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Number of items: 15.


MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Characterization of Two New Chemotypes of White Wormwood (Artemisia Herba-Alba Ass) Domesticated In Errachidia. Review of Research Vol, 4, Issue 6 (Version 3), June 2014..

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Etude des performances épuratoires de la technique du lagunage aéré appliquée à la station d'épuration d'Errchidia - Maroc,. Afrique Science, 10(2) (2014) 173-183..

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Evaluationof content of Heavy Metals and Organic Micropolluants in the Effluents of th wastewaterTreatment Plantof the Errachidia City - Morocco-. Int, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol, 4, Issue 6(Version 3), June 2014, pp, 28-32,..

MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Insecticidal activity of the essential oil from seven accessions of Artemisia herba-alba asso domesticated in Errachidia (south-east of Morocco) against Triblium castaneum. Int, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol, 4, Issue 6(Version 3), June 2014, pp, 33-36..

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2014) Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Plant- Type stabilisation ponds- of Errachidia City -Morocco- During the Period 2006-2010,. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol, 04, Issue 06 (June 214), V4, PP 50-57..

MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and KASSIMI ABDERAHMANE, and HOMRANI BAKALI ABDELMONAIM, (2013) Etude comparative des rendements en huile essentielle d'artemisia herba-alba asso a état sauvages et domestique a érrachidia (Sud-est du Maroc). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 4, N° 120204 ISSN2111-4706,2013.

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Comparaison the effect insecticide of the oils of six plant extracts on the aphids in alfalfa green. Journal of biology, agriculture and healthcare, Vol. 2, N° 8,2012.

MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and KASSIMI ABDERAHMANE, and HOMRANI BAKALI ABDELMONAIM, (2012) Comparative Study Of Essential Oil Yields Of Seven Accessions Of Artemisia Herba-Alba Asso, Domesticated In Errachidia (Southeast Of Morocco). Journal of Environmental Solutions, Volume 1 (Issue 2) (2012), PP. 31-33..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Comparison of Insecticide Effect of Plant Extracts on Aphids of Watermelon and Green Alfalfa. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 1, No. 2,2012..

AHMED RASSAM, and ABDELAZIZ CHAOUCH, and BRAHIM BOURKHISS, and MOHAMED OUHSSINE, and M'BAREK BOIRKHISS, and TAHAR LAKHLIFI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and CHAOUKI HAMID, (2012) Evaluation du degré de pollution métallique dans la station d'épuration des eaux ussées de la ville d'oujda 'Maroc oriental). ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 4, N° 121103 ISSN:2111-4706,2012, PP. 1-7.

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ABDELAZIZ CHAOUCH, and AHMED RASSAM, (2012) Evaluation qualitative et quantitative de la station d'epuration de la ville d'earrchidia-Maroc bilan de 5 ans de fonctionnement de la station 2006-2010. ScienceLib Editions Mersenne : Volume 4, N° 120902 ISSN2111-4706,2012.

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2012) Insecticide Potency on alfalfa aphids of kanuka, ravintsara and tea tree essential oilsand neem vegetable oil. Journal of Environmental Solutions Volume 1 (Issue 1) (2012), PP. 16-22..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, (2012) Insecticide effect of plant extracts on aphids of watermelon. Journal of biology, agriculture and healthcare, Vol. 2, N° 5,2012, ISSN: 2224-3208.

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2012) Study Of The Insecticidal Effect Of Oregano And Thyme Essential Oils And Neem Carrieroil On The Alfalfa Aphid. Journal of Environmental Solutions, Volume 1 (Issue 1) (2012), PP. 1-5..

ABDERRAHMANE KASSIMI, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and MOUMNI MOHAMED, (2011) Action insecticide de certaines huiles essentielles et végétales. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie, Vol. 07(2),2011, 85-93..

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