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Number of items: 61.


A. AHMADI, and F. EL BOUANANI, and HUSSAIN BENAZZA, and Y. BENGHABRIT ., (2012) Reduced Complexity Iterative Decodig of 3D-Product Block Codes Based on Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Volume2012, article ID 609650, 8 pages..

A. BELCADI, and M. ASSOU, and E. AFFAD, and EL H. CHATRI, (2012) CH4/Nox Reduced Mechanisms Used for Modeling Premixed Combustion. Energy and Power engineering ,2012, 4, 264-273, ISSN: 1949-243X.

A. BENAMI, and A. LOPEZ SUAREZ, and L. RODR´IGUEZ-FERN´, and A. CRESPO-SOSA, and J. C. CHEANG-WONG, and J. A. REYES-ESQUEDA, and A. OLIVER, (2012) Enhancement and quenching of photoluminescence from silicon quantum dots by silver nanoparticles in a totally integrated configuration. AIP ADVANCES 2, PP. 012193-1--012193-10 (2012), ISSN : 2158-3226..

A. DALLI, and L. ZENKOUAR, and S. BRI, (2012) Conception of circular sector microstrip antenna and array. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP. 32-37, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

A. DALLI, and L. ZENKOUAR, and S. BRI, (2012) Low cost antenna multiband for mobile application. J. Basic. Sci. Res, 2(3), PP. 2662-2668, 2012, ISSN: 2090-4304.

A. EL AMRANI, and B. LUCAS, and B. RATIER, (2012) The effect of the active layer thickness on the performance of pentacene-based phototransistors. Synthetic Metals, Volume 161, Issues 23–24, January 2012, Pages 2566–2569..

A. HALIMI, and A. EL-KOURAYCHI, and A. BOUZID, and A. ROUKHE, (2012) Defects detection and extraction in textile imageries using mathematical morphology and geometrical features. Journal of signal processing theory and application 2012 n°1 pp1-6.

A. MAAROUFI, and O. OABI, and B. LUCAS, and A. EL AMRANI, and S. DEGOT, (2012) New composites of ZnO–P2O5/Ni having PTC transition and high Seebeck coefficient. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids Vol.358, N° 23, (2012) 3312–3317..

A. MAKHOUTE, and H. AGUENY, and S. CHQONDI, (2012) Resonant laser-assited excitation in electron-helium collisions. Phys. Chem. New, Vol.65, 1-8(2012)..

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, (2012) Effects of the random field on the magnetic behavior of nanoparticles with core/shell morphology. European Physical Journal Web of Conference, Vol. 29, N°. 00035, PP. 1-6, (2012)..

A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, and M. BOUGHRARA, and A. AINANE, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, (2012) Theoretical Investigations of Hysteresis Loops of Ferroelectric or Ferrielectric Nanotubes with Core/Shell Morphology. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism , 25 (2012) 2407-2414.

ABDELAHK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2012) Conception of the coupler with 3 branches. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 463-466.

ABDELAHK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and ADIBA ELFADL, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Conception of the coopler with 3 branches. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 463-466.

ABDELHAK BENDALI, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Size and design of broadband coupler. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP.20-23, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

ADIBA ELFADL, and LEKBIR BELRHITI, and HAMID BOUYGHF, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Analysis and Design of Narrow Band Filters for Telecommunications Applications. JOURNAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1, 2012, ISSN : 2042-8839..

ADIL SAADI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Charactérization of Dual band compact microstrip patch antenna using FDTD Method. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386), Volume 2 No 7, 2012, PP. 19-27.

ADIL SAADI, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Microwave filters design optimization by implicit space mapping technique. International journal of Emerging trends in enginneering and development, Issue 2, Vol. 7, 2012, PP. 369-379, ISSN: 2249-6149..

ANOUAR DALLI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Comparison of circular sector and rectangular patch antenna array in C-Band. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2012, 4, 457-467, ISSN: 1942-0749..

ANOUAR DALLI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Study of Circular Sector Patch Array Antenna with Two and Four Elements for C and X Band. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.81 No.2 (2012), pp.150-159.

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and K. SBAI, and M. BENTALEB, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J.L. SAUVAJOLB, (2012) Infrared spectrum of single walled boron nitride nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B » Volume 85 » Issue 11, 2012, 9pages, 115437-1, ISSN 1550-235x.

B. FAKRACH, and A. RAHMANI, and H. CHADLI, and K. SBAI, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and M. BENTALEB, and J.L. BANTIGNIES, and J-L SAUVAJOL, (2012) Computation of the infrared active modes in single-walled boron nitride nanotube bundles. J Phys Condens Matter. 2012 , 24(33):33530, ISSN 1361-648X.

B. LUCAS, and A. EL AMRANI, and A. MOLITON, and A. SKAIKY, and A. EL HAJJ, and M. ALDISSI, (2012) Charge transport properties in pentacene films: Evaluation of carrier mobility by different techniques. Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 69 (2012) PP. 99–103..

EL FADL ADIBA, and ANOUAR DALLI, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Circular patch array for smart antenna in C-Band. Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications, 2012; 2(6): 175-183, ISSN: 2167-7336.

EL FADL ADIBA, and SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Multipath elimination using matrix pencil for smart antenna with uniform linear array. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 87 No 3 October, 2012, pp.397-405.

H. AIT BOUH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and Y. NOACK, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M. TAHRI, (2012) Caractérisation physico-chimiques des particules atmosphériques en suspension et identification de leurs sources de pollution dans laz ville de Meknès au Maroc. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (3) (2012) 434-445, ISSN : 2028-2508.

H. MOUSTABCHIR, and Z. AZARI, and S. HARIRI, and I. DMYTRAKH, (2012) Three-Dimensional T-Stress to Predict the Directional Stability of Crack Propagation In A Pipeline With External Surface Crack. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 498 (2012) pp 31-41, ISSN: 1662-9795 ..

HADDI, and BOUGRINI, and IHLOU, and AMARI, and MABROUK, and H. BARHOUMI, and MAAREF, and EL BARI, and LLOB, and N. JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, and BOUCHIKHI, (2012) Geographical Classification of Virgin Olive Oils by Combining the Electronic Nose and Tongue. Sensors, IEEE Conf. Proc., Oct 2012, P.P 1-4, (ISSN: 1930-0395)..

HAMID MOUNIR, and SEDDIK BRI, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, (2012) Micromegas Signals Produced in Micromesh Based in Argon-Isobutane (Ar-isobutane) and Argon-Dimethyl-Ether (Ar-DME) Gas Mixtures. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.81 No.4 (2012), pp.465-475.

HAMID ZAGHAR, and MOHAMMED SALLAOU, and ALI CHAABA, (2012) Preliminary design support by integrating a reliability analysis for wind turbine. Energy and Power EngineeringISSN 1949-243XVolume: 04; Issue: 04; PP.: 233-240, 2012,.

J. FOSHI, (2012) Characterisation of rectangular microstrip antenna with a dielectric substrate of finite dimension by the methode of moments. Phys. Chem. News 65 (2012) 29-33, ISSN 1114-3800..

LEKBIR BELRHITI, and ADIBA ELFADL, and SEDDIK BRI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, and MOHAMED HABIBI, (2012) Design of dual behavior resonator filter for wireless communications. International Journal of Emerging trends in engineering and development (ISSN 2249-6149, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2012), PP. 1-10..

M. D. BELRHITI, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and M. HADDAD, and A. MAMOUNI, (2012) Dielectric constant determination of liquid using rectangular waveguide structure combined with EM simulation. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (3) (2012) 575-584 ISSN : 2028-2508.

M. D. BELRHITI, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and M. HADDAD, and A. MAMOUNI, (2012) Dielectric constant determination of liquid using rectangular waveguide structure combined with EM simulation. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (3) (2012), PP. 575-584 ..

MAJDOULINE LARIF, and ABDELMAJID SOULAYMANI, and MOHAMMED HNACH, and AZZEDINE ELMIDAOUI, (2012) Olive wastewaters' impact on oued boufekrane in meknès-tafilalet. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 236-240, 2012, ISSN : 1553-345X.

MOHAMMED LAHSAINI, and SEDDIK BRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, (2012) Modeling of a Low Noise Amplifier LNA Based on Phemt Transistors in the Band [0.8 - 2.8] GHz. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.84 No.2 (2012), pp.251 - 262.

N. JANATI IDRISSI, and CH. FALGUERES, and M. HADDAD, and R. NESPOUL, and M.A. EL HAJRAOUI, and A. DEBÉNATH, and L. BEJJIT, and J.J. BAHAIN, and P. MICHEL, and T. GARCIA, and L. BOUDAD, and K. EL HAMMOUTI, and A. OUJAA, (2012) Datation par ESR-U/Th combinées de dents fossiles de la région de Rabat-Témara : Grottes d’El Mnasra et d’El Harhoura 2, région de rabat-temara. Quaternaire, 23, (2012), 25-35, ISSN : 1965-0795..

N. JEBBOR, and S. BRI, (2012) Finite element modeling method for the prediction of the effective permittivity of random composite materials. International journal of advanced scientific and technical research, Issue 2, Vol. 6, PP. 309- 317, ISSN: 2249-9954, 2012..

N. JEBBOR, and S. BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and M. CHAIBI, (2012) Experimental complex permittivity determination of low-loss dielectric materials at microwave frequency band. International Journal of advanced scientific and technical research, Vol.5, Issue 2, PP. 1- 10, ISSN: 2249-9954, 2012..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Effective permittivity of periodic composite materiels: numerical modeling by the finite element method. Journal of Electromagnetic , 2012, 4,393-399..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) A Microwave Method for Complex Permittivity Extraction of Thin Materials. Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 11, No. 2, PP. 285-295, 2012, ISSN: 2179-1074.

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and A. M. SANCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2012) Unicalibrated microwave measurements for complex permittivity determination of dielectric materials at X-Band frequencies. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP.28-31, ISSN: 2320 -2599..

NAWFAL JEBBOR, and SEDDIK BRI, and ANGEL MEDIAVILLA SÁNCHEZ, and MOHAMED CHAIBI, (2012) Microwave characterization of low-loss solid dielectric materials using rectangular waveguide. International Journal of Emerging Sciences ISSN 2222-4254, Volume: 2; Issue: 4; PP. : 526-532; 2012..

NIZAR ZRIGUI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Electrical performances comparison of semiconducting planar resonator's new topologies. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 92 No 3 December, 2012, pp.440-454.

NIZAR ZRIGUI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Study of new planar resonator's topologies little perceptible in variations of substratum's height. Circuits and Systems, 2012, 3, 223-229, ISSN: 2153-1293..

R. ELOUAHABI, and D. BOUZIDI, and N. ABGHOUR, and M.A. NASSIR, (2012) A Flexible Approch to Modelling Adaptive Course Sequencing based on Graphs implemented using Xlink. International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and applications, Vol.3, N°.2, 2012, ISSN : 2156-5570..

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and F. DUJARDIN, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, (2012) Hysteresis loops and susceptibility of a transverse Ising nanowire. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324, 2434-2441 (2012) (elsevier).

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and M. SABER, and J. J. DE MIGUEL, and M. KEROUAD, (2012) Hysteresis loops and phase diagrams of the spin-1 Ising model in a transverse crystal field. Chinese Physics Letters Vol. 29, N°1, 016101-1 (2012).

S. KASSIMI, and A. ELFADL, and S. BRI, and A. NAKHELI, and M. HABIBI, and M. BEN AHMED, (2012) Thermal effects of mobile phones. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, 2012, PP. 10-16.

S. KASSIMI, and S. BRI, and M. HABIBI, and A. MAMOUNI, (2012) Dosimetry at GSM frequencies. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP. 43-47, ISSN: 2320 2599..

SAFA ZAAKRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Bi-band rectangular array antenna. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No1,PP. 38- 42, 2012, ISSN: 2320- 2599..

SAFA ZAAKRI, and LAHBIB ZENKOUAR, and SEDDIK BRI, (2012) Simulation of a rectangular patch antenna. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology and Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012, PP. 16-24.

SEDDIK BRI, and ADIL SAADI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2012) Characterization of Civil Engineering Materials in Microwave Frequency. European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.69 No.2 (2012), pp. 260-278.

SEDDIK BRI, and MOHAMMED ELALAMI, and ABDELRHANI NAKHELI, (2012) Conception of the solar regulator for renewable energy. Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2012, 3, 207-213, ISSN: 2151-4844..

Y. BELMAMOUN, and H. EZ-ZAHRAOUY, and M. KEROUAD, (2012) Phase diagram of antiferromagnet film sandwiches between ferromagnetic surfaces. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 25, 463-468 (2012).

Y. BENHOURIA, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and A. OUBELKACEM, and M. SABER, and F. DUJARDIN, (2012) Pyroelectric and dielectric properties of a ferroelectric bilayer system described by the transverse Ising model with long-range interactions. Physica Scripta, Vol. 86, N°4, 2012.

YOUSSEF RHAZI, and SEDDIK BRI, and RAJAA TOUAHANI, (2012) Effect of microstrip antenna feeding in the K-band. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 4 No 6 Dec 2012-Jan 2013, ISSN : 0975-4024;.

YOUSSEF RHAZI, and SEDDIK BRI, and RAJAA TOUAHANI, (2012) Q-band feeding microstrip antenna. International Journal of Microwaves Applications, Volume 1, No.1, 2012, PP.24-27, ISSN: 2320-2599..

YURI SHTESSEL, and MOHAMMED TALEB, and FRANCK PLESTAN, (2012) A novel adaptive-gain supertwisting sliding mode controller: Methodology and application. Automatica (Journal of IFAC) archive Volume 48 Issue 5, May,2012, Pages 759-769,.

Z. EL MALKI, and L. BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) A combined experimental and theoretical study of optoelectronic and geometric properties of a new copolymer based on Polyvinylcarbazole (PVK) and Poly (3-hexylthiophene) (PHT). Journal of Applied Chemical Research 20 (2012) 67-91, 2012, ISSN: 2008-3823.

Z. EL MALKI, and M. HAMIDI, and J-P. LERE-PORTE, and F. SEREIN-SPIRAU, and L. BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2012) Theoretical study of the geometric, electronic structure and properties of alternating donor-acceptor conjugated oligomers: carbazole (Cbz)-based 3,4 ethylenedioxythiophene (Edot). Adv. Mat. Lett., 2012, 3 (4), 266-272, ISSN : 0976-3961..

Z. EL MALKI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and M. HAMIDI, and L. BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, (2012) Theoretical Studies on the Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of the New π-conjugated Copolymers Based on Carbazole and Thiophene. Journal of Scientific Research, 4 (1), (2012) 119-133, ISSN: 2070-0245.

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