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A. AMHOUD, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and S. ABOUARNADASSE, and M. MBARKI, (2011) Synthesis, characterization, and testingof catalysts derived from Mg-Al-CO3layered double hydroxides. Phys. Chem. News, 2011, vol. 58, pp. 105–109.

ALLOUCH MALIKA, and ALAMI MOHAMMED, and FATIMA BOUKHLIFI, (2014) Kintic and energy study of thermal degradation of biomass materials under oxidative atmosphere using TGA, DTA and DSC. Journa of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), vol. 1 Issue 5,2014, pp. 74.

F. AGDA, and H. SADKI, and H. ZGOU, and M. N. BENNANI, and M. TALEB, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) New organic materials based on TTF-pyrazine for photovoltaic applications: Quantum chemical investigations. Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design,2014, Vol. 4 (3), PP. 52-60..

F. BOUKHLIFI, and A. BENCHEIKH, and H. AHLAFI, (2011) Caractérisation et propriétés d’adsorption de la chitine traitée à haute température. Phys. Chem. News, 2011, vol. 58, pp. 67–72.

F. BOUKHLIFI, and C EL AKILI, and H. MOUSSOUT, and A. BENZAKOUR, and H. AHLAFI, (2013) Treatment of Global Rejection of Electroplating Industry by Raw Chitin. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol. 8(1), pp: 13-23,2013..

H. MOUSSOUT, and H. AHLAFI, and MY. S. SLIMANI, and F. BOUKHLIFI, and I. DAOU, (2014) Bentonite/Chitosan Biocomposite As An Adsorbent For Hexavalent Chromium From Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 10, No. 6,2014.

H. SADKI, and M. N. BENNANI, and K. ALIMI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) Synthesis and characterization of new electroluminescent material based on carbazole, and terphenyl. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJRSET) Vol. 3, Issue 4, p. 11600-11611, April2014.

H. SADKI, and M. N. BENNANI, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) New materials based on diketo-pyrrolo-pyrrole for Solar cells application”. Journal Mater. Environ. Sci. «JMES», Vol. 5 (S1)(2014), PP. 2156-2162..

HAMMOU AHLAFI, (2013) Kinetics of N-Deacetylation of Chitin Extracted from Shrimp Shells Collected from Coastal Area of Morocco. Mediterraneen .Journal of .Chemistry, Vol. 2(3), p. 503,2013.

HAMOU MOUSSOUT, and SLIMANI MY SLIMANE, and SELMA CHRAIBI, and MOSTAFA ECH, and HAMMOU AHLAFI, (2014) Study of the Paranitrophenol Adsorption on the Commercial Bentonite. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, Vol. 4, No.6,2014.

IKRAM DAOU, and RACHID CHFAIRA, and OMAR ZEGAOUI, and ZAKARIA AOUNI, and HAMMOU AHLAFI, (2013) Physico-Chemical Characterization and Interfacial electrochemical properties of nanoparticles of anatase TiO2 Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method. Mediterraneen .Journal of .Chemistry, Vol. 2(4), p. 570,2013.

M. EL AMANE, and M. N. BENNANI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, (2012) Synthèse et caractérization par Rx, infra-rouge du diphosphate Na2MgP2O7, 2H2O et sesc compostes MgP2O7(NH3(CH2)nNH3), H2O n=2,3. Phys. Chem. News, Vol. 63, 2012, PP. 90-95.

MALIKA ALOUCH, and FATIMA BOUKHLIFI, and MOHAMED ALAMI, (2014) Study of the Thermal Behavior of Almond Shells and AcorrnCups for Pruduction of Fuel Briquettes. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, Vol, 4 N°5,2014.

MUSTAPHA BEN EL HOUARI, and OMAR ZEGAOUI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, (2014) Development of Mathematical Models To Forecasting The Monthly Precipitation. American Jounal of Engeneering Research (AJER), Volume-03, Issue-11, pp-38-45, 2014.

MUSTAPHA BEN EL HOUARI, and OMAR ZEGAOUI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, (2013) Utilisation des réseaux de neurones artificiels pour la prédiction de certains paramètres climatiques de la ville de Meknès au Maroc. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 5 , N ° 131103,2013, ISSN: 2111-4706.

MY. S. SLIMANI, and H. AHLAFI, and H. MOUSSOUT, and F. BOUKHLIFI, and O. ZEGAOUI, (2014) Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium and phenol onto Bentonite Modified With HexaDecylTriMethylAmmonium Bromide (HDTMABr). Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 8, No.2,2 0 1 4.

MY. S. SLIMANI, and H. AHLAFI, and H. MOUSSOUT, and R. CHFAIRA, and O. ZEGAOUI, (2014) Evaluation of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters of Chromium Adsorption on a Organobentonite. International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science (IJARCS),Volume 1, Issue 5, July2014, PP 17-29.

N. BELGHITI, and M. BENNANI, and M. HAMIDI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) New compounds based on anthracene as a good candidate for organic dye-sensitized solar cells: Theoretical investigations. African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 6(14), 2012, PP 164-172..

N. BELGHITI, and M. N. BENNANI, and SI MOHAMED BOUZZINE, and MOHAMED HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2013) Quantum Chemical Investigation ofthe Photovoltaic Properties of Conjugated MoleculesBased Oligothiophene and Carbazole. Journal of Applied Chemical Research (7, 4, 71-84,2013..

N. BELGHITI, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and K. ALIMI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) Synthesis and characterization of novel copolymers based on carbazole and anthracene, for optoelectronic applications. Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 10, No. 3,2014, ISSN 2321-807X, 2430-2440.

N. BELGHITI M.N. BENNANI, and M. HAMIDI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) New compounds based on anthracene for organic solar cells applications. Mater, Environ, Sci, 5 (S1)(2014), PP. 2191-2197.

N. BELGHITI M.N. BENNANI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2014) The DFT Chemical Investigations of Optoelectronic and Photovoltaic Properties of Short-Chain Conjugated Molecules. Phys. Chem. Res., Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 11-20, June2014..

O. QABAQOUS, and N. TIJANI, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and A. EL KROUK, (2014) Preparation and characterization of supports plans from the (Rhassoul) Clay for mineral membranes. Journal Mater. Environ. Sci. “JMES”5 (S1)(2014) 2244-2249..

OMAR ZEGAOUI, and NAJIA MOUKRAD, and IKRAM DAOU, and FOUZIA RHAZI FILALI, and LATIFA LOUAZRI, and HAMMOU AHLAFI, (2014) Study of the influence of the shape and size of the ZnO nanoparticles synthesized from different precursors on the antibacterial activity. Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 10, No. 2,2014.

S. Chraibi, and M. Allouch, and F. Boukhlifi, and M. Alami, and CHRAIBI, and ALLOUCH, and BOUKHLIFI, and ALAMI, (2014) Study of the effect of solid waste reinforcing on the thermal behavior of a nanocomposite. Mor,J,Chem 2 N°5(2014) 490-493.

S. MEKDAD, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and H. AHLAFI, (2014) Elaboration d’un nanomatériau à partir d’une cellulose microcristalline et d’une Hydrotalcite Mg2AlCO3 (Elaboration of a nanomaterial from microcrystalline cellulose and a Hydrotalcite Mg2AlCO3). Journal Mater. Environ. Sci. 5 (S1)(2014) 2236-2243.

S. MEKDAD, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and M. DIOURI, (2014) Effect of the Mg/Al ratio and of the rate of reinforcement on the synthesis of a nanocomposite Cellulose/Hydrotalcite. Journal of Advances in Chemistry “J.A.C”, Vol. 10 No. 4 August 19,2014..

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