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Number of items: 58.


A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE ET A. RAJI, (2014) Generalized derivations centralizing on Jordan ideals of rings with involution. Turkish J. Math. 38 (2014), no. 2, 225-232.

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE ET A. RAJI, (2014) Jordan ideals and derivation in prime near-rings. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 55 (2014), no. 2, 131-139.

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE ET A. RAJI, (2014) Semigroup ideals with semiderivations in 3-prime near-rings. Palest. J. Math. 3 (2014), Special issue, 438-444.

A. BOUTOULOUT, and A. TSOULI, (2014) A Rational decay rate for infinite bilinear parabolic systems. International Journal on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Engineering (IRENA), Vol 2 N 3 june 2014.

A. JAKIMI, and M.H ABIDI, and L. HAMIDI M. M. EL KOUTBI, (2014) Towards using UML scenarios and reverse engineering for developping quranic- recitation system. International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science And Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2014, 15-24.

A. KHAZARI, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2014) Gradient Observability for Semilinear Hyperbolic Systems: Sectorial Approach. Intelligent Control and Automation, 2014, 5, 170-181.

A. OUHADAN, and E. H. EL KINANI, (2014) Exact solutions of time fractional kolmogorov equation by using lie symmetry analysis. Journal of Fractional Calculus and Application, vol. 5(1) Jan. 2014, pp. 97-104.

A. TSOULI, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2014) Controllability of the Parabolic System Via Bilinear Control. I Dyn Control Syst, 2014, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp 35-44.

A. TSOULI, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, and A. EL HARRAK, (2014) Exact Controllability for 1-d Bilinear Wave Equation. International Review on Modelling and Simulations (I.RE.MO.S.), Vol. 7, N. 6, 2014..

ABDELHAMID LARAKI, and DRISS EL OUADGHIRI, and ABDELLAH JAMALI, (2014) Lte standard : Chennel estimation algorithms from the base station to the termina. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , 2014. Vol. 68 No.1, p. 191.

ABDELHAMID LARAKI, and DRISS EL OUADGHIRI, and ABDELLAH JAMALI, (2014) Lte standard : Chennel estimation algorithms from the base station to the termina. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , 2014. Vol. 68 No.1, p. 191.

AGOUJIL SAID, (2014) A Minimal Residual Norm Method For Large-Scale Sylvester Matrix Equations. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 43, pp. 45-59, 2014..

AGOUJIL SAID, (2014) A Note on Extrapolation TSVD method applied to speech coding. International Journal of Tomography and Simulation. Volume 26 issue number 2, 2014.

ALI BOUTOULOUT, and HAMID BOURRAY, and ADIL KHAZARI, (2014) Flux Observability for Hyperbolic Systems. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. Lett. 2, No. 1, 13-24 (2014).

ALI BOUTOULOUT, and HAMID BOURRAY, and FATIMA-ZAHRAE EL ALAOUI, (2014) Regional boundary observability of semilinear hyperbolic systems: sectorial approach. IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information (2014) Page 1 of 17..

ALI BOUTOULOUT, and HAMID BOURRAY, and FATIMA-ZAHRAE EL ALAOUI, and LAYLA EZZAHRI, (2014) Constrained Controllability for Distributed Hyperbolic Systems. Math. Sci. Lett. 3, No. 3, 207-214 (2014).

ALI BOUTOULOUT, and LAYLA EZZAHRI, and HAMID BOURRAY, (2014) A new approach to the constrained controllability problem. APPLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE 41,2-3 (2014), pp. 221-228.

AOMAR ANANE, and OMAR CHAKRONE, and ABDELLAH ZEROUALI, and BELHADJ KARIM, (2014) Existence of solutions for a Steklov problem involving the p(x)-Laplacian. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática (BSPM), (3s.) v. 32 -1 , 205–213, 2014.

BOUCHIBA SAMIR, (2014) Finiteness aspects of Gorenstein homological dimensions. Colloquium Mathematicum, 2014; 131(2).

D. ZEGLAMI, (2014) On the stability of the generalized mixed trigonometric functional equations. Adv. Pure. Appl. Math. 01/2014, 5 (4) 209-222.

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) D'Alembert's Functional Equation and Suuperstability Problem in Hypergroups. Handbook of Functional Equations Springer Optimization and Its Applications 96, pp. pp 367-396, novembre 2014.

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) On the superstability of the pexider type generalized trigonometric functional equations. Acta Mathematica Scientia 34 (2014), n° 6 1749-1760.

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) On the superstability of trigonometric typ functional equations. British J. of Math. and Computer Science 4(8) : 1146-1155, 2014.

E. AZROULA, and M.B. BENBOUBKERA, and M. RHOUDAFB, (2014) on some p(x) quasilinear problem with right-hand side measure. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 102, August 2014, Pages 117–130.

EL HASSAN ZERRIK, (2014) Regional quadratic control problem for distributed bilinear systems with bounded controls. International Journal of Control Volume 87, Issue 11, pages 2348-2353, 2014.

EL HASSAN ZERRIK, and YASSINE BENSLIMANE, and ABDELHAK EL JAI, (2014) Regional Gradient Stabilization for Bilinear Distributed Systems. Arab J Sci Eng, 2014, 39: 6531-6541..

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2014) Security Enhancement of Image Encryption Based on Matrix Approach using Elliptic Curve. International Journal of Engineering Inventions, vol 3, Issue 11, pp. 8-16, 2014.

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, and H. SADKI, (2014) A Novel Approach of Amazigh Text Steganography based Elliptic Curve. International Journal of Information and Network Security, vol 3, No 2, pp. 83-91, 2014.

FAHLAOUI SAID, (2014) On a theorem of Titchmarsch in the class of Bessel-Dini Lipshitz function. Nonlinear Stud. 21 (2014), no. 4, 653–662.

HAMID BOURRAY, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, and IMAD EL HARRAKI, (2014) Gradient Controllability for Hyperbolic Systems. Inf. Sci. Lett. 3, No. 1, 11-19 (2014).

HMICHANE, and ET ALL, (2014) Duality of Almost Limited Operators. Extracta athematicae, 2014, Vol. 29 (1-2), 65-71.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2014) Additive Maps preservingthe inner local spectral radius. operator theory, advances and applications, Vol.236, 95-102, 2014 spriger Bessel.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2014) Additive local invertibility preservers. Publ.Math. Debrecen.85/3-4(2014), 467-480..

MARIA BENAMAR, and SARA AHNANA, and FATIMA ZAHRAE SAIYARI, and NABIL BENAMAR, and MOULAY DRISS EL OUADGHIRI, (2014) Study of VDTN routing protocols performances in sparse and dense traffic in the presence of relay nodes. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Vol. 10, No. 1 and 2 (2014), PP. 078-093.

MOHAMED RHOUDAF, (2014) Elliptic equations of higher-order in weighted Sobolev. Afr. Mat. 25 (2014), no. 3, 645-665.

MOHAMED RHOUDAF, (2014) Renormalized solution for a class of doubly Nonlinear Parabolic Obstacle Problems in Orlicz Spaces. Int. J. Math. Comput. 23 (2014), no. 2, 1-21.

MOHAMED RHOUDAF, (2014) Renormalized solution for a nonlinear parabolic problems with noncoercivity in divergence form in Orlicz Spaces. Appl.Math.Comput. 249 (2014), 253-264.

MOHAMMED TAOUS, (2014) On the $2$-class field tower of $\QQ(\sqrt{2p_1p_2},i)$ and the Galois group of its second Hilbert $2$-class field. Collect. Math. Volume 65,1(2014), 131-141..

MOHAMMED TAOUS, (2014) On the rank of the $2$-class group of $\QQ(\sqrt{p}, \sqrt{q}, \sqrt{-1})$. Period. Math. Hungar. Volume 69, Issue2, (2014), 231-238..

MOHAMMED TAOUS, (2014) Structure of $\mathrm{G}al(\kk^{(2)}_2/\kk)$ for some fields $\kk=\QQ(\sqrt{2p_1p_2}, i)$ with $\mathrm{\mathbf{C}}l_2(\mathds{\kk})\simeq(2 ,2, 2)$. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Volume 84,2(2014), 203-231..

MOHAMMED TAOUS, (2014) Sur un problème de capitulation du corps $\QQ(\sqrt{p_1p_2}, i)$ dont le $2$-groupe de classes est élémentaire. Czechoslovak. Math. J. Volume 64,1(2014) 11-29..

MOHAMMED TAOUS, (2014) on the strongly ambiguous classes of $\kk/\QQ(i)$ where $\mathbf{k}=\QQ(\sqrt{2p_1p_2}, i)$. Asian-Eur. J. Math. Volume 7, No.1, (2014), 1450021 (26 pages).

MOUHCINE TILIOUA, (2014) On a model of magnetization dynamics with inertial effects. J. Engineering Mathematics (2014) 88:197–206..

MOULAY RCHID SIDI AMMI, and B. AGNIESZKA MALINOWSKA, (2014) Noether’s Theorem for Control Problems on Time Scales. International Journal of Difference Equations, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 87–100, (2014).

MUSTAPHA RAISSOULI, (2014) Stable and stabilizable means involving linear operator arguments. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Vol 62, N9, 1153-1168, 2014.

MUSTAPHA RAISSOULI, and JÓZSEF SÁNDOR, (2014) Sub-stabilizability and super-stabilizability for bivariate means. Raïssouli and Sándor Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014, 2014:28, p. 1-13..

MY HACHEM HASSIB, and ABDELHAKIM CHILLALI, and MOHAMED ABDOU ELOMARY, (2014) Elliptic Curves over the Ring F3d[e]; e4 = 0. International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 9, 2014, no. 24, 1191 - 1196.

NABIL BENAMAR, and KAMAL D. SINGH, and MARIA BENAMAR, and DRISS EL OUADGHIRI, and JEAN-MARIE BONNIN, (2014) Routing protocols in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks: A comprehensive survey. Computer Communications, 48 (2014) 141–158.

R. BECKER, and G. VALLET, and A. TAAKILI, (2014) A discontinuous Galerkin method for a model arising from stratigraphy. Applied Numerical Mathematics, V. 78, 68-79, 2014.

RAJAE BEN TAHER, and J. ABDERRAHMAN MARRERO, and Y. ELKHATABI, and M. RACHIDI, (2014) On explicit formulas of the principal matrix $p$-th root by polynomial decompositions. Applied mathematics and Computation Volume 242, September 2014, p 435-443.

RAJAE BEN TAHER, and MUSTAPHA SAMIH, and M. RACHIDI, (2014) Recursiveness in Hilbert spaces and application to mixed $ARMA(p,q)$ process. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences Vol. 9, no. 15 (2014), 715 - 726.

RAJAE BEN TAHER, and Y. ELKHATABI, and M. RACHIDI, (2014) Some Formulas for the Principal for the principal matrix $p$-th root. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, no. 3 (2014) 141 - 152.

S. BOUCHIBA, and S. KABBAJ, (2014) Regularity of tensor products of K-Algebras. Mathematica Scandinavica 115 (1) (2014) 5-19.

T. MASROUR, (2014) The Wave Equation With Dynamic Wentzell Boundary Condition in Polygonal and Poyhdral Domains : Observation and Exact Controllability. International Journal of Partial Differential Equations and Applications, 2(1),13-22.

T. MASROUR, and ET ALL, (2014) On the Convergence of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Olaplacian with Wentzell-Robin Boundary Condition. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 3, issue 2, (2014), 11-20.

ZAKIA HAMMOUCH, and TOUFIK MEKKAOUI, (2014) Chaos synchronization of a fractional nonautonomous system. Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems Volume: 1, Issue: 1, page 61-71 (2014).

ZAKIA HAMMOUCH, and TOUFIK MEKKAOUI, (2014) Traveling-wave solutions of the generalized Zakharov equation with time-space fractional derivatives. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace MESA Vol 5, No 4 (2014), 1-11.

ZAKIA HAMMOUCH, and TOUFIK MEKKAOUI, and FETHI B M BELGACEM, (2014) Numerical simulations for a variable order fractional Schnakenberg model. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1637, Issue 1, p.1450-1455.

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