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Number of items: 77.


A. AKHDADACHE, and NASSER-EDDINE ZINE, (2014) Facteurs d’Urbanisation d’une zone à haute potentialité agricole. European Scientific Journal Vol 10 N°29 Oct 2014, PP. 139-155..

A. ABOULKACEM, and A. BARGUIGUA, and I. MAROUI, and M. TIMINOUNI, and A. BELHAJ, (2014) Genetic characterization of environnemental and clinicalPseudomonas aeruginosastrains degrading the n-alkanes. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 4(10), 2014.

A. ABOULKACEM, and A. BARGUIGUA, and I. MAROUI, and M. TIMINOUNI, and A. BELHAJ, (2014) Influence of both media carbon source and strains variety on the Biofilms formation ability byPseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research Vol 12, N°1, 2014, PP. 190-198.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and E.H. ROUR, and M. CHAHBOUNE, and A. ABOULKACEM, and B. KARRAOUAN, and B. BOUCHRIF, (2014) Sérotypage et virulence des Salmonellaisolés dans les eaux de l’oued Khoumane(Région de Meknès, Maroc). J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 5 (2) (2014) 547-552.ISSN: 2028-2508.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, and M. CHAHBOUNE, (2014) Diversité taxonomique et structure de la macrofaune benthique des eaux superficielles de l’oued khoumane. Moulay idriss Zerhoun, Maroc (Taxonomic diversity and structure of benthic macrofauna of surface water of Khoumane River. Moulay idriss Zerhoun, Morocco). J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 5 (1) (2014) 183-198.

A. MANSOURI, and M HAFIDI, and H. MAZOUZ, and R. ZOUHAIR, and M EL KARBANE, and H. HAJJAJ, (2014) Mycoflora and Patulin-producing strains of cereals in North-Western Morocco. South Asian J Exp Biol. 4(5):276-282. 2014.

A.A. TAHIRI, (2014) Étude Des Polluants Contenus Dans Les Lixiviats Issus De La Décharge Publique De La Ville De Meknes (Maroc). European Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No.35 (2014).

ABDELALI CHOURFI, and SOUMIA DARAI, and GHIZLANE ECHCHGADDA, and TAJ MOULK ALAOUI, (2014) Processes contributing to the improvement in antifungal effect of biomolecules extracted from moroccan laurus nobilis against verticillium dahliae. South Asian J Exp Biol 4 (5) : 267-275, 2014.

ABDELALI CHOURFI, and TAJ MOULK ALAOUI, and GHIZLANE ECHCHGADDA, (2014) in vitro propagation of the bay laurel (Laurus nobilis.L) in Morocco. South Asian J Exp Biol 4 (3) : 96-103, 2014.

ABDELALI EL HAMZAOUIA, and AHMED OUKABLI, and MOHIEDDINE MOUMNI, (2014) Morphological and molecular diversity and genetic structure of Moroccan cultivated almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) beside some foreign varieties. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. Vol. 12 (3), pp. 308-316, 2014.

ABDELJALIL RHALLAB, and SAID CHAKIR, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, (2014) Evaluation of acute and subacute toxicity of aqueous extracts from Marrubium vulgare L in rodents. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2014,8(5),684-688.

ABDELLAH EL ALLAOUI, (2014) Occurrence and antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella serovars isolated from turkey carcasses and giblets in Meknès-Morocco. Academia Journal of Microbiology Research 2(1), PP. 003-012, (2014).

ABDELLAH EL ALLAOUI, (2014) Prevalence, Antibio-Resistance and Risk Factors for Salmonella in Broiler Turkey Farms in the Province of Khémisset (Morocco). J. World's Poult. Res. 4(1): 20-29, (2014).

ABDESLAM RIHANE, and JACQUES FRANCHIMONT, (2014) Observations d'hybrides d'Anatidés dans les zones humides de Mohammedia (Maroc atlantique). Go-South Bull. 2014, 11, 99-103.

ABDESLAM RIHANE, and JACQUES FRANCHIMONT, (2014) Observations de canetons de Srcelles marbrées (Marmaronetta angustirostris) en plumage anormalement sombre. Go-South Bull. 2014, 11, 104-106.

ADNANE EL YAACOUBIA, and GUSTAVO MALAGI, and AHMED OUKABLI, and MAJIDA HAFIDI, and JEAN-MICHEL LEGAVE., (2014) Global warming impact on floral phenology of tree fruit species in Mediterranean region. Scientia Horticulturae 180, 243–253. 2014.

AIT HADDOU, and A. BLENZAR, and Z. MESSAOUDI, (2014) Effet du cultivar du prétraitement et de la technique de séchage sur quelques paramètres physico-chimiqued des figues séchées de sept cultivars locaux du figuier (Ficus caricaL.) au Maroc. Europeen journal of scientific research, Vol.121, N° 4, 2014, pp. 336-346..


B. BEN MESSAOUD, and I. ABOUMERIEME, and L. NASSIRI, and EL FAHIME EL., and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Phenotypic and genotypic characterizations of rhizobia isolated from Meknes-Tafilalet soils and study of their ability tonodulateBituminaria.bituminosa. British Microbiology Research Journal. Vol.: 4, Issue.: 4, PP. 405-417, 2014.

BENABDELKRIM, and A. RACHID, and A. ZAID, and Y. CHERRAH, and T. ALAOUI, and J.L. GUÉANT, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, (2014) Effect of Aqueous Extract from Erythrea Centaurium in Merione Shawi. International Journal of Diabetology and Vascular Disease Research, 2014, 2(8), PP.71-75,.


CHAHBOUNE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and ZAID, (2014) Contribution à l'étude de la qualité bactériologique des eaux du barrage hassan II (Province de Midelt, Maroc). les Technologies de laboratoires, 2014, vol. 8(34), PP. 153.


DAOUDI A, and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and A. BOUKIL, (2014) Etude ethnobotanique du Pyrèthre d'Afrique "Anacyclus pyrethum L." dans le cercle Meknès, El Hajeb, Khénifra, Azrou et Ifrane - Maroc. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 140504, 2014.


E.H. ACHABANI, and ET ALL, (2014) First report on pseudomonas marginalis bacterium causing soft rot of onion in Morocco. Atlas journal of Biology Volume 3(2), 2018-223, 2014.

EDDOUKS MOHAMED, (2014) Acute hypotensive and diuretic effects of Artemisia herba alba aqueous extract in normal rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Voume 4, Supp 2, 2014, PP. S644-S648.

EDDOUKS MOHAMED, (2014) Antidiabetic Plants improving insulin sensitivity. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 66(9), 2014, PP. 1197-214..

EDDOUKS MOHAMED, (2014) Efficacy and safety of medicinal plants used in the management of diabetes mellitus. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2014, Article ID 793035, 2 pages.

EDDOUKS MOHAMED, (2014) Insulin resitance as a target of some plant-derived phytocompounds. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Edition: 43, Chapter: 11, Publisher: Elsevier, Editors: Atta-ur-Rahman, PP.351–373.

EDDOUKS MOHAMED, (2014) Medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases 2013. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2014, Article ID 180981, 3 pages.

EL KAHKAHI R., and R. ZOUHAIR, and M. AIT CHITT, and ERRAKHI R., (2014) Morocco carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) populations: Morphological variability of Pods and Kernel. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci, 2(4), 38-47. 2014.


FADILA MOUSSAOUI1, and TAJELMOLK ALAOUI, and SAADIA AOUDRY, (2014) Census Ethnobotanical Study of Some Plants Used in Traditional Medicine in the City of Meknes. American journal of plant sciences, 2014, 5,2480-2496.


H. ABBA, and D. BELGHITI, and M. BENABID, and L. CHILLASSE, (2014) Determination of age and growth by scale of a population of common trout. Journal of Research in biology, 2014, Vol. 4(1), pp. 1240-1246.

H. BOUHARB, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, (2014) Étude ethnobotanique de la flore médicinale de la région Moulay Driss Zerhoun (Maroc central). Ethnopharmacologia, N° 52, 2014, PP. 67-…..

H. MEFTAH, and A. BOUGHDAD, and A. BOUCHELTA, (2014) Comparaison des paramètres biologiques et démographiques d'Euphyllura olivina costa (Homoptera, Psyllidae) sur quatre variétés d'olivier. OLIV N° 120, 2014.

HAYATE BOUHARB, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, (2014) Phytochemical and antibacterial aqueous extract of Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC. Journal of Research in Biology, 2014, 4(8),, pp. 1549-1556.

HAYATE BOUHARB, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, and TOURIYA ZAIR, and HAFSA SHISSEH, and SAID CHAKIR, and TAJELMOLK ALAOUI, (2014) Antibacterial evaluation and phytochemical screening of eucalyptus gomphocephala dc against pseudomonas aeruginosa. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.7 (4).pp. 264-267 , 2014.

HAYATE BOUHARB, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, and TOURIYA ZAIR, and JALILA EL AMRI, and SAID CHAKIR, and TAJELMOLK ALAOUI, (2014) Sélection de quelques plantes médicinales du Zerhoun (Maroc centrale) pour l’activité antibactérienne contre Pseudomonas aeruginosa Hayate. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 78 :6685 – 6693, 2014.


IKRAM EL MZAITI, and NASSER-EDDINE ZINE, and AHMED BOUKIL, (2014) Caractérisation de la Flore de la Forêt d’Achemeche pour un Aménagement intégré et un développement territorial durable de la commune rurale de Ras Jerry/Province d’El Hajeb/Maroc. European Scientific Journal Vol 10, N°32, ISSN: 1857-7881, 2014, pp. 330-345..


JALILA EL AMRI, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, and TOURIYA ZAIR, and HAYATE BOUHARB, and SAID CHAKIR, and TAJELMOLK ALAOUI, (2014) Étude de l’activité antibactérienne des huiles essentielles de Teucrium capitatium Let l’extrait de Siléne vulgarissur différentes souches testées. Journal of Applied Biosciences 82:7481– 7492, 2014.

JALILA EL AMRI, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, and TOURIYA ZAIR, and HAYATE BOUHARB, and SAID CHAKIRAND TAJ EL MOLK ALAOUI, (2014) Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in the region El Hajeb (central Morocco). Journal of Research in Biology, 1568-1580, Vol 4, No 8, 2014.


K. TAIBI, and F. BENTATA, and M. LABHILILI, and F. BENTOURTOU, and EL ALAOUI FARIS F.E., and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and EL AISSAMI A., (2014) Evaluation de l’effet antifongique de l’extrait aqueux deThymelaeasp. SurPyrenophora teres. Revue Marocaine de Protection des Plantes, 2014, N° 6: 21-28.

KHALID SELLAM, and MHAMED RAMCHOUN, and BAMMOU MOHAMMED, and ALEM CHAKIB, and ELRHAFFARI LHOUSSAINE, (2014) Chemical composition and bioactivity of essential oils of seed and leaf from foeniculum vulgare mill cultivated in southeast of morocco. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol.4, No.17, 2014.

KHALID SELLAM, and MHAMED RAMCHOUN, and FARID KHALOUKI, and ALEM CHAKIB, and ELRHAFFARI LHOUSSAINE, (2014) Biological investigation of antioxidant, antimicrobial properties and chemical composition of essentiel oil from warionia saharae. Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2014, Vol. 3(1), PP. 73-78.


L. BACHIRI, and N. LABAZI, and F. MOKHTARI, and ECHCHEGADDA G, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and F. OUDIJA, and L. NASSIRI, (2014) Lavandula L. Taxonomy: bibliographic review, taxonomy and biogeography of some Moroccan species. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 141002, 2014.

L. BELGHITI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and D. BENGOUMI, and R. EL MOUSTAINE, (2014) Effect Of Anthropic Activities On The Quality Of Subsoil Waters In Rural Medium In The Area Of Meknes (Morocco). Larhyss Journal, ISSN: 1112-3680, Vol. 17, pp. 77-89, 2014.


M. BAMMOU, and K. SELLAM, and EL-RHAFFARI L., and G. ECHCHGADDA, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, and L. NASSIRI, (2014) Activité antibactérienne (in vitro) de l'extrait aqueuxdes feuilles d'Anvillea radiata (Coss and Dur) sur des bactéries multirésistantes à des antibiotiques. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 140503, 2014.

M. CHAHBOUNE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. ZAID, and S. MEHANNED, and A. BEN MOUSSA, (2014) Monitoring of the water's quality of moulouya river: main tributary of hassan II dam (Province of Midelt, Morocco). Mor. J. Chem. Vol. 2, N°5 (2014), PP. 427-433..

M. CHAHBOUNE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. ZAID, and S. MEHANNED, and A. BEN MOUSSA, (2014) Prévalence et gène de virulence des salmonelles dans les eaux superficielles du barrage Hassan II et de ses affluents (Province of Midelt, Morocco). Environnement, Risques et Santé, Vol. 13, N° 3, 2014,PP. 244-255, ISSN 1635-0421..

M. ESSIARI, and S. BACHIR, and R. ZOUHAIR, and H. CHIMI, and H. MISBAHI, and M. BOUDKHILI, (2014) Influence de la Variété et du Milieu de Culture Sur la Composition en Acide Gras, en Stérols et en Polyphénols Totaux Pour les Huiles Vierges de Quatre Variétés D’olives de la Région de Saïs (Maroc). European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 1, pp. 95-114, 2014.

M.C. SMAILI, and EL GHADRAOUI L., and F. GABOUN, and R. BENKIRANE, and A. BLENZAR, (2014) Impact of some alternative methods to chemical control in controlling aphids (hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) and their side effects on natural enemies on young Moroccan citrus groves. phytoparasitica, 42:421-436, 2014.

MEHANNED, and ZAID, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, (2014) Caractérisation bactériologique du lac reservoir du barrage sidi chahed. Larhyss Journal, ISSN: 1112-3680, Vol. 17, pp. 215-225, 2014.

MOHAMED CHAHBOUNE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and ABDELHAMID ZAID, (2014) Contribution to comparative study of the physico-chemical quality of waters of Moulouya and Ansegmir rivers in upstream of Hassan II dam (Province of Midelt, Morocco). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, No. 2, PP. 278-288, 2014.

MOHAMED CHAHBOUNE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and ABDELHAMID ZAID, (2014) Etude de la qualité des eaux d'une retenue située sous climat aride: cas du barrage Hassan II ( province de Midelt, Maroc). Afrique SCIENCE 10(2) (2014) 199-212, ISSN 1813-548X.

MOHIEDDINE MOUMNI, (2014) Biological Activity of Rosmarinus Officinalis Essential Oils against Callosobruchus Maculatus, (Coleoptera, Bruchinae). Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. Vol.4, No.2, 5-14, 2014.

MUSTAPHA CHERRATE, and MOHAMMED DIOURI, (2014) Préférence et comportement alimentaires et thérapeutiques envers la nature au Maroc. Sciences lib Vol. 6(140501), 2014, , ISSN 2111-4706,.

MUSTAPHA SAMIH, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. ZAID, and M. CHAHBOUNE, (2014) Typologie de la qualité physico-chimique de l’eau du barrage Sidi Chahed- Maroc (Typology of the physic-chemical quality of the waters of the dam Sidi Chahed-Morocco). J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 5 (5) (2014), PP. 1633-1642.

MUSTAPHA SAMIH, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. ZAID, and M. CHAHBOUNE, and A. DEHBI, (2014) Caractérisation Hydrochimique et l’Apport des Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (SIG) à l’Evaluation de la Qualité des Eaux Superficielles du Barrage Sidi Chahed et ses Affluents (Meknès, Maroc). nternational Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, Volume 1 Issue 6 (July 2014), PP. 440..


N. EL HAMZAOUI, and L. JAMALI, and H. LKASSIMI, and L. LOUZI, and S. NADIFI, and M. TIMINOUNI, and A. BELHAJ, (2014) Characterization of extended-spectrum B-lactamases producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates in Moulay Ismail military hospital of Meknes (2010-2012). International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, Vol. 3 (11), 2014.

N. LAMHASNI, and L. CHILLASSE, and EL H. ABBA, and S. EL HAOUAT, and M. EL MADANI, (2014) Contribution à l’évaluation de la qualité des eaux de surface moyennant l’indice biologique global des réseaux de contrôle et de surveillance (IBG-RCS): Le cas de l’Oued Boufekrane (Maroc). TSM n° 5 - mai 2014 , pp. 31-40..

N. MOUKRAD, (2014) Phytotoxic activity of the zinc oxyde nanoparticles synthesized from different precursors on germination and radicle growth of seeds lepidium sativum. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, 2014.

N. SAIFI, and G. ECHCHGADDA, and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Aptitude à la rhizogenése et à la germination de quelques écotypes marocains du câprier (Capparis spp). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 6 , N ° 141201, 2014.

NADIA HANDAQ, and ABDELALI BLENZAR, (2014) Les Aedes du Maroc ( Diptera-Culicidae): Etude taxonomique et biogéographique de 5 éspèces d'Aedes. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne, Vol. 6, N° 140602, 2014.

NAJIA MOUKRAD, (2014) Study of the influence of the shape and size of the ZnO nanoparticles synthesized from different precursors on the antibacterial activity. Journal of Advances in Chemistry Vol. 10, No. 2, (2014).

NOUR-EDDINE AMEZIANE, and HASSOUNI TAOUFIK, and BENAABIDATE LAHCEN, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, (2014) Evaluation Of The Effect Of Solid Waste Burning At Moulay Ismail Hospital Of Meknes City On The Soil. European scientific journal, Vol. 10 (23), ISSN: 1857 - 7881, 2014.


R. EL MOUSTAINE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and D. BENGOUMI, and E.H. ROUR, (2014) Effects of anthropogenic factors on groundwater ecosystem in Meknes area (Morocco). Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 2014, Vol. 5 (S1), PP.2086-2091..

R. EL MOUSTAINE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and E.H. ROUR, (2014) Relationships between the physico-chemical variables and groundwater biodiversity : a case study from meknès area, Morocco. International Journal of Conservation Science, Vol. 5(2), PP. 203-214, 2014.

R. EL MOUSTAINE, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and E.H. ROUR, and D. BENGOUMI, and L. BELGHITI, (2014) Qualité bactériologique des eaux de quelques puits et sources dans la région de meknès (Maroc). Revue de Microbiologie Industrielle Sanitaire et Environnementale, 2014, Vol. 8(1), PP. 39-53..

RACHIDA BELLOUTE, and MOHAMMED DIOURI, (2014) Food product purchasing criteria and behavior in Morocco and their influencing factors. Sciences lib Vol. 6(141116), 2014, ISSN 2111-4706,.

RFAKI A., and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Genetic diversity and phosphate solubilizing ability of Triticuma estivum rhizobacteria isolated from Meknes region, Morocco. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 8 (19):1931-1938, 2014.

RFAKI A., and L. NASSIRI, and JAMAL IBIJBIJEN, (2014) Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere of Some Cultivated Legumes from Meknes Region, Morocco. British Biotechnology Journal. 4(9): 946-956.


S. BENTAIBI, and L. CHILLASSE, and H. ABBA, and S. HAMMADA, (2014) Contribution to the biological assessment of quality surface waters trough the macrophyte biological for rivers (IBMR) in Boufekrane river. International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences (IJALS), Volume 7 (4) , pp. 580….., 2014. ISSN 2277-758X.

S. DARAI, and A. CHOURFI, and AMIRI S., and M. DIOURI, (2014) Assessment of the Tolerance Level of Three Olive Intercroppings (Tomato, Eggplant and Pepper) vis-à-vis Verticillium dahliae Klebahn, at Seed and Cutting Stage. J. Plant Pathol Microb Vol. 5 (2): 218, 2014.

S. DARAI, and A. CHOURFI, and M. DIOURI, and AMIRI S., (2014) Morphological and molecular characterization of Verticillium dahliae population occurring in different olive-growing regions of Morocco. South Asian J Exp Biol 4 (6) : 300-307, 2014.

S. MEHANNED, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and A. ZAID, and M. CHAHBOUNE, and A. DEHBI, (2014) Estimation de la charge de pollution bactériologique des eaux des deux affluents (Mikkés et Mellah) et son impact sur la qualité microbiologique des eaux du barrage Sidi Chahed (Maroc). IOSR Journal of Engineering, ISSN: 2250-3021 Volume 4 Issue 9 (July 2014), PP: 1-10.

S. MEKDAD, and M. NACIRI BENNANI, and M. DIOURI, (2014) Effect of the Mg/Al ratio and of the rate of reinforcement on the synthesis of a nanocomposite Cellulose/Hydrotalcite. Journal of Advances in Chemistry 10(4) : 2625-2633, 2014.

SLIMANE KHAYI, and SAMUEL MONDY, and AMÉLIE BEURY-CIROU, and MOHIEDDINE MOUMNI, and VALÉRIE HÉLIAS, and DENIS FAURE, (2014) Genome Sequence of the Emerging Plant Pathogen Dickeya solani Strain RNS Genomea.asm.org. Volume 2(1), e01270-13, 2014.

SMAHANE MEHANNED, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and ABDELHAMID ZAID, and MOHAMED CHAHBOUNE, and RADOUANE EL MOUSTAINE, (2014) Faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci community in the water of SidiChahed dam and these emissaries Mikkes and Mellah(Morocco): the importance of some environmental chemical factors. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), Vol. 4, No. 6, PP. 114-123, 2014.


YASMINE GHOUATI, and TOURIYA BELAICHE, and MOHAMMED OUHSSINE ALI, and AMECHROUQ ABDESSALAM, and TAHIRI SAID CHAKIR, (2014) Antimicrobial Property Of The Essential Oil From The Moroccan Fennel Fruits. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research Vol.1, No.1, pp.25-33, March 2014.


Z. EL LEKHLIFI, (2014) Étude épidémiologique rétrospective sur la lithiase urinaire chez l’enfant dans la région de Meknès au Maroc (2000—2012). Journal de pédiatrie et de puériculture (2014) 27, 23—28.

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