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Number of items: 20.


ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and DRISS ABRID, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, (2012) Caractérisation sédimentologique et physico-chimique des sédiments de carottes de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed, NE de Meknès, Maroc. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEAR, Volume 3, Issue 2, 91-96, 2012..

ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and JOËLLE RISS, and COLETTE SIRIEIX, and ANTOINE MARACHE, (2012) Caractérisation des réservoirs d’eau souterraine à l’aide de l’analyse géostatistique des sondages électriques au sud du bassin de Saïss. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,Volume 3, Issue 2, 76-82, 2012, ISSN : 2107-6510.

ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and M. ABBA, (2012) Contribution of Remote Sensing and GIS for the Study of the Evolution of the Spatial and Temporal of Land Use in the ZIZ Middle, Errachidia Region (Morroco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (2): 37-43, 2012..

AMINA KASSOU, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MOHAMED AISSA, (2012) Extraction of Structural Lineaments from Satellite Images Landsat 7 ETM+ of Tighza Mining District (Central Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (2): 44-48, 2012..

AOURAGH MY HACHEM, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and SAID KAMEL, (2012) Lineaments frequencies from Landsat ETM + of the Middle Atlas Plateaus (Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (1): 05-11, 2012..

ARZARELLO M., and L. BOUDAD, and C. PERETTO, and S. GUISLAIN, and M. AARAB, (2012) Le débitage Levallois du site d’Amane Oukider (Sud-Est du Maroc) : analyse technologique d’un assemblage standardisé. Comptes Rendus Palevol, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2012, Pages 567-574..


B. MOUSSAID, and A. CASAS, and J.J. VILLALAIN, and H. EL OUARDI, and T. ROMÁN, and B.OLIVA, and R. SOTO, and S. TORRES, (2012) Paleomagnetic and AMS study of mesozoic basins of the northern central High Atlas. Tectonic implicaions. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, spécial issue, p. 100, 2012..

BOUCHRA BOUGARIANE, and ZOUHRI SAMIR, and BRAHIM OUCHAOU, and OUJAA AÏCHA, (2012) Description et Position Systématiqueb du grand Canidé de Tamaris I (Casablanca, Maroc). Quaternaire, 2012, vol. 23, no 2, PP. 149-156..


DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Etude de la contamination métallique des sédiments de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (NE de Meknès, Maroc). JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, Volume 3, Issue 2, 55-60, 2012.


E. HABIBOU, and N. BOUYA, and H. EL OUARDI, and E. MERCIER, (2012) Ramp folds and fracturing in the southern Rifian ……. Mineralia Slovaca, Vol. 44, 2012, PP. 65-70..


K. QARQORI, and M. ROUAI, and F. MOREAU, and G. SARACCO, and O. DAUTEUIL, and D. HERMITTE, and M. BOUALOUL, and C. LE CARLIER DE VESLUD, (2012) Geoelectrical Tomography Investigating and Modeling of Fractures Network around Bittit Spring (Middle Atlas, Morocco. International Journal of Geophysics. Vol.2012, PP. 1-13, scopus.


L. BOUDAD, and S. GUISLAIN, (2012) Acquisition de supports préderminés destinés à la réalisation de bifaces : l’exemple de sites de surfaces du Sud-Est marocain. L’Anthropologie, Vol. 116 (2012), PP. 364-377..

LUCIANO TELESCA, and TAJ-EDDINE CHERKAOUI, and MOHAMED ROUAI, (2012) Non-extensive analysis of seismicity: application to some seismic sequences of Morocco. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.14(2012) No.4,pp.387-391.


M.BENGEGGAGH, and F. CECCA, and J.SCHNEDER, and K.SEYED-EMAMI, and M. R. MAJIDIFARD, (2012) Calpionelles et microfaunes pélagiques du Jurassique supérieur-crétacé inférieur dans les formations shal et kolur ( Montagne du talesh, chaîne de l'Elbourz, Nord-Ouest Iran). Répartition stratigraphique, espèces nouvelles, révision systématique et comparaisons régionales. Annales de Paléontologie 98, 2012, PP. 253-301..

MOHAMED BEN HADDOU, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MOHAMED BOUJLAL, and JOËLLE RISS, (2012) Risk Analysis of Soil Liquefaction from the Characterization of Their Geotechnical Parameters by Statistical Approach-Case Study: Soils of the Plain of Sebou in the Region of Kenitra Morocco. Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (1): 12-22, 2012..

MOHAMED BEN-DAOUD, and OMAR MOUHADDACH, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MARIE-PAULE KESTEMONT, and SAMIR EL JAAFARI, (2012) Diagnosis of Potential Water Contamination by Pesticides in the Sub-Basin R'Dom (Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (1): 30-36, 2012..

MOHAMED YJJOU, and RACHID BOUABID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Caractérisation topographique et climatique via le SIG du bassin versant du haut Oum Er-Rbia en amont du barrage El Hansali (SW du Moyen Atlas, Maroc). JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARC, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 104-109, 2012..


N. BOUYA, and H. EL OUARDI, and E. MERCIER, and V. ANSAN, (2012) Extension direction determined by magnetic fabrics in the triassic red beds of the western high atlas, morocco. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, spécial issue, p. 94, (2012)..


S. TORRES-LOPEZ, and J.J. VILLALAIN, and A. M. CASAS, and H. EL OUARDI, and B. MOUSSAID, and V.C. RUIZ-MARTINEZ, (2012) Cretaceous widespread remagnetization in Mesozoic sediments of the High Atlas (Morocco). Magnetic properties constrained by paleo-basin geometry. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, soécial issue, p. 117, 2012..


YASSIN AZZI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, (2012) Evaluation of the Groundwater Vulnerability to the Pollution at the Middle Atlas Plateau( El Hajeb-Ifrane Region) Based on Drastic Model an GIS. Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4(1), PP. 1-4, 2012, ISSN: 1995-9044.

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