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Number of items: 87.

A. AKOUIBAA, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and A. DEROUICHE., (2013) Simulation of the Optical Properties of Gold Nanorods : Comparison to Experiment. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 9, p. 657, September2013..

A. ED-DAHHAK, and M. GUERBAOUI, and Y. EL AFOU, and A. LACHHAB, and L. BELKOURA, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2013) Implementation of Fuzzy Controller to Reduce Water Irrigation in Greenhouse Using Labview. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Studies (IJEATS), Vol.1, Issue 2, 2013, pp 12-22..

A. EL BAKKALI, and T. LAMHASNI, and M. HADDAD, and S. AIT LYAZIDI, and S. SANCHEZ-CORTES, and E. DEL PUERTO NEVADO, (2013) Non-invasive micro Raman, SERS and optical absorption analysis of coloring materials in ancient Moroccan Islamic manuscripts. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,2013, 44, PP. 114-120.

A. HALIMI, and A. ROUKHE, and A.ABDENBI, and NEZHA EL BARI, (2013) Sorting Dates Fruit Bunches Based On Their Maturity Using Camera Sensor System. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology October. Vol. 56. No.2, pp. 324-337 ,2013..

A. MAKHOUTE, and H. AGUENY, and SOUMIA CHQONDI, (2013) Floquet theory in electron_helium scattering in ND:YAG laser field. Optical and Photonic Journal,2013, 3, 18-27, ISSN Online:2160-889X.

A. MKHIDA, (2013) Reliability Assesment of Safety Instumented Systems Integrating Intelligent Field Devices. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) volume 3 No 1 junuary2013..

A. MKHIDA, and B. ZOUHRI, and A. EJJEDOUI., (2013) Performance evaluation of Safety Instrumented Systems using Markovian approach. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineerieng and Development, issue3, Vol. 2 (May 2013)..

A. NAAMANE, and M. RADOUANI, and AKROUT S., and B. EL FAHIME, and J. CHOLEY, (2013) Modeling of mechatronic aircraft braking system. IJMRAE, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering. Ascent International Journals. ISSN: 0975-7074. Volume 5, n° 2. Pages 37 à 48, Avril2013..

A. NAAMANE, and N. MHAITI, and M. RADOUANI, and B. EL FAHIME, (2013) Co-operative simulation geometric-physical of a multidisciplinary aircraft mechanism. IJRAME, International Journal of Research in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. ISSN: 2321-3051. Volume 1, Issue7. Pages 274 à 280, November2013.

A. OUARI, and M. BENHAMOU, and A. AKOUIBAA, and A. DEROUICHE., and A.R. SENOUDI, and A. BOUSSAID, (2013) Numerical study of the optical properties of core-shell bimetallic nanospheres gold-gold and gold-silver: comparison to experiment. International Journal of Academic Research Part A ,5, 53-69,(2013)..

A. QARCHI, and H. BELKEBIR, and A. MIR, and A. BOUZID, (2013) Efficient coupling of light wave into slow modes planar photonic crystal slab waveguides. International Journal of physical Sciences, Vol.8(18), pp. 848-853,2013..

A. SAADI, and S. BRI, (2013) Non-Linear Optimization of Small Size Microwave Directional Coupler design Using Implicit Space. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 2, No.4, July – August 2013, PP. 117-121..

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, (2013) Effects of the random field on the magnetic behavior of nanowires with core/shell morphology. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 331, April2013, Pages 37–44.

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, (2013) Monte Carlo study of the magnetic behavior of a mixed spin (1, 3/2) ferrimagnetic nanoparticle. Solid State Communications, Volume 158, pp. 76–81 (elsevier), 2013.

ABDESLAM AHMADI, and ET ALL, (2013) A Noval Decoder Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Linear Block Codes. International Journal Communications, Network and system Sciences2013, 6, 66-76..

AHMED MOUSSAOUI, and TOURIA BOUZIANE, (2013) Comparative study of the effect of the parameters of sizing data on results by the meshless methods (MLPG). World journal of mechanics,2013, 3, 82-87.

AIT TALEB, and A. CHAABA, and M. SALLAOU, (2013) Efficiency Evaluation of Continuously Variable Transmissions Including a Planetary Gear Train. Energy and Power Engineering,2013, 5, 153-160..

ALI CHAABA, (2013) Reliability assessment by analytical calculation of the plastic collapse load of thin pressure vessels with strain hardening and large deformation. Thin-Walled Structures 62(2013) 46–52..

ANOUAR DALLI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and EL FADL ADIBA, and MOHAMED HABIBI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Circular Array with Central Element for Smart Antenna. Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2013, 3(3) : 86-95.

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and M. BENTALEB, and K. SBAI, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J.L. SAUVAJOLB, (2013) Infrared-active modes infinite and infinite double-walled boron nitride nanotubes. Physica E 48, 140 - 147,(2013)..

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and M. BENTALEB, and K. SBAI, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J.L. SAUVAJOLB, (2013) infrared active modes in finite and infinite double walled boron nitride nanotubes. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 48, February2013, Pages 140–147,Elsevier.

EL FADL ADIBA, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2013) DOA using Matrix Pencil for Uniform Circular Array with One Snapsho. European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 105 No 2 July 2013, PP. 203-210.

ELGADARI M, and A. FATU, and M. HAJJAM, and M. BELHAQ, (2013) Computation Of The Compliance Matrix For Rotary Lip Seal. “HIDRAULICA”Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics, (No.2/2013), P. 75-83, ISSN 1453 – 7303.

H. AIT BOUH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and ET ALL, (2013) Variations saisonnières des particules atmosphériques et ses composants chimiques dans la ville de Meknès-Maroc. Journal of Materials and Environment Science,4(1),(2013), pp. 49-62.

H. BELKEBIR, and A. QARCHI, and A. MIR, and A. BOUZID, (2013) Effecient coupling of light wave into slow modes planar photonic crystal slab waveguides. International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 8(18), pp. 848-853,2013..

H. EL HASSANI, and N. BOUTAMCHACHATE, and J. KNOR, and M. EL HANNAOUI, (2013) Study of a low-temperature Stirling engine driven by a rhombic drive mechanism. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engneering, vol. 4(40), pp. 1-11,2013.

H. MAGOUSSI, and A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, (2013) Effects of the random magnetic field on the hysteresis behavior of spin-1 Ising nanotube. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 15(5-6), pp. 481-486 (2013).

H. MAGOUSSI, and A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, (2013) Effects of the trimodal random field on the magnetic properties of a spin-1 Ising nanotube. Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(11), p. 116401,2013..

H. MAGOUSSI, and A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, (2013) Theoretical investigations of the phase diagrams and the magnetic properties of a random field spin-1 Ising nanotube with core/shell morphology. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,344:109–115, 2013.

H. ZAGHAR, and M. SALLAOU, and A. CHAABA, (2013) Support at the choice of solutions to the phase of preliminary design based on reliability analysis « Application to geared-drive and direct-drive wind turbines ». International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1, Jan-Feb (2013), pp. 150-162..

HAMID MOUNIR, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Micromegas Performance Based In Argonisobutane And Argon-Demethyl-E. European Scientific Journal December 2013 /SPECIAL/ edition vol.4, PP. 548-556..

HAMID MOUNIR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Micromegas Detector Using55Fe X-ray Source. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, Issue 3 volume 1, January-February 2013..

HICHAM EL MGHARI, and MOHAMED ASBIK, and HASNA LOUAHLIA-GUALOUS, (2013) Condensation heat transfer in horizontal non-circular microchannels. Energy and Power Engineering, vol,5 (9), pp: 577-586,(2013).

I. AJANA, and D. KHALIL, and A. MAKHOUTE, (2013) The second Born approximation in laser assisted inelastic electron-helium collisions. Phys. Chem. New,68 (2013), pp. 07-16.

I. MANSSOURI, and M. MANSSOURI, and B. BOUDEBBOUZ, and A. MOUCHTACHI, and B. EL KIHEL, (2013) Fault detection and diagnosis of a distillation column using rbf-bp neural networks. Journal of Information, Intelligence and Knowledge (JIIK), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Volume 5, 2013, ISSN: 1937-7983.

I. MOUALLIF I, and A. LATRACH, and M. CHERGUI, and A. BENALI, and M. ELGHORBA, and Z. MOUALLIF, and N. HANGOUËT, and J.P. BARBE, (2013) Degradation of dynamic mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced polyester composites pipes after immersion in various temperatures. Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 48(24) 3025-3034(2013)..

I. OZGA, and A. BONAZZA, and S. AIT LYAZIDI, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and A. BEN-NCER, and N. GHEDINI, and C. SABBIONI, (2013) Pollution impact on the ancient ramparts of the moroccan city Salé. Journal of cultural heritage2013, PP. S 25-S33 (elsevier).

J. AAZZA, and K. ELMEBROUKI, and M. KHECHOUBI, and A. KHMOU, (2013) Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Study of Four Perovskite Layer Compounds [NH3-(CH2)3-COOH]2 CuCl4 , [CH3-(CH2)7-NH3]2CuCl4 , [NH3-(CH2)8-NH3]CuCl4, AND [NH3-(CH2)10-NH3] CuCl4. Journal of Asian Scientific Research,2013, Volume 3, Issue 11, Pages 1072-1077.

J. AAZZA, and K. ELMEBROUKI, and TAKNI, and M. KHECHOUBI, and A. KHMOU, (2013) UV-Visible Absorption Study of Some Perovskite Layer Compounds. Journal of Asian Scientific Research,2013, Volume 3, Issue 11, Pages 1078-1082.

K. ELMEBROUKI, and M. KHECHOUBI, and A. KAÏBA, and A. BELAARAJ, and D. MONDIEIGC, and P. NEGRIER, (2013) Preparation, Crystal Structure and Caracterization of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Perovskite [NH3-(CH2)10-NH3] ZnCl4. Journal of Asian Scientific Research,2013, 3(5), pp. 454-461.

LAHSAINI, and M. ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Broadband impedance matching techniques for microwave ampliflers [10-12]GHz. International Review on Modelling and Simulations . Jun2013, Vol. 6 Issue 3, PP. 953-961..

M. BENHAMOU, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, and H. KAÏDI., (2013) Rigorous study of the unbinding transition of biomembranes and strings from morse potentials. Conference Papers in Mathematics,Volume 2013, (2013)..

M. BENHAMOU, and F. ELHAJJAJI, and K. ELHASNAOUI, and A. DEROUICHE., (2013) Colloidal aggregation in critical crosslinked polymer blends. Chinese Journal of Physics 51, 4, 700(2013)..

M. BENHAMOU, and H. KAÏDI., (2013) Unbinding transition from bio membranes with associated polymers. European Physical Journal E, 36:125(2013)..

M. D. BELRHITI, and S. BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2013) Dielectric Properties by Rectangular Waveguide. Int. J. Emerg. Sci., 3(2), 163-171, June 2013..

M. D. BELRHITI, and S. BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2013) Water Content Effect on the Dielectric Properties of Cellular Concrete Material. Sciknow Publications Ltd. 2013, 1(2): 12-15 Advances in Microwave and Wireless Technologies.

M. GUERBAOUI, and A. ED-DAHHAK, and Y. EL AFOU, and A. LACHHAB, and L. BELKOURA, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2013) Implementation of Direct Fuzzy Controller In Greenhouse Based on Labview,. International journal of Electronics Engineering Studies (IJEEES), Vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2013, pp 1-13..

M. GUERBAOUI, and Y. EL AFOU, and A. ED-DAHHAK, and A. LACHHAB, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2013) PC-Based Monitoring For Drip Irrigation System. , International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 5, N° 1,2013, pp. 221-225..

M. GUTIÉRREZ, and Z. HADDI, and A. AMARI, and B. BOUCHIKHI, and A.MIMENDIA, and X. C, and M. DEL VALLE., (2013) Hybrid electronic tongue based on multisensor data fusion for discrimination of bers,. Sensors and Actuators B, 117,2013, pp, 989-996.

M. LARIF, and A. SOULAYMANI, and M. HNACH, and A.EL MILOUDI, (2013) Contamination spatio temporelle d'origine hydrique de l'oued Boufkrane dans la région de Meknès-Tafilalt. International Journal of biological and chemical chemical sciences, 7(2013) :172-184.

M. RADOUANI, and T. BOUJIHA, and R. MESSOUSSI, and N. IDRISSI, and A. ROUKHE, (2013) A Method Of LSB Substitution Based On Image Blocks And Maximum Entropy. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 1, pp. 371-374,2013.

M. RADOUANI, and Y. AOURA, and B. EL FAHIME, and L. OUZIZI, (2013) 3D CAD model reconstruction of a human femur from MRI images. IJACSA, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. The Science and Information Organisation. ISSN: 2156-5570. Volume 4, n° 4. Pages 59 à 61, Mai2013..

M.TAHIRI, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and ET ALL, (2013) Evaluation of airborne particulate matter pollution in Kenitra city of Morocco. An interdisciplinary Journal of applied science,2013: 8(1): 38-47.

M.TAHIRI, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and ET ALL, (2013) TXRF characterizationand source identification by positive matrix factorization of airborne particulate matter sampled in Kenitra city (Morocco). X-ray Spectrometry Journal, 42(2013) 284-289.

MABROUK BENHAMOU, (2013) Advances in Carbon Nanomaterials: Science and Applications. Contemporary Physics, vol 54, 2, 135-136(2013)..

MABROUK BENHAMOU, (2013) Applied Quantum Field Theory to general diffusion-reaction phenomena. Conference Papers in Mathematics,Volume 2013, 2013..

MABROUK BENHAMOU, (2013) The Theory of Intermolecular Forces. Contemporary Physics, Vol 54, issue 4, 227-228(2013)..

MOHAMED SALHI, and ABDESLAM EL-JOUNI, and RACHID EL-BACHTIRI, (2013) Maximum power point tracker using fuzzy control for photovoltaic system. International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology (IJERMT), Volume 2,Issue 1, January2013, PP. 105-113,ISSN: 2278-9359.

MOHAMMED ELALAMI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Parameters Efficiency of Solar Energy. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Issue 3, Vol.4 (June-July 2013), PP. 175-186..

MOHAMMED LAHSAINI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Design of Broadband Low Noise Amplifier Based on HEMT Transistors in the X-Band. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol 5 No 1 Feb-Mar 2013, PP.468-476..

MOSTAPHA EL JAI, and BRAHIM HERROU, and HUSSAIN BENAZZA, (2013) Integration of a risk analysis method with holonic approach in an isoarchic context. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Vol 5 No 6Dec 2013-Jan 2014 , Pages 5196-5206,ISSN : 0975-4024.

N. JEBBOR, and S. BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and M. CHAIBI, (2013) Calibration-Independent Measurements for Complex Permittivity Determination of Low-Loss Dielectric Materials at Microwave Frequencies. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 4 (5) (2013) 613-616..

NADIA IDRISSI, and AHMED ROUKHE, and LHOUSSAINE MASMOUDI, and MOHAMED RADOUANE, and ROCHDI MESSOUSSI, (2013) A Robust digital watermarking technique using DWT-DCT and statics blocks. International journal of computer science issues, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p. 45,2013.

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) 2D Study of Inclusion Shape Effect on the Effective Permittivity of Random Inhomogeneous Media. J. Basic. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(3)400-404, 2013..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2013) Afast calibration-independent method for complex permittivity determination at microwave frequencies. Measurement 46 (2013) 2206–2209..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2013) A Microwave Measurement Method for Complex Permittivity Determination of Dielectric Materials at Ku-Band. Sciknow Publications Ltd. Physics and Technical Sciences, PTS 2013, 1(1):6-9..

NIZAR ZRIGUI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Study and Optimization of a “Shunt Open Loop” Resonator Integrated into the IMUX Part of a Satellite in Band C. European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 104 No 2 June, 2013, PP. 270-283.

OMAR ANSARI, and MOHAMED ASBIK, and ABDELLAH BAH, and ABDELAZIZ ARBAOUI, and AHMED KHMOU, (2013) Desalination of brackish water using a passive solar still with a heat energy storage system. Desalination vol, 324, pp: 10-20,(2013).

RIOUCH, and T. EL-BACHTIRI, and R. SALHI, (2013) Robust sliding mode control for smoothing the output power of DFIG under fault grid. International Review on Modelling and Simulations;Aug 2013, Vol. 6 Issue 4, p1264, ISSN : 1974-9821.

S. BOUHOU, and A. ZAIM, and A. AINANE, and M. KEROUAD, and R. AHUJA, (2013) Magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic thin film with four spin interaction: A Monte Carlo simulation study. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 339, Pages 127–132,2013.

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and F. DUJARDIN, and R. AHUJA, and M. SABER, (2013) Magnetic Properties of Diluted Magnetic Nanowire. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism , January2013, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp 201-211,Springer.

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and R. AHUJA, and F. DUJARDIN, (2013) Phase diagrams of diluted transverse Ising nanowire. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 336, PP. 75-82,2013.

S. EL-JALLAL, and M. OUDICH, and Y. PENNEC, and B. DJAFARI-ROUHANI, and V. LAUDE, and J-C. BEUGNOT, and A. MARTINEZ, and J. MARIA ESCALANTE, and A. MAKHOUTE, (2013) Analysis of optomechanical coupling in two-dimensional square lattice phoxonic crystal slab cavities. Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 88, Issue 20-15, 205410,2013.

S. FOUIDEL, and H. BOUNOUIRA, and S. AIT LYAZIDI, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, (2013) Evaluation de la pollution en métaux lourds dans l'oued Sebou ( Maroc). Sciencelib Jounal5(2013) ISSN 2111-4706.

S. LAHNA, and D. OULDHADDA, (2013) Effet de la dissipation visqueuse sur la convection forcee pour les fluides newtoniens dans un tube avec flux de chaleur surfacique variable. Phys. Chem. News, Vol. 67, pp. 74-77,2013.

S. SALHI, and A. SAADI, and R. EL-BACHTIRI, (2013) Design of a boost DC/DC converter for optimal operation of a photovoltaic panel supplying a resistive load. Physical and Chemical News, Volume 67 January2013, PP. 70-37,indexed by Scopus - Elsevier, ISSN 1114-3800.

SAFA ZAAKRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2013) Conception of Bi-band Rectangular Microstrip Array Antenna. Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 12, No. 1, June 2013, PP. 23-36..

SAID EL YAMANI, and SAMIR ZERIOUH, and MUSTAPHA BOUTAHRI, and AHMED ROUKHE, (2013) Classification and Identification of Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Agents Taken from Remote Sensing Image by Using Neural Network. Journal of Physical Science and Application vol 4 N°3 pp 177-182,2013.

T. EL HAFI, and M. BENHAMOU, and K. ELHASNAOUI, and H. KAÏDI., (2013) Fluctuation spectra of supported membranes via long-flexible polymers. International Journal of Academic Research Part A 5, 5(2013)..

T. LAMHASNI, and S. AIT LYAZIDI, and M. HNACH, and M. HADDAD, and D. DESMAELE, (2013) Photo-physics study of hydroxy-quinoline derivative as ihnibitor of Pim-1 kinase: UV visible linear dichroism spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. Spectrochimica Acta A, 113 (2013) 452-458.

Y. BENHOURIA, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and R. AHUJA, and F. DUJARDIN, (2013) Monte Carlo study of long-range interactions of a ferroelectric bilayer with antiferroelectric interfacial coupling. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetismn Volume 26, Issue 10, pp 3075-3083,2013.

YOUSSEF RHAZI, and SEDDIK BRI, and RAJAA TOUAHANI, (2013) Effect of Microstrip Antenna Feeding in the K-band. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol 4 No 6 Dec 2012-Jan 2013, PP. 515-522..

YOUSSEF RHAZI, and SEDDIK BRI, and RAJAA TOUAHANI, (2013) Feeding Effect of Microstrip Patch Antenna ArrayIn the Q-band. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH Volume No. 1, Issue No. 4, June - July 2013, 278 - 282...

YOUSSEF RHAZI, and SEDDIK BRI, and RAJAA TOUAHANI, and AHMED MAMOUNI, (2013) A Novel Circular Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna in the K-band. European Journal of Scientific Research, olume 116 No 2, Dec, 2013, PP. 287-293..

Z. EL GORFTE, and N. CHERKAOUI, and A. BOUZID, and A. ROUKHE, (2013) Multi-Data Embedding In To RGB Image With Using SVD Method. International Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol 10 (5), p. 190-193,2013.

Z. HADDI, and H. ALAMI, and N. EL BARI, and S. MABROUK, and H. BARHOUMI, and A. MAARIF, and N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, and BENACHIR BOUCHIKHI, (2013) Electronic nose and electronic tongue combination for improved classification of Moroccan virgin olive oil profiles. Food Research International, Volume 54, Issue 2,2013, Pages 1488-1498..

Z. NGADI, and M. BENHAMOU, and A. SALEK, and M.R. KABIRI, (2013) Reliability approach to multiple corrosions : Comparison to experiment. International Journal of Academic Research Part A 3, vol 5, N° 3, 154(2013)..

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