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A. ARBAOUI, and M. ASBIK, (2010) Constraints Based Decision Support for Site-Specific Preliminary Design of Wind Turbines. Energy and Power Engineering, ,2,161-170,2010.
A. ARBAOUI, and M. ASBIK, (2010) Constraints based decision support for site-specific preliminary design of wind turbines. Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 2, N° 3. PP.161-170, 2010.
A. ARBAOUI, and M. ASBIK, and K. LOUDIYI, and K. BENHAMOU, (2010) Added Value of power Control in Improving the Integration of Wind Turbines in weak Grid Condition. Energy and Power Engineering, ,2,230-237, 2010.
A. ARBAOUI, and M. ASBIK, and LOUDIYI.K, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, (2010) Added value of power control in improving the integration of wind turbines in weak grid conditions. Energy and Power Engineering, 2, 230-237, 2010.
A. BEN AMARA, and A. AZZOU, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and M. SCHVOERER, (2010) Zelliges of Al-Mansour Palace (XVIIe century, Meknes, Morocco): technological data. Phys. Chem. News 51 24-28, 2010.
A. BOUAYAD, and GEROM, and TA CH, and M. RADOUANI, and A. SAKA, (2010) Interface Characterisation in Aluminium Alloy Casting Reinforced with SG Iron Inserts. Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JARME). ISSN: 1737-9318. Volume 1, Issue no 4 Pages 226 à 231, Novembre 2010.
A. BOUAYAD, and M. RADOUANI, and A. SAKA, and CH. GEROM, (2010) Interface Characterisation in Aluminium Alloy Casting Reinforced with SG Iron Inserts. Journal of advenced research in Mechanical Engineeering, ISSN 1737-9318, Vol 1 issue 4 PP. 226-231, 2010.
A. EL AMRANI, and B. LUCAS, and A. SKAIKY, and T. TRIGAUD, and M. ALDISSI, (2010) Transparent pentacene-based photoconductor: High photoconductivity effect. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 51 , N°3, 33207, 2010.
A. EL AMRANI, and F. HIJAZI, and B. LUCAS, and J. BOUCLÉ, and M. ALDISSI, (2010) Electronic transport and optical properties of thin oxide films. Thin Solid Films 518, (2010), 4582-4585. 2010.
A. Khellouki, and J. Recha, and Hassan Zahouani, and KHELLOUKI, and RECHA, and HASSAN ZAHOUANI, (2010) Effect of the lubrication conditions on belt finishing. Journal of machine tools and manufacture, Volume 50, Issue 10, Pages 917-921, 2010.
A. MAKHOUTE, and D. KHALIL, (2010) The Effect of Laser Parameters on Electron-Atom Collisions. Nova Science Publishers, INC.pp. 121-170, 2010.
A. OUBELKACEM, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and F. DUJARDIN, and J. RICARDO DE SOUSA, and M. SABER, (2010) The magnetic properties of disordered Fe-Al alloys system. Physica A , 389, 3427, 2010.
A. ZAIM, and M. KEROUAD, (2010) Monte Carlo simulation of the compensation and critical behaviors of a ferrimagnetic core/shell nanoparticle Ising model. Physica A, 389, 3435-3442, 2010.
ALI CHAABA, (2010) Plastic Collapse Assessment of Thick Vessels Under Internal Pressure According to Various Hardening Rules. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,2010, vol. 132, issue 5,.
ALI CHAABA, (2010) Plastic collapse in presence of non-linear kinematic hardening by the bipotential and the sequential limit analysis approches. Mechanics Research Communications (ELSEVIER), Volume 37, Issue 5, July 2010, Pages 484–488.
ALI CHAABA, and BOUSSHINE LAHBIB, and DE SAXCE GERY, (2010) Kinematic Limit Analysis of Nonassociated Perfectly Plastic Material by the Bipotential Approach and Finite Element Method. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME, Volume 77, Issue 3 , 2010.
B. EL FAHIME, and B. RZINE, and N. MOUJIBI, and A. SAKA, and A. BOUAYAD, and M. RADOUANI, (2010) Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems by Bond Graphs And Monte Carlo Simulations. Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems" (JMSS). ISSN: 1737-9377. Volume 1, Issue no 4. Pages 204 à 212, Juillet 2010..
B. RZINE, and N. MOUJIBI, and A. SAKA, and M. RADOUANI, and B. EL FAHIME, (2010) Subsystem interaction of mechatronic system with clearance. International Journal of Systems Control, ISSN: 1737-927X. Volume 1, Issue no 3. Pages 122 à 130, May 2010..
E. DERWICH, and Z. BENZIANE, and R. TAOUIL, and O. SENHAJI, and M. TOUZANI, (2010) Aromatic plants of Morocco: GC/MS Analysis of the essential oils of leaves of Mentha piperita. Advances in Environmental Biology, 4(1), PP. 80-85, 2010.
E. DERWICH, and Z. BENZIANE, and R. TAOUIL, and O. SENHAJI, and M. TOUZANI, (2010) Comparative essential oil composition of leaves of mentha rotundifolia and mentha pulegium a traditional herbal medicine in Morcco. American - Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 4(1), 47-54, 2010.
E.TAIFI, and Y. EL AMRAOUI, and H. ARHCHOUI, and D.MEZZANE, and I. LUK'YANCHUK, (2010) Ising-Like model for ferroelectric phase transitions in tetragonal tungsten. Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter, Vol. 12, N°. 2, 2010.
ELHOUSSINE DERWICH, and ZINEB BENZIANE, and ABDELLATIF MANAR, and ABDELLATIF BOUKIR, and RACHID TAOUIL, (2010) Phytochemical Analysis and in vitro antibactterial activity of the Essential Oil of Origanum vulgare from Morocco. American - Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 5(2), PP. 120-129, 2010.
ELHOUSSINE DERWICH, and ZINEB BENZIANE, and RACHID TAOUIL, and OMAR SENHAJI, and MOHAMED TOUZANI, (2010) A Comparative study of the chemical composition of the leaves volatile oil of Juniperus phoenicea and Juniperus oxycedrus. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 5 (5), PP. 416-424, 2010.
H. CHADLI, and A. RAHMANI, and J-L SAUVAJOL, (2010) Raman spectra of C60 dimer and C60 polymer confined inside a (10, 10) single-walled carbon nanotube. Journal of physics : Condensed Matter, 22, 145303, 2010.
H. MOUSTABCHIR, and Z. AZARI, and S. HARIRI, and I. DMYTRAKH, (2010) Experimental and numerical study of stress-strain state of pressurised cymindrical shells with external defects. Engineering Failure Analysis, vol 17, 2, PP. 506-514, 2010.
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K. BENTHAMI, and S. AIT LYAZIDI, and M. HADDAD, and M. CHOUKRAD, and B. BENN, and S. SHINKARUK, (2010) Photophysics of Genistein and Biochanin A Isoflavones: Solvent Cage and Concentration Effects Studied by UV Visible Spectroscopy”. Biochemistry Research Trends, Editor: Melanie J. Thompson,. ISBN: 978-1-61209-066-5.2010.
KOUSKSOU, and T. EL RHAFIKI, and K. EL OMARI, and Y. ZERAOULI, and Y. LE GUER, (2010) Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Supercooled Phase-Change Material Suspensions with stochastic crystallization. International Journal of Refrigeration,2010, vol. 33, N° 8 (197 p.).
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M. BAKKAS, and M. HASNAOUI, and A. AMAHMID, (2010) Convection naturelle dans un canal horizontal muni de blocs isothermes : Effet de l’espacement entre les blocs. Physical and Chemical News 55 (2010), PP. 62-68, 2010.
M. BAKKAS, and M. HASNAOUI, and A. AMAHMID, (2010) Natural convective flows in a horizontal channel provided with heating isothermal blocks: Effect of the inter blocks spacing. Energy Conversion and Management Vol. 51, pp : 296-304, 2010.
M. BOURKHISS, and M. HNACH, and J. PAOLINI, and J. COSTA, and A. CHAOUCH, (2010) Composition chimique des huiles essentielles de la sciure de bois et de feuilles de tetraclinis articulata (vahl) masters du Maroc. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 78 281–289, 2010.
M. BOURKHISS, and M. HNACH, and J. PAOLINI, and J. COSTA, and A. FARAH, and B. SATRANI, (2010) Propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires des huiles essentielles des différentes parties de tetraclinis articulata (vahl) masters du Maroc. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 79 141-154, 2010.
M. CHAKAROUN, and A. EL AMRANI, and B. LUCAS, and B. RATIER, and M. ALDISSI, (2010) Organic optoelectronic devices-flexibility versus performance. Eur. Phys. J.Appl. Phys, 51, 33206, 2010.
M. RADOUANI, and A. BOUAYAD, and A. SAKA, and B. EL FAHIME, and B. RZINE, and N. MOUJIBI, (2010) Modeling Simulation and Analysis of Mechatronic Systems by Bond Graphs and Monte Carlo Simulations. Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems , ISSN 1737-9377, Vol 1 issue 4 PP. 204-212, 2010.
N. MOUJIBI, and B. RZINE, and A. SAKA, and A. BOUAYAD, and M. RADOUANI, and B. EL FAHIME, (2010) Simulation of Géometric Tolerance Values Based on Manufacturing Process Constraints. Journal of studies on Manufacturing, vol.1, Iss.2-3, pp 91-99, 2010.
O. SENHAJI, and E. DERWICH, and M.K. SKALLI, and A.H.BENALI, and M. ACHCHOUBI, and J.J. ROBIN, and M. FILALI-BABA, and R. TAOUIL, (2010) Synthesis characterization and photopolymerization of novel phosphonated materials. Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter, Vol. 12, N°. 2, 2010.
R. TOUIR, and N. DKHIRECHE, and M. EBN TOUHAMI, and M. SFAIRA, and O. SENHAJI, and J.J. ROBIN, and B. BOUTEVIN, and M. CHERKAOUI., (2010) Study of phosphonate addition and hydrodynamic conditions on ordinary steel corrosion inhibition in simulated cooling wate. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 122, pp.1-9, 2010.
T. EL RHAFIKI, and T. KOUSKSOU, and Y. ZERAOULI, (2010) Thermal Performance of Microencapsulated PCM Slurry: Laminar Flow in Circular Tube. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, vol.24 no.3 (480-489), 2010.
T. KOUSKSOU, and A. JAMIL, and T. EL RHAFIKI, and Y. ZERAOULI, (2010) Paraffin wax mixtures as phase change materials. Soalr energy materials and solar cell, 2010, Volume 94, Pages 2158-2165, 2010.
Z. EL MALKI, and K. ELHASNAOUI, and S. M. BOUZZINE, and L. BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, and M. HAMIDI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, (2010) Chemical Synthesis, Electronic Study, and Vibrational Analysis of a New Organic Copolymer Based on PVK and 3-nhexylthiophene. Scholarly Research Exchange (SRX) Chemistry , Volume 2010 , Article ID 346843, 2010.
Z. EL MALKI, and MOHAMMED BOUACHRINE, and M. HAMIDI, and L. BEJJIT, and MUSTAPHA HADDAD, (2010) Synthesis, characterisation and theoretical study by DFT calculations of the structural and electronic properties of the copolymer based on PVK and PEDOT. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 1(S1) 337-342, 2010.
Z. HADDI, and ANNANOUCH F., and A. AMARI, and HADOUNE A., and B. BOUCHIKHI, and N. EL BARI, (2010) Application of a portable electronic nose device to discriminate and identify cheeses with known percentages of cow's and goat's milk. Sensors, 2010 IEEE, ISSN: 1930-0395, pp. 771 - 774 (Proceding).