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Number of items: 37.

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Derivations On Prime Near-rings. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2011,PP. 162-167..

A. BOUA, and L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Generalized Derivations and Commutativity of prime near-rings. Journal of Advanced research in Pure Mathematics Vol.3, Isssue.2 (2011)120-124..

A. BOUTOULOUT, and H. BOURRAY, and M. BADDI, (2011) Regional observability with constraints of the gradient. Int. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2011) Volume 73, N°2, 235-253.

ABDESLAM JAKIMI, and LAHCEN ELBERMI, and MOHAMMED EL KOUTBI, (2011) Software Development for UML Scenarios: Design, fusion and Code Generation. International Review on Computers and Software, Vol. 6. N°. 5, pp. 683-687 (2011)..

B. OUCHAO, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2011) Statistical Analysis of Common qubits Between Alice and Bob in BB84 Protocol. Journal of Contemporary Engineering Sciences Vol. 4 (2011), no. 8, 363-370.

E. ZERRIK, and M. OUZAHRA, (2011) An unbounded stabilization problem for distributed linear systems. Journal of Mathematical Sciences Volume 177, Number 3 (2011), 500-513..

E. ZERRIK, and M.OULD SIDI, (2011) Regional controllability for in-finite dimentional bilinear systems: approach and simulations. Int.Jour. Cont. (2011) Vol. 84 N°12, pages 2108-2116.

E. ZERRIK, and Y. BENSLIMANE, and A. EL JAY, (2011) Regional gradient stabilisation forlinear distributed systems. Int.Review of Aut. Control. (2011) Vol 4 N°5, PP. 755-765..

F. AMOUNAS, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, and CHALLALI, (2011) An Application of discrete Algorithms asymmetric Cryptography. International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, N°. 49, 2409 - 2418.

F.Z EL ALAOUI, and HANS ZWART, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2011) Spectral Condition Implied by Observability. SIAM J. Control Optim. V. 49 N 2 pp 672-685 (2011).

GHIZLANE BENCHEIKH, (2011) Improved Ant Colony Algorithm to Solve the Aircraft Landing Problem. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 3, N° 2, 2011, ISSN: 1793-8201..

H. BOURRAY, and A. BOUTOULOUT, and M. BADDI, and FATIMA-ZAHRAE EL ALAOUI, (2011) Regional boundary observability with constraints. Int. Review of automatic control V4 N°6 (2011), PP. 846-854..

J. ASSIM, and H. OUKHABA, (2011) Stark units in Zp-extensions. Functiones § Approximatio, 45,1 (2011), 105-124.

K. ZTOT, and EL H. ZERRIK, and H. BOURRAY, (2011) Regional control problem for distributed bilinear systems: approach and simulations. International Journal of Appl. Mathematics Comput. Siences (2011), Vol. 21, N°. 3, PP. 499-508.

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Left Multipliers and Jordan Ideal in Rings With Involution. African Diaspora Journal of mathematics V.11 Number 1 (2011), 24-28..

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Lie ideals and centralizing generalized derivation of rings with involution. Beitr Algebra Geom. 2011, vol. 52, no2, pp. 349-355..

L. OUKHTITE, (2011) Posner's second theorem for Jordan ideals in rings with involution. Expositiones Mathematicae 29 (2011) 415–419.

L. OUKHTITE, and L. TAOUFIQ, (2011) Commutativity of Involutorial Rings with constrains on Left Multipliers. Communication in mathematics and Applications Vol.2 No 1, 2011, PP.15-20..

M. BADDI, and H. BOURRAY, and ALI BOUTOULOUT, (2011) Constrained observability for parabolic systems. Int. J. of Math. Analysis 2011 n°35 pp1695-1710.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Additive local spectrum compressors. Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 435(2011) Issue 6, PP. 1473-1478.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Locally Spectrally Bounded Linear Maps. Mathematica Bohemica 136, (2011) n°1,81-89.

M. BENDAOUD, and M. SARIH, (2011) Surjective linear maps preserving certain spectral radII. Rocky Mountain, journal of Mathématics , vol 41, number 3, 2011, 727-735..

M. BERKANI, and H. ZARIOUH, (2011) Perturbation results for weyl type theorems. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol 1, pp. 119-132, 2011..

M. BERKANI, and M. SARIH, and H. ZARIOUH, (2011) Browder type theorems and SVEP. Mediterr. J. Of Math, 8, N° 3, 399-409, 2011.

M. DOUAD, and A. JELLAL, and E.B. CHOUBABI, and E. H. EL KINANI, (2011) Bipartite and Tripartite entanglement of truncated harmonic oscillator coherent states via beam splitters. Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 44(2011), 325301-325316.

M. DOUAD, and EL HASSAN EL KINANI, (2011) Extended Weyl-Heisenberg Algebra, phase operator, unitary depolarizers and generalized Bell states. Physics Letters A Volume 375, Issue 25, 20 June 2011, Pages 2492–2497.

M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Approaching the power logarithmic and difference Means by iterative algorithms involving the power binomial mean. International Journal of Mathematics Sciences (2011), Article ID 687825, 12 pages.

M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Stability and Stabilizability for Means. Applied Mathematics E-Notes issn 1607-2510 , 11 (2011), PP. 159-174..

M. RAISSOULI, and R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, (2011) Approaching a class of multi-criteria optimizationproblems via the schur-convexity. Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (2011)Vol. 9, Issue 2, 203-216..

M. RAISSOULI, and R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, (2011) Subdifferential approach for solving the multi-objective optimization problem, approximation by the interior-point algorithm. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 70 (2011), No. 7, 2011, 901-914..

M. SERHANI, and J. L. GOUZE, and N. RAISSI, (2011) Dynamical study and robustness for a nonlinear wastewater treatment model. ELSEVIER. Nonlinear analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011) 487-500.

M. TILIOUA, (2011) 2D-1D dimensional reduction in a toy model for magnetoelastic interactions. Applications of Mathematics,56 (2011), N°. 3, 287--295..

MOHAMED ABDOU ELOMARY, and JEAN-PIERRE TIGNOL, (2011) Springer's theorem for tame quadratic forms over Henselian fields. Journal: Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 269 (2011), no. 1-2, 309-323.

MOHAMED BEN-DAOUD, (2011) Additive maps preserving the reducel minimum modulus of operators. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 337-346, 2011.

MOULAY RCHID SIDI AMMI, and B. AGNIESZKA MALINOWSKA, (2011) Existence of solutions for a coupled quasilinear system on time scales. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011, No. 131, pp. 1–11..

MUSTAPHA EL OSSMANI, (2011) A convergence of a MFE-FV method for immiscible compressible flow in heterogeneous porous media. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier) Volume 81, Issue 10, June 2011, Pages 2103–2128.

R. ZINE, and K. EL YASSINI, and M. RAISSOULI, (2011) Multicriteria optimisation approach of the electricity distribution planning network problem. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Maths., V.4,N°3, 2011..

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