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Number of items: 19.


A. EL ALLAOUI, and F. RHAZI FILALI, and N. AMEUR, and B. OUMOKHTAR, (2012) Qualité hygienique des saucisses fabriquées traditionnelement dans la ville de Meknes au Maroc. Sciences Lib ED. Mercenne, V. 4 N° 120707 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, (2012) Evaluation de la pollution physico-chimique des eaux de l'ouede Khoumane. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci.6(6) 2012, 7096-7111, ISSN: 1991-8631.

A. BEN MOUSSA, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and EL HABIB ROUR, and M. CHAHBOUNE, and A. ABOULKACEM, (2012) Etude du chagement de l'état des eaux de l'oued khouman a la confluence avec les eaux thermales de la source ain hamma my idriss. Larhyss Journal, n°11, Novembre 2012,pp. 17-36..

A. CHOKRI, and EL ABIDA K, and ZEGZOUTI YF, and R. BEN CHEIKH, (2012) Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation induced by globularia alypum extract is mediated by EDHF in perfused rat mesenteric arterial bed. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 May;90(5):607-16, ISSN (électronique) : 1205-7541..

A. ELHAMZAOUI, and A. OUKABLI, and J. CHARAFI, and M. MOUMNI, (2012) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Moroccan Cultivated Almond in its Area of extreme diffusion, using nuclear microsatellites. American J. of plant Sciences, 2012, 3, 1294-1303..

A. SAYAD, and S. CHAKIRI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and Z. BEJJAJI, (2012) Impact des stress hydriques sur les potentiels de dayet aoua ( Moyen Atlas-Maroc). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne:Volume4, N° 120604, 2012, ISSN: 2111-4706.

A.Y. ELBEKALI, and A. SIAH, and A. RAMDANI, and L. EL CHARTOUNI, and B.TISSERANT, and C DEWEER, and A. HAFIDI, and PH. REIGNAULT, and P. HALAMA, (2012) First Report of the mating types MAT1 and MAT1-2 of micosphaerella graminicola in Morocco. Journal of Plant Pathology (2012), 94 (1), 243-247..

ABDELALI ELHAMZAOUI, and AHMED OUKABLI, and JAMAL CHARAFI, and MOHIEDDINE MOUMNI, (2012) Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Moroccan Cultivated Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb) in Its Area of Extreme Diffusion, Using Nuclear Microsatellites. (2012). American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3, 1294-1303.


D. GHAZALI, and A. ZAID, (2012) Caractérisation physico-chimiques des eaux de la source ain salama jerri (Region de Meknès). Science Lib Editions Mersenne, 2012, Vol. 4 N° : 120106, ISSN 2111-4706.


H. HAJJAJ, and J.M. FRANÇOIS, and G. GOMA, and P.J. BLANC, (2012) Effect of Amino Acids on Red Pigments and Citrinin Production in Monascus ruber. Journal of food Science. Volume 77, Nr. 3, 2012, PP. M156–M159..

H. LAMRANI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and J. ELADDOULI, and A. ENNABILI, (2012) Etude de la qualité des eaux de l'oued Boufekrane et application de l'analyse en composante principales. Science Lib Editions Mersenne V.4 N°120303 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

H.BOUIAMRINE, and M. DIOURI, (2012) Response of durum wheat callus culture to osmosis induced drought stress caused by polyethylene glycol. Annals of biological research, 2012, 3 (9), PP. 4555-4563..

H.BOUIAMRINE, and M. DIOURI, and R. EL HALIMI, (2012) Assessement of somaclonal variation in regenerated plants from immature embryos culture of durum wheat. Int. Journal of Agriculture and Biologie 2012, Vol. 14, PP. 941‒946..

H.BOUIAMRINE, and M. DIOURI, and R. EL HALIMI, (2012) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration capacity from mature and immature durum wheat embryos. Int. Journal of Biosciences V.2 N°9 pp29-39, 2012..


J. ELADDOULI, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, and H. LAMRANI, and A. CHAFI, and A. ENNABILI, (2012) Aspect sanitaire et socioéconomique liés à la réutilisation des eaux usées en agriculture, région de Meknes. Science Lib Editions Mersenne V.4 N°120107 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.


M. KHAFFOU, and ABDELKADER CHAHLAOUI, (2012) La reproduction du tadorne casarca tadorna ferruginea dans la zone humide d'aguelmam sidi ali moyen atlas. Science Lib Editions Mersenne V.4 N°120903 (2012), ISSN 2111-4706.

MHAMED RAMCHOUN, and HICHAM HARNAFI, and ALEM CHAKIB, and BERTHOLD BÜCHELE, and THOMAS SIMMET, and MUSTAPHA ROUIS, and FOUAD ATMANI, and SOULIMAN AMRANI, (2012) Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effect of polyphenol-rich extracts from Moroccan thyme varieties. e-SPEN Journal, Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages e119–e124..


N. MOUKRAD, and F. RHAZI FILALI, and Y. MAKOUDI, (2012) Prévalence de la multi-résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques des infections urinaires dans la ville de Meknes (Maroc ) et son evolution dans le temps. Sciences Lib ED. Mercenne, V. 4 N° 121105(2012), ISSN 2111-4706.


STACIE M. BRATTON, and CARRIE M. MOSHER, and FARID KHALOUKI, and MOSHE FINEL, and MICHAEL H. COURT, and JEFFERY H. MORAN, and ANNA RADOMINSKA-PANDYA, (2012) Analysis of R-and S-hydroxywarfarin glucuronidation catalyzed by human liver microsomes and recombinant UDP-glucuronosyltransferases. Pharmacology and Experimental TherapeuticsVol. 340, No. 1, PP. 46-55, 2012.

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