROUR, and M. AZDOUZ, and J.M. IGARTUA, and P. LAZOR, (2011) X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies of BaSrMWO6 (MNi, Co, Mg) double perovskite oxides. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 985, Issues 2–3, 31 2011, PP. 339-345..

A. KASSOU, and A. AISSA, and H. EL KASMI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2011) Numerical modeling of the polymetallic bodies of Tighza deposit (Central Morocco) by using the GIS tool and geostatistics. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining Vol. 1(2), pp.018-026, 2011..

A. KASSOU, and M. AISSA, and H. EL KASMI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2011) Contribution of the Gis and the Geostatistical to the Numerical Modeling of the Polymetallic Bodies in the Tighza Mining District (Central Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences Vol. 3, N° 1 : 01-14, 2011..

A. OUBELKACEM, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and F. DUJARDIN, (2011) Modeling the influence of the seeding layer on the transition bahavior of a ferroelectric thin films. Elsevier Thin Solid Films Vol. 520, N° 1 ( 2011) PP. 646-650.

A. OUBELKACEM, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and F. DUJARDIN, (2011) The ferroelectric properties of films with defect layers. Phys. Scr. Vol. 83 N° 5, (Published 21 avril 2011).

A. RAHALI, and M. GUERBAOUI, and A. ED-DAHHAK, and Y. EL AFOU, and A. TANNOUCHE, and A. LACHHAB, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Development of a data acquisition and greenhouse control system based on GSM. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology,Vol. 3, No. 8, 2011, pp. 297-306, ISSN: 0975-5462.

A.CHAIBA, and F. RHAZI FILALI, (2011) Impact des opérations D'abattage dans les tueries traditionnelles sur la qualité bactérilogique de la viande de vollaille à meknès (Maroc). Tropicultura, 2011 29;3;161-167..

ABDELLAH EL ALLAOUI, and FOUZIA RHAZI FILALI, and BOUCHRA OUMOKHTAR, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2011) Evaluation de la toxicité aigue du colorant (Rhodamine B) utilisé dans la fabrication des saucisses traditionnelles dans la ville de meknès au Maroc. Scienc Lib, la science en liberté vol 3, N°111116, ISSN 2111-4706, nov. 2011 (16 pages).

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2011) Action insecticide de certaines huiles essentielles et végétales. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, Vol. 07(2),2011, 85-93..

ABDESLAM JAKIMI, and LAHCEN ELBERMI, and MOHAMMED EL KOUTBI, (2011) Software Development for UML Scenarios: Design, fusion and Code Generation. International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 6. N°. 5, pp. 683-687 (2011)..

ALI BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, (2011) Impact des eaux de la source ain hamma moulay driss sur la qualité des eaux de l'oued khoumane (Moulay Driss Zerhoune). Maroc. ScienceLib: vol 3 , N°110704 ISSN 2111 - 4706 (2011).

ALI CHAABA, and BOUSSHINE LAHBIB, and MOHAMED ABOUSSALAH, and HASSAN BOUDAIA, (2011) Plastic limit analysis with non linear kinematic strain hardening for metalworking process applications. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer), Volume 25, Number 11 (2011), 2859-2870.

ARHCHOUI, and EL AMRAOUI, and MEZZANE, and I. LUK'YANCHUK, (2011) Phase diagrams of ferroelectric thin film with diluted surface. Superlattices and Microstructurers,49 (2011), PP. 307–313..

B. BOUYA, and M. FAOUZI, and M. BEN ABBOU, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and M. BAHIR, and N. YOUBI, and M.A. HESSANE, (2011) L’aquifère côtier des Mnasra (plaine du Gharb, Maroc): hydrogéologie et modélisation hydrodynamique). Comunicações Geológicas, 98, 73-81, 2011..

B. MANOUN, and M. AZDOUZ, and M. AZROUR, and R. ESSEHLI, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and L. EL AMMARI, and A. EZZAHI, and A. IDER, and P. LAZOR, (2011) Synthesis, Rietveld refinements and Raman spectroscopic studies of tricationic lacunar apatites Na1−xKxPb4(AsO4)3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 986, Issues 1–3, 14, 2011, PP. 1-9.

B. MANOUN, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and L. BIH, and M. AZROUR, and A. EZZAHI, and A. IDER, and M. AZDOUZ, and H. ANNERSTEN, and P. LAZOR, (2011) Synthesis, structure, and high temperature Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy studies of Ba1.6Sr1.4Fe2WO9 double perovskite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 1, 5, 2011, PP. 66-71.

B. OUCHAO, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2011) Statistical Analysis of Common qubits Between Alice and Bob in BB84 Protocol. Journal of Contemporary Engineering Sciences Vol. 4 (2011), no. 8, 363-370.

D. ABRID, and A. EL HMAIDI, and A. ABDALLAOUI, and O. FASSI FIHRI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2011) Pollution impact on Boufekrane river water’s (Meknes – Morocco) : Physico-chemical and bacteriological study. Phys. Chem. News 58, 2011, PP. 98-104.

D. BOUZIDI, and R. ELOUAHABI, and N. ABGHOUR, (2011) Semantic annotation system for a collaborative learning. Interntional J. of Coputer Sciences Issues, V.8, Issue 6, N°1, November (2011) P. 18, ISSN : 1694-0814.

E. ZERRIK, and M. OUZAHRA, (2011) An unbounded stabilization problem for distributed linear systems. Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 177, Number 3 (2011), 500-513..

E. ZERRIK, and M.OULD SIDI, (2011) Regional controllability for in-finite dimentional bilinear systems: approach and simulations. Int.Jour. Cont. (2011) Vol. 84 N°12, pages 2108-2116.

E. ZERRIK, and Y. BENSLIMANE, and A. EL JAY, (2011) Regional gradient stabilisation forlinear distributed systems. Int.Review of Aut. Control. (2011) Vol 4 N°5, PP. 755-765..

EL ADDOULI J., and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. BERRAHOU, and A. CHAFI, and A. ENNABILI, (2011) Approche de la qualité biologique de l'oued ouislane, au voisinage des effluents bruts de la région de Meknès. Larhyss journal, Vol. 09, 2011, PP. 21-33..

EL FADL ADIBA, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2011) Uniform rectangular smart antenna based on matrix pencil. Journal of basic and applied scientific research, ISSN 2090-4304 vol.1, N°12, PP. 3322-3329, 2011.

EL MOKHTAR EL OUARIACHI, and JULIEN PAOLINI, and ABDELHAMID BOUYANZER, and PIERRE TOMI, and BELKHEIR HAMMOUTI, and RACHID SALGHI, and LHOU MAJIDI, and JEAN COSTA, (2011) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oils and solvent extracts of Thymus capitatus L.) Hoffmanns and link from Morocco. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Vol. 5(24), 2011, PP. 5773-5778..

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, and CHALLALI, (2011) An Application of discrete Algorithms asymmetric Cryptography. International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, N°. 49, 2409 - 2418.

F. BENTATA, and M. LABHILILI, and A. ELAISSAMI, and S. BARY, and C. H. YESLEM, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2011) Analysis of diversity genetic of moroccan net blotch populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) markers. African journal of biotechnologie vol.10(39), pp7548-7554 (2011).

F. BOUKHLIFI, and A. BENCHEIKH, and H. AHLAFI, (2011) Caractérisation et propriétés d’adsorption de la chitine traitée à haute température. Phys. Chem. News, 2011, vol. 58, pp. 67–72.

F.Z EL ALAOUI, and HANS ZWART, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2011) Spectral Condition Implied by Observability. SIAM J. Control Optim. V. 49 N 2 pp 672-685 (2011).

FATIMAZOHRA LENDA, and NADINE CROUZIN, and MÉLANIE CAVALIER, and JANIQUE GUIRAM, and FABIEN LANTÉ, and GÉRARD BARBANEL, and CATHERINE COHEN-SOLAL, and JEAN MARTINEZ, and FARHATE GUENOUN, and FRÉDÉRIC LAMATY, and MICHEL VIGNES, (2011) Synthesis of C5-tetrazole derivatives of 2-amino-adipic acid displaying NMDA glutamate receptor antagonism. Amino Acids, Springer, Vol. 40, N°3, 2011, , pp. 913-922..

G. CRISTOFARI, and M. ZNINI, and L. MAJIDI, and A. BOUYANZER, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, and J. PAOLINI, and B. HAMMOUTI, and J. COSTA, (2011) Chemical Composition and Anti-Corrosive Activity of Pulicaria Mauritanica Essential Oil Against the Corrosion of Mild Steel In 0.5 M H2SO4. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 6, 2011, PP. 6699 – 6717..

GAVAZZI G, and FILALI-ZEGZOUTI Y, and A.C. GUYON, and DE WAZIERES B, and LEJEUNE B, and GOLMARD JL, and J. BELMIN, and F. PIETTE, and ROTHAN-TONDEUR M, (2011) French healthcare workers in geriatric healthcare settings staunchly opposed to influenza vaccination: the VESTA study. Vaccine, Vol. 29(8), 2011, PP. 1611-1616.

GHIZLANE BENCHEIKH, (2011) Improved Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve the Aircraft Landing Problem. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 3, N° 2, 2011, ISSN: 1793-8201..

GHIZLANE BENCHEIKH, (2011) Improved Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve the Aircraft Landing Problem. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2011.ISSN : 1793-8201.

H. BENSAID, and L. BIH, and B. MANOUN, and M. AZROUR, and A. EL BOUARI, and P. LAZOR, (2011) X-ray structure refinement of solid solution Ba2.15−xNa0.7+xNb5−xWxO15 and the investigation of the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transition by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 988, Issues 1–3, 8, 2011, PP. 136-143.

H. BOURRAY, and A. BOUTOULOUT, and M. BADDI, and FATIMA-ZAHRAE EL ALAOUI, (2011) Regional boundary observability with constraints. Int. Review of automatic control V4 N°6 (2011), PP. 846-854..

H. MAGOUSSI, and M. BOUGHRARA, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and M. KEROUAD, and F. DUJARDIN, (2011) Effect of Biaxial Crystal Field on Magnetic Properties on a Spin-1 Ising System. J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. (2011) 24;577-584, ISSN 1557-1939.

HAMID MOUNIR, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and SEDDIK BRI, (2011) Modeling of Multi-wave Proportional Chamber Detector. International Journal of Science and advanced Teechnology ( ISSN 2221-8386), Vol. 1, N° 9, 2011, PP. 89-96.

HOUDA LAMRANI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and JAMAL EL BADAOUI, and ABDESLAM ENNABILI, (2011) Evaluation de la qualité physicochimique et bactériologique de l'oued boufekrane au voisinage des effluents de la ville de Meknès (Maroc). ScienceLib : vol 3 , N°111112, ISSN 2111 - 4706 (2011).

J. ASSIM, and H. OUKHABA, (2011) Stark units in Zp-extensions. Functiones § Approximatio, 45,1 (2011), 105-124.

J. FOSHI, (2011) Technique to evaluation the input reflection coefficient of infinite arrays of printed dipoles. Physical and Chemical News (PCN), Vol 60, PP. 44-46, 2011, ISSN 1114-3800.

JOËLLE RISS, and JUAN LUIS FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, and COLETTE SIRIEIX, and OUASSIMA HARMOUZI, and ANTOINE MARACHE, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2011) A methodology for converting traditional vertical electrical soundings into 2D resistivity models: Application to the Saïss basin, Morocco. GEOPHYSICS. VOL. 76, NO. 6 (November December 2011); PP. B225–B236,.

JUANJO LEDOA, and ALAN G. JONESB, and AGATA SINISCALCHIC, and JOAN CAMPANYÀA, and DUYGU KIYANB, and GERARDO ROMANOC, and MOHAMED ROUAI, and TOPOMED MT TEAMA, (2011) Electrical signature of modern and ancient tectonic processes in the crust of the atlas mountains of morocco. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Volume 185, Issues 3–4, April 2011, Pages 82–88.

K. LOUDIYI, and A.MOURADI, (2011) Optimization of the conditions of preparation and study of the activation of a carbon OBTAINED FROM olive cake. Phys. Chem. News 58, 2011, PP. 83-89.

K. ZTOT, and EL H. ZERRIK, and H. BOURRAY, (2011) Regional control problem for distributed bilinear systems: approach and simulations. International Journal of Appl. Mathematics Comput. Siences (2011), Vol. 21, N°. 3, PP. 499-508.

KHAFFOU MOHAMED, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, (2011) Impact de la gestion coutumière dans la zone humide d’Aguelmam sidi Ali (Moyen Atlas-Maroc) sur le tadorne Casarca5Tadorna ferruginea). ScienceLib: vol 3 , N°111007, Issn 2111 - 4706 (2011).

L. EZZINE, and A. LACHHAB, and A. ED-DAHHAK, and M. ATENCIA, and F. GARCÍA-LAGOS, and G. JOYA, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) A methodology for identification of greenhouse humidity based on Recurrent Radial Basis Functions. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (IJMS), N° S11, 8 (2011) 17-24..

L. LASRI, and M. NOUARI, and M. EL MANSORI, (2011) Wear resistance and induced cutting damage of aeronautical FRP components obtained by machining. Wear (Elsevier), Volume 271, Issues 9–10, 29 July 2011, Pages 2542–2548.

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Left Multipliers and Jordan Ideal in Rings With Involution. African Diaspora Journal of mathematics V.11 Number 1 (2011), 24-28..

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Lie ideals and centralizing generalized derivation of rings with involution. Beitr Algebra Geom. 2011, vol. 52, no2, pp. 349-355..

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Posner's second theorem for Jordan ideals in rings with involution. Expositiones Mathematicae 29 (2011) 415–419.

L. OUKHTITE, and L. TAOUFIQ, (2011) Commutativity of Involutorial Rings with constrains on Left Multipliers. Communication in mathematics and Applications Vol.2 No 1, 2011, PP.15-20..

L. TELESCA, and T.E. CHERKAOUI, and M. ROUAI, (2011) Revealing scaling and cycles in earthquake sequences. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.11(2011) No.2, PP.137-142..

LAKHDAR SALIM GUEBBOUB, and MASSAOUD HAMIANE, and MOUHYDDINE KADI-HANIFI, and SAID KAMEL, (2011) Characterization of a composite material in adobe subjected to natural weathering: The case of El Hara Djelfa-Algeria. International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(25), pp. 5982-5987, 23 October, 2011..

M. AZROUR, and M. AZDOUZ, and B. MANOUN, and R. ESSEHLI, and S. BENMOKHTAR, and L. BIH, and L. EL AMMARI, and A. EZZAHI, and A. IDER, and A. AIT HOU, (2011) Rietveld refinements and vibrational spectroscopic studies of Na1−xKxPb4(PO4)3 lacunar apatites (0≤x≤1). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 72, Issue 11, 2011, PP. 1199-1205..

M. BADDI, and H. BOURRAY, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2011) Constrained observability for parabolic systems. Int. J. of Math. Analysis 2011 n°35 pp1695-1710.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Additive local spectrum compressors. Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 435(2011) Issue 6, PP. 1473-1478.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Locally Spectrally Bounded Linear Maps. Mathematica Bohemica 136, (2011) n°1,81-89.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Surjective linear maps preserving certain spectral radII. Rocky Mountain, journal of Mathématics , vol 41, number 3, 2011, 727-735..

M. BENZAGGAGH, (2011) Activités volcaniques sous-marines à la limite Jurassique-Crétacé dans le Rif Externe. Age et relation avec la sédimentation et la paléogéographie du sillon rifain externe. Comptes Rendus Géoscience, Volume 343, n° 4, 2011, PP. 302-311 (avril 2011).

M. BERKANI, and H. ZARIOUH, (2011) Perturbation results for weyl type theorems. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol 1, pp. 119-132, 2011..

M. BERKANI, and M. SARIH, and H. ZARIOUH, (2011) Browder type theorems and SVEP. Mediterr. J. Of Math, 8, N° 3, 399-409, 2011.

M. BOUGHRARA, and M. SABER, and M. KEROUAD, (2011) The Effect of the Transverse Crystal Field on Magnetic Properties of a Spin-3/2Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model. CHINESE J. of Physics V.49 N°2 (2011), PP. 672-684.

M. CASTRO, and B. KUMAR, and J-F. FELLER, and Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Novel e-nose for the discrimination of volatile organic biomarkers with an array of carbon nanotubes (CNT) conductive polymer nanocomposites (CPC) sensors. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol 159 (2011) p.213-219.

M. DOUAD, and A. JELLAL, and E.B. CHOUBABI, and E. H. EL KINANI, (2011) Bipartite and Tripartite entanglement of truncated harmonic oscillator coherent states via beam splitters. Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 44(2011), 325301-325316.

M. DOUAD, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2011) Extended Weyl-Heisenberg Algebra, phase operator, unitary depolarizers and generalized Bell states. Physics Letters A Volume 375, Issue 25, 20 June 2011, Pages 2492–2497.

M. EL AMANE, and KERBAL, and H BENDIFI, (2011) Synthse et caracterisation des ligands salenes a longue chaine salenh2:H2Ln=2,3,6,8,10, et de leurs complexes de cuivre II. Phy. Chem news 58, 2011, PP. 43-49.

M. EL AMANE, and M. FAHIM, (2011) Synthese et caracterisation par rx, infrarouge des diphosphates Ca2P2O7,2H2O,Na2CaP2O7,2H2O et des composites CaP2o7(NH3((NH3(CH2)CH2)nNH3),H2N=2,3. Phys.Chem news 58, 2011, PP. 37-42..

M. EL AMANE, and R. NABOUKH, and Y. KENNOUCHE, (2011) Caracterisation de l'equilibre totaumerique du salicylideneglycine et de ces complexes du Cu(II),Ni(II), Zn(II) et Cd(II) par RMN1h,13C Eet par spectroscopie infrarouge. Phy. Chem news 58, 2011, PP. 30-36.

M. FAHIM, and A. AMECHROUQ, and J.L. MARCO-CONTELLES, and M. CHIOUA, (2011) Cyclisation des metatheses en -ynes par action d'un catalyseur cationique PtCl2. Phys. Chem. News, 62, 2011, PP. 138-141..

M. IFTISSANE, and S. BRI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2011) Design and Modelling of Broad band Patch Antennas. * AMSE: A General Physics and Electrical Applications Vol. 84, Issue 2, 2011, PP. 78-98.

M. RADOUANI, and A. NAAMANE, and A. SAKA, (2011) Modeling of aircraft braking system : component orientd approach. International Journal of Research an Reviews in Machatronic Design and Simulation, Vol 1, N° 3, 2011, PP. 43-48, ISSN 2046-6234.

M. RADOUANI, and B. EL FAHIME, and N. MOUJIBI, and B. RZINE, and K. JABALLI, (2011) 3D Geometry and tolerance modeling for phsical simulation. International Journal of Research an Reviews in Machatronic Design and Simulation ISSN 2046-6234 Vol 1 N° 1, PP. 18-22, 2011 ISSN 2046-6234.

M. RADOUANI, and B. EL FAHIME, and N. MOUJIBI, and B. RZINE, and K. JABALLI, and J. LOUATI, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, (2011) Computer-Aided dimensioning of multi-physics system in a design strategy : application to slider-crak mechnism. International Journal of Research an Reviews in Machatronic Design and Simulation ISSN 2046-6234 Vol 1 N° 1, 2011, PP. 1-6.

M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Approaching the power logarithmic and difference Means by iterative algorithms involving the power binomial mean. International Journal of Mathematics Sciences (2011), Article ID 687825, 12 pages.

M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Stability and Stabilizability for Means. Applied Mathematics E-Notes issn 1607-2510 , 11 (2011), PP. 159-174..

M. RAISSOULI, and R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, (2011) Approaching a class of multi-criteria optimizationproblems via the schur-convexity. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (2011)Vol. 9, Issue 2, 203-216..

M. RAISSOULI, and R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, (2011) Subdifferential approach for solving the multi-objective optimization problem, approximation by the interior-point algorithm. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 70 (2011), No. 7, 2011, 901-914..

M. SERHANI, and J. L. GOUZE, and N. RAISSI, (2011) Dynamical study and robustness for a nonlinear wastewater treatment model. ELSEVIER. Nonlinear analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011) 487-500.

M. TILIOUA, (2011) 2D-1D dimensional reduction in a toy model for magnetoelastic interactions. Applications of Mathematics,56 (2011), N°. 3, 287--295..

M. ZEGMOUT, and Y. BASRAOUI, and M. MEZIANE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and S. DEMNATI, and A. CHAFI, (2011) Pollution bacteriologique de la zone cotiere saidia/Molouya(région orientale du Maroc). Rev. Microbiol.Ind Sam en Environn.Vol 5,n°2:P 71-85, 2011..

M. ZNINI, and G. CRISTOFARI, and L. MAJIDI, and H. MAZOUZ, and P. TOMI, and J. PAOLINI, and J. COSTA, (2011) Antifungal activity of essential oil from Asteriscus graveolens against postharvest phytopathogenic fungi in apples. Nat. Prod. Comm., Vol. 6 (11), 2011, PP. 1763-1768.

M. ZNINI, and L. MAJIDI, and A. LAGHCHIMI, and J. PAOLINI, and B. HAMMOUTI, and J. COSTA, and A. BOUYANZER, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, (2011) Chemical Composition and Anticorrosive Activity of Warionia Saharea Essential Oil Against the Corrosion of Mild Steel In 0.5 M H2SO4. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 6 , 2011, PP. 5940 – 5955..

M. ZNINI, and M. BOUKLAH, and L. MAJIDI, and S. KHARCHOUF, and A. AOUNITI, and A. BOUYANZER, and B. HAMMOUTI, and J. COSTA, and S. S. AL-DEYAB, (2011) Chemical composition and inhibitory effect of Mentha Spicata essential oil on the corrosion of steel in molar hydrochloric acid. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 6, 2011, PP. 691-704..

M.A. VALENTE, and L. BIH, and H. BIH, and M.P.F. GRAÇA, (2011) Crystallization and physical properties of alkali phos-phomolybdate glasses containing niobium oxide. Phys. Status Solidi C, Volume 8, Issue 11-12, 2011, PP. 3091–3094..

M.A. VALENTE, and L. BIH, and M.P.F. GRAÇA, (2011) Dielectric analysis oftungsten–phosphoniobate 20A2O–30WO3 –10Nb2O5 –40P2O5 (A = Li, Na) glass–ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 357, Issue 1, 2011, PP. 55-61.

M.TIJ, and A. SANTOS, (2011) Non-Newtonian couette-poiseuille Flow of a Dilute Gaz. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences V.4 N°1 (2011), PP. 361-384.

MOHAMED ZEGMOUT, and EL ADDOULI JAMAL, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and DEMNATI SALIMA, and ABDELHAFID CHAFI, (2011) Bioaccumulation de quelques métaux lourds (Zn,Fe,Cu,Pb,Cd) chez la petite prairie au niveau de l'embouchure de la moulouya (Maroc Nord Oriental). ScienceLib : vol 3 , N°111212, ISSN 2111 - 4706 (2011).

MOHAMED ZEGMOUT, and YAHYA BASRAOUI, and EL ADDOULI JAMAL, and DEMNATI SALIMA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and ABDELHAFID CHAFI, (2011) Bioaccumulation des terres rares par des moules 5Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamark) (Mollusque lamellibranche) récoltées sur la cote mediterranéenne de saidia (Est du Maroc) et contamination expérimentale. ScienceLib: vol 3 , N°110702 Issn 2111 - 4706 (2011).

MOHAMED ABDOU ELOMARY, and JEAN-PIERRE TIGNOL, (2011) Springer's theorem for tame quadratic forms over Henselian fields. Journal: Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 269 (2011), no. 1-2, 309-323.

MOHAMED BEN-DAOUD, (2011) Additive maps preserving the reducel minimum modulus of operators. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 337-346, 2011.

MOHAMED BEN-DAOUD, and O. MOUHADDACH, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and S. EL JAAFARI, and A.LAYACHI, and M.-P.KESTEMONT, (2011) Conception d’un SIG pour l’évaluation de l’impact des activités anthropiques sur la qualité des eaux superficielles de la ville de Meknès (Maroc). Cahiers de l’ASEES, Vol. 16, N° 1, 2011, PP. 17 - 25..

MOHAMED ZNINI, and GREGORY CRISTOFARI, and LHOU MAJIDI, and HAMID MAZOUZ, and PIERRE TOMI, and JULIEN PAOLINI, and JEAN COSTA, (2011) Antifungal activity of essential oil fromAsteriscus graveolens against postharvest phytopathogenic fungi in apples. Natural Product Communications Vol. 6 N°11 PP. 1763-1768, 2011.

MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and A. ECHCHARY, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and M. AMINE, and M. HAMIDI, and A. AMINE, and T. ZAIR, (2011) Oligothiophenes bridges by silicon groups, DFT study of structural and electronic properties. Phys. Chem. News, Vol. 58, 2011, PP. 61-66.

MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and A. TOUNSI, and M. HAMIDI, and J-P. LERE-PORTE, and T. LAKHLIFI, (2011) Selective chemical szynthesis of organic polymers. FeCl3oxidation of Silyl-Conjugated Momomers. Phys. Chem. News 57,2011, PP. 124-127.

MOULAY DRISS BELRHITI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Complex Permittivity of Low loss Materials in the X Band. International Journal of Science and advanced Teechnology ( ISSN 2221-8386), Vol. 1, N° 6, 2011, PP. 221-224.

MOULAY DRISS BELRHITI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Complex Permittivity Measurement for Dielectric Materials at Microwave Frequencies Using Rectangular Waveguide. European Journal of Scientific Research, V.49 N.2 (2011) pp 234-248.

MOULAY RCHID SIDI AMMI, and B. AGNIESZKA MALINOWSKA, (2011) Existence of solutions for a coupled quasilinear system on time scales. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011, No. 131, pp. 1–11..

MUSTAPHA EL OSSMANI, (2011) A convergence of a MFE-FV method for immiscible compressible flow in heterogeneous porous media. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier) Volume 81, Issue 10, June 2011, Pages 2103–2128.

MUSTAPHA IFTISSANE, and SEDDIK BRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Conception of patch antenna at wide band. Int. J. Emerg. Sci. 1(3), PP. 400-417 2011, ISSN: 2222-4245.

N. KERKOURI, and M. HADDAD, and TARIBOU, and A.CHAHINE, and L. LAÂNAB, (2011) FTIR, Raman,EPR and optical absorbtion spectral studies on V2O5-doped cadmium phosphate glasses. Physica B 406 (2011) 3142-3148.

N. LAHHIT, and A. BOUYANZER, and J.M. DESJOBERT, and B. HAMMOUTI, and R. SALGHI, and J. COSTA, and C. JAMA, and F. BENTISS, and L. MAJIDI, (2011) Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) Essential Oil as Green Corrosion Inhibitor of Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution. Port. Electroch. Acta., Vol. 29, 2011, PP. 127-138..

N. SAIFI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and G. ECHCHGADDA, (2011) Genetic diversity of caper plant (Capparis ssp.) from north morocco. Journal of food, agriculture§ environnement vol.9 pp 299-304 (2011), Online ISSN: 1459-0263.

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2011) Effective Permittivity of Two-Phase Composites: Numerical Modeling by the FDTD Method. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386), Vol. 1, N° 8, 2011, PP. 53-58.

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and LAHCEN BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Complex permittivity determination with the transmission / reflection method. Int. J. Emerg. Sci. 1(4), PP. 682-695, 2011, , ISSN: 2222-4245.

O. SENHAJI, and R. TAOUIL, and M.K. SKALLI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and B. HAMMOUTI, and M. HAMIDI, and S. D. AL DYAB, (2011) Experimental and Theoretical Study for Corrosion Inhibition in Normal Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Some New Phophonated Compounds. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 6, 2011, PP. 6290-6299..

OUSSOUADDI, O. and DARIDON, L. and AHZI, S. and CHRYSOCHOOS, A. (2011) Influence of Dissipated Energy on Shear Band Spacing in HY100 Steel. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 133. 021002-1-021002-6. ISSN 0094-4289

R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, and M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Multicriteria optimisation approach of the electricity distribution planning network problem. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Maths., V.4,N°3, 2011..

ROTHAN-TONDEUR M, and FILALI-ZEGZOUTI Y, and GOLMARD JL, and DE WAZIERES B, and F. PIETTE, and F. CARRAT, and LEJEUNE B, and GAVAZZI G, (2011) Randomised active programs on healthcare workers' flu vaccination in geriatric health care settings in France: the VESTA study. The journal of nutrition, health and aging. Vol.15(2), 2011, PP.126-132.

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and M. KEROUAD, and F. DUJARDIN, (2011) The Magnetic Properties of the Spin-1 Ising System with the effect of the Transverse crystal Field. J.Supercond. Nov. Magn. (2011) Vol. 24, Issue 1-2, PP.571-575.

S. BOUTKHIL, and M. EL IDRISSI, and SAID CHAKIR, and MUSTAPHA DERRAZ, and ALI AMECHROUQ, and ABDERROUF CHBICHEB, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, (2011) Antibacterial andantifungal activity of extracts and essential oils of seriphidium herba-alba(asso) sojak and their combination effects with the essential oils of dysphnia ambrosioides (L) mosyakin and clements. Acta Bot. gallica,158(3),425-433, 2011.

S. KASSIMI, and S. BRI, and M. HABIBI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2011) Application of the finite differences method (FDTD) for the modeling of sar in biological tissues. Phy. Chem. News 60 (2011), PP. 31-40, ISSN 1114-3800.

S. KHANNOUCHI, and MALAOUI EL BELGHITI, and M. CHOUKRAD, and T. ZAIR, (2011) Use of aqueous extract of the roots af ancyclus pyrethrum (Asteraceae)as an insecticide. Phy. Chem news 58, 2011, PP. 50-55.

SEDDIK BRI, and SAFA ZAAKRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Simulation of dual and broadband patch antenna. European journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216x, vol. 49, N°4, PP. 237-249, 2011.

SEDDIK BRI, and SAMIRA KASSIMI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2011) Specific absorption rate (SAR)distribution in the human head at global system mobil (GSM) frequencies. European journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216x, vol. 49, N°4, PP. 590-600, 2011.

SONIA BENABDESSELAM MAHDAOUI, and MOHAMED BENZAGGAGH, and SALOUA RAZGALLAH, and ALOUANI REBAH, and BENZRTI RAKIA, (2011) Les associations des calionelles du berriasien et du valaginien inferieur de la tunisie septentrionale.comparaison avec les associations du rif externe (Maroc). Comptes Rendus Palevol 10, 2011, 527-535.

X. C, and F. CESPEDOS, and M.I. PIVIDORI, and J.M.GUEZ.HADDI, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, and M.D.VALLE, (2011) Bioelectronic Tongue Employing Enzyme-modified Sensors For the resolution of phenolic Antioxidant Mixtures. American Institute of Physique Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1362 (2011) 96-97 (2 pages), ISSN 0094-243X (print).

YOUSSEF AOURA, and SERGE BOUDE, and PHILIPPE DAL SANTO, and LATIFA OUZIZI, (2011) Experimental Validation of Pressure Cycle for Superplastic Forming of Ti–6Al–4V alloys. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Mechatronics Design and Simulation Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2011, PP. 32-36 ISSN: 2046-6234.

Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and A. OULD ALI, and N. EL BARI, and H. BARHOUMI, and A. MAARIF, and N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Discrimination and identification of geographical origin virgin olive oil by an e-nose based on MOS sensors and pattern recognition techniques. Procedia Engeneering 25 (2011) 1137-1140 ( Elsevier SciVerse ScienceDirect).

Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and F. E. ANNANOUCH, and A. OULD ALI, and NEZHA EL BARI, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Potential of a Portable Electronic Nose for Control Quality of Moroccan traditional fresh cheeses. Sensor Letters, 2011, Vol. 9, 2229-2231.

Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and H. ALAMI, and N. EL BARI, and E. LLOB, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) A portable electronic nose system for the identification of cannabis-based drugs. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol 155, Issue 2, (2011) 456-463..

Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and J.M.GU, and IÉRREZ, and X. C, and A.MIMENDIA, and M.D.VALLE, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2011) Data Fusion from Voltammetic and Potentiometric Sensors to build a Hybrid Electronic Tongue Applied in classification of Beers. American Institute of Physique Conference, Proceedings, Vol. 1362 (2011)189-190 (2 pages), ISSN 0094-243X (print).

إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش, (2011) الصلات الودية و الاتفاقيات السلمية بين الجزيرة العربية و العالم البزنطي خلال القرن الأول الهجري/السابع الميلادي. التاريخ العربي، عدد56،2011.

إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش, (2011) طرق القوافل التجارية وانتقال السلع بين الخليج وبلاد المغارب في العصر الوسيط"عمان والمغرب العربي نمودجا". حركة الإنسان والأعمال بين دول الخليج والمغرل العربي، 2011 ( بحوث مؤتمر علمي منعقد في دولة الكويت).

إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش, (2011) نضرية الحوار في الحضارة الإسلامية كمنهج للتعاسش في مجتمع متعدد الثقافات. World Congress for islamic history and civilization: Multiculturalism in islamic history, 2011.

إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش, (2011) الجالية العمانية في بلاد الهند خلال العصر الإسلامي:قراءة تحليلية في أنساق إسهاماتها في الحوار الحضاري العماني-الهندي(من الفتخ الإسلامي حتى أواخر القرن الرابه الهجري/10م). بحوث الندوة الدولية : عمان والهند ... أفاق و حضارة- 2011.

إبراهيم القادري بوتشيش, (2011) حادثة إجلاء بعض مسيحي الأندلس نحو المغرب الأقصى سنة520ه/1126م:صدام أم تعايش؟. سيميائيات، يناير-مارس2011.

حماني أقفلي, (2011) اللغة و السلطان السياسي. المدرسة المغربية، عدد3،2011.

حماني أقفلي، عز الدين الخطابي, (2011) ترجمة لمقال:أزمة التربية. الأزمة الحديثة، عدد3-4،2011.

حماني أقفلي، نصر الدين الحافي, (2011) ترجمة لكتاب:بيداغوجيا الإدماج:أنظمة التربية والتكوين في قلب مجتماعاتنا. مكتبة المدارس، الدار البيضاء2011.

عبد الله بريمي, (2011) أنطولوجيا العمل الفني ودلالاته الهرمينوسية:تأملات في لوحات تشكيلية. مجلة الرافد، 90-99، يونيو 2011.

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