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ABDELMAJID DAYA, (2014) Contribution to the valorization of Moroccan wood in industry of laminated wood: Case of grown eucalypti and quercus ilex. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. May 2014, vol 3 (5), pp. 117-….

ABDELMAJID DAYA, (2014) Experimental study and numerical behavior solid wood and glued wood in requested mode I: Moroccan wood Case of grown eucalypti and quercus ilex. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. Jul 2014, vol 3 (7), pp. 1-6.


E. DERWICH, and Z. BENZIANE, and R. TAOUIL, and O. SENHAJI, and M. TOUZANI, (2010) Aromatic plants of Morocco: GC/MS Analysis of the essential oils of leaves of Mentha piperita. Advances in Environmental Biology, 4(1), PP. 80-85, 2010.

E. DERWICH, and Z. BENZIANE, and R. TAOUIL, and O. SENHAJI, and M. TOUZANI, (2010) Comparative essential oil composition of leaves of mentha rotundifolia and mentha pulegium a traditional herbal medicine in Morcco. American - Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 4(1), 47-54, 2010.

EL HASSOUANI YOUSSEF, (2014) Numerical simulation of the performance of dual junction a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H solar cell with AMPS-ID. IEEE, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), 2014, 701- 704.

ELHOUSSINE DERWICH, and ZINEB BENZIANE, and ABDELLATIF MANAR, and ABDELLATIF BOUKIR, and RACHID TAOUIL, (2010) Phytochemical Analysis and in vitro antibactterial activity of the Essential Oil of Origanum vulgare from Morocco. American - Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 5(2), PP. 120-129, 2010.

ELHOUSSINE DERWICH, and ZINEB BENZIANE, and RACHID TAOUIL, and OMAR SENHAJI, and MOHAMED TOUZANI, (2010) A Comparative study of the chemical composition of the leaves volatile oil of Juniperus phoenicea and Juniperus oxycedrus. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 5 (5), PP. 416-424, 2010.


O. SENHAJI, and E. DERWICH, and M.K. SKALLI, and A.H.BENALI, and M. ACHCHOUBI, and J.J. ROBIN, and M. FILALI-BABA, and R. TAOUIL, (2010) Synthesis characterization and photopolymerization of novel phosphonated materials. Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter, Vol. 12, N°. 2, 2010.


R. TOUIR, and N. DKHIRECHE, and M. EBN TOUHAMI, and M. SFAIRA, and O. SENHAJI, and J.J. ROBIN, and B. BOUTEVIN, and M. CHERKAOUI., (2010) Study of phosphonate addition and hydrodynamic conditions on ordinary steel corrosion inhibition in simulated cooling wate. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 122, pp.1-9, 2010.


ZAKARYAE EZZOUINE, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and ZAKARIA ABBASSI, and AMINE BENABDELLAH, (2014) Conception and Realization of a Sensor Electromagnetic Force-Displacement. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technolog, Vol-03, NO.10, Oct-2014, pp.268-271.

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