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ABOUMERIEM IMANE, and ISMAILI MOHAMMED, and NASSIRI LAILA, and BEN MESSAOUD BTISSAM, and LAHRACH ZAKARIA, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2013) Effet du stress salin sur la croissance, la nodulation et la nutrition minérale de la légumineuse arbustive « Medicago arborea». ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 5 , N ° 130703, 2013.

B. BEN MESSAOUD, and I. ABOUMERIEME, and L. NASSIRI, and EL FAHIME EL., and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Phenotypic and genotypic characterizations of rhizobia isolated from Meknes-Tafilalet soils and study of their ability tonodulateBituminaria.bituminosa. British Microbiology Research Journal. Vol.: 4, Issue.: 4, PP. 405-417, 2014.

BEN MESSAOUD BTISSAM, and ABOUMERIEM IMANE, and LAHRACH ZAKARIA, (2013) Effect Of Rhizobium Tibeticum On The Growth And Mineral Nutrition Of Bituminaria Bituminosa L. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 5 , N ° 131112, 2013, ISSN 2111-4706.

DAOUDI A, and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and A. BOUKIL, (2014) Etude ethnobotanique du Pyrèthre d'Afrique "Anacyclus pyrethum L." dans le cercle Meknès, El Hajeb, Khénifra, Azrou et Ifrane - Maroc. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 140504, 2014.

DAOUDI AMINE, and ZERKANI SAIDA, and NASSIRI LAILA, and BOUKIL MOHAMED, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2013) Inventaire des Plantes Médicinales de la Commune d’Aguelmouss - Province de Khenifra-Maroc. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 5, N ° 131012, 2013, ISSN 2111-4706.

F. BENTATA, and EL AISSAMI A., and M. LABHILILI, and S. SERBOUTI, and N. CHTAINA, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2010) Utilisation de la lutte biologique comme moyen de lutte alternative contre la rayure réticulée de l’orge. Revue des Regions Arides, Numéro Special 24 (2/2010) pp. 1294-1298.

F. BENTATA, and M. LABHILILI, and A. ELAISSAMI, and S. BARY, and C. H. YESLEM, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2011) Analysis of diversity genetic of moroccan net blotch populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) markers. African journal of biotechnologie vol.10(39), pp7548-7554 (2011).

K. TAIBI, and F. BENTATA, and M. LABHILILI, and F. BENTOURTOU, and EL ALAOUI FARIS F.E., and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and EL AISSAMI A., (2014) Evaluation de l’effet antifongique de l’extrait aqueux deThymelaeasp. SurPyrenophora teres. Revue Marocaine de Protection des Plantes, 2014, N° 6: 21-28.

L. BACHIRI, and N. LABAZI, and F. MOKHTARI, and ECHCHEGADDA G, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and F. OUDIJA, and L. NASSIRI, (2014) Lavandula L. Taxonomy: bibliographic review, taxonomy and biogeography of some Moroccan species. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 141002, 2014.

M. BAMMOU, and K. SELLAM, and EL-RHAFFARI L., and G. ECHCHGADDA, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and L. NASSIRI, (2014) Activité antibactérienne (in vitro) de l'extrait aqueuxdes feuilles d'Anvillea radiata (Coss and Dur) sur des bactéries multirésistantes à des antibiotiques. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 140503, 2014.

N. D. DURADO, and D. POWLSON, and R. ABU BAKAR, and O.O.S. BACCHI, and C. PHAN THI, and G. KEERTHISINGHE, and M. ISMAILI, and S. M. RAHMAN, and K. REICHARDT, and M.S.A. SAFWAT, and R. SANGAKKARA, and D.T. TERUEL, and L.C. TIMM, and JIA YU WANG, and E. ZAGAL, and C. V. KESSEL, (2010) Multi-season recoveries of nitrogen- 15 in crops and soil from organic and inorganic sources in tropical cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal,Vol. 74. N°1. January-February, pp.139-152, 2010.

N. SAIFI, and G. ECHCHGADDA, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2010) The morphological characterization of caper plant (Capparis ssp.) in North Morocco. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Vol. 8 (2): 876-881, 2010.

N. SAIFI, and G. ECHCHGADDA, and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Aptitude à la rhizogenése et à la germination de quelques écotypes marocains du câprier (Capparis spp). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 141201, 2014.

N. SAIFI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and G. ECHCHGADDA, (2011) Genetic diversity of caper plant (Capparis ssp.) from north morocco. Journal of food, agriculture§ environnement vol.9 pp 299-304 (2011), Online ISSN: 1459-0263.

NAOUAL SAIFI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and GHIZLANE ECHCHGADDA, (2013) In vitro propagation via seeds of Capparis ovata Desf. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(21), PP. 3235-3238, 2013.

RACHID RAZOUK, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and ABDELLAH KAJJI, (2013) Optimal Time of Supplemental Irrigation during Fruit Development of Rainfed Olive Tree (Olea europaea, cv. Picholine marocaine) in Morocco. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3(4), PP. 685-697, 2013, ISSN: 2231-0606.

RACHID RAZOUK, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and ABDELLAH KAJJI, and MOHAMMED KARROU, (2013) Response of Peach, Plum and Almond to Water Restrictions Applied during Slowdown Periods of Fruit Growth. American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol.4, PP. 561-570, 2013.

RFAKI A., and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Genetic diversity and phosphate solubilizing ability of Triticuma estivum rhizobacteria isolated from Meknes region, Morocco. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 8 (19):1931-1938, 2014.

RFAKI A., and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere of Some Cultivated Legumes from Meknes Region, Morocco. British Biotechnology Journal. 4(9): 946-956.

RHIZLANE BELBARAKA, and OLIVIER TRÉDAN, and ISABELLE RAY-COQUARD, and GISELLE CHVETZOFF, and AGATHE BAJARD, and DAVID PÉROL, and NABIL ISMAILI, and ISMAILI MOHAMMED, and HASSAN ERRIHANI, and THOMAS BACHELOT, and PAUL REBATTU, (2010) Factor of interrupting chemotherapy in patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. BCM Research Notes 3: 164, 2010.

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