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Number of items: 14.


ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and BOUCHTA EL MOUMNI, and DRISS NACHITE, and RATIBA BEKKALI, and BERNARD GENSOUS, (2010) Distribution et caractérisation des associations d'ostracodes au Pléistocène supérieur et Holocène au niveau de la marge orientale du détroit de Gibraltar (mer d'Alboran, Maroc). Revue de micropaléontologie, 53 , 17-28, 2010.

AMIOT R., and E. BUFFETAUT, and LÉCUYER C, and XU WANG, and L. BOUDAD, and Z. DING, and F. FOUREL, and S. HUTT, and F. MARTINEAU, and M. ALFREDO MEDEIROS, and J. MO, and L. SIMON, and V. SUTEETHORN, and S. SWEETMAN, and H. TONG, and F. ZHANG, and Z. ZHOU, (2010) Oxygen isotope evidence for semi-aquatic habits among spinosaurid theropods. Geological Society of America. , Geology, v.38, n°2, 139-142, 2010.


B. BOUGARIANE, and S. ZOUHRI, and B. OUCHAOU, and A. OUJAA, and L. BOUDAD, (2010) Large mammals from the Upper Pleistocene at Tamaris I 'Grotte des gazelles' (Casablanca, Morocco): paleoecological and biochronological implications. Historical Biology, 22: 1, 295 — 302, 2010..


CHRISTOPH ZIELHOFER, and JENS BUSSMANN, and HANOUN IBOUHOUTEN, and KATRIN FENECH, (2010) Flood frequencies reveal Holocene Rapid climate changes (Lower Moulouya River, Northeastern Morocco). Journal of Quaternary Science 25(5) 700-714, 2010.


DEKAYI ABDELILAH, and ZEIN OULD ARBY, and MOHAMED EL MAATAOUI, (2010) Origins of trace elements in cultivated soils irrigated by sewage, Ourzirha Area (Meknes, Morocco. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, Volume 1 Issue 6. 1140-1147, 2010.


HANOUN IBOUHOUTEN, and CHRISTOPH ZIELHOFER, and RACHIDA MAHJOUBI, and SAID KAMEL, and JORG LINSTADTER, and ABDESLAM MIKDAD, and JENS BUSSMANN, and PETRA WERNER, and JOACHIM W. HARTLING, and KATRIN FENECH, (2010) Holocene alluvial archives and human occupation in the Lower Moulouya River (north-eastern Morocco). Géomophologie: relief , Processus, environnement N° 1, PP. 41-56, 2010.


K. BELHASSAN, and M.A. HESSANE, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2010) Interactions eaux de surface-eaux souterraines: bassin versant de l'Oued Mikkes(Maroc). Hydrological Sciences Journal Vol. 55, Issue 8, 1371-1384, 2010.


L. CAVIN, and H. TONG, and L. BOUDAD, and C. MEISTER, and A. PIUZ, and J. TABOUELLE, and M. AARAB, and AMIOT R., and E. BUFFETAUT, and G. DYKE, and HUA S. LE LOEFF J., (2010) Vertebrate assemblages from the early Late Cretaceous of southeastern Morocco: an overview. African Earth Sciences : Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 5, July 2010, Pages 391-412..


MOHAMED BENZAGGAGH, and FABRIZIO CECCA, and ISABELLE ROUGET, (2010) Biostratigraphic distribution of ammonites and calpionellids in the tithonian of the Prerif (Msila area, Morocco). Palâontologische Zeitshrift, Stuttgart(Spinger), Volume 84,N° 84.p .301-315, 2010.


R. DIAS, and H. EL OUARDI, and P. ALMEIDA, (2010) From finite strain to the kinematics of the Aguelmous-Mrirt shear zone: geodynamical implications. e-Terra, V. 11-N° 27 (1-4), 2010.

ROMAIN AMIOT, and XU WANG, and CHRISTOPHE LÉCUYER, and ERIC BUFFETAUT, and LARBI BOUDAD, and LIONEL CAVIN, and ZHONGLI DING, and FRÉDÉRIC FLUTEAU, and ALEXANDER W. A. KELLNER, and HAIYAN TONG, and FUSONG ZHANG, (2010) Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions 1 of Middle Cretaceous vertebrates from North Africa and Brazil; Ecological and environmental significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology. 297. (2010).439-451..


S. BENABDESSELAM, and MAHDAOUI, and M. BENZAGGAGH, and S. BOUHLEL, and S. RAZGALLAH, (2010) Nouvelles données biostratigraphiques sur les niveaux de passage jurassique, crétacé et les calcaires du campanien dans jebel guebli (Tunisie septentrionale). Géo- EcoTrop,201034:113-126.

S. SEFRIOUI, and O. FASSI FIHRI, and A. EL OUALI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and A. EL HMAIDI, and J. MUDRY, (2010) Apports de la Combinaison des données diagraphiques, thermiques et structurales pour comprendre l'origine des eaux thermales de la région de Meknès au Maroc. Africa Geoscience Review, Vol 17, N° 2, 129-140, 2010.


ZEIN OULD ARBY, and ABDELILAH DEKAYIR, and MOHAMED EL MAATAOUI, (2010) Vertical Dynamics of the Trace Elements (TE) in Cultivated Soils Subject to an Application by the Sewage(Ourzirha, Meknes-Morocco). European Journal of Scientific Research, 2010, Vol.43 No.2 PP.221-229.

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