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Number of items: 38.


JACQUES ATANGANA, and CHERKAOUI ADEQQAQI, and ET ALL, (2015) Efficient method of calculation of raman soliton self-frequency shift in nonlinear optical media. optics Communications, 339, 2015, 194-208..

A. OUBELKACEM, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and ET ALL, (2015) The Magnetic properties of Multi-surface transverse Ferroelectric Ising Thin Films Ising Nanoparticle. J.Supercond Nov Magn, March2015, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 877-883, 7p.

S. BOUHOU, and I. ESSAOUDI, and A. AINANE, and ET ALL, (2015) Magnetic properties of a Transverse Ising Nanoparticle. J.Supercond Nov Magn, March2015, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 885-890.

JALILA EL AMRI, and KHALID EL BADAOUI, and ET ALL, (2015) Phytochemical screening and antibacterial study of two medicinal plants Teucrium capitatium L and Silene vulgaris as a part of ethnobotanical study of the region of El Hajeb (central Morocco). Journal of research in biology, 2015, 5(4), PP. 1720-1725.

K. ABDELMOUMEN, and HUSSAIN BENAZZA, and ET ALL, (2014) About Euclidean Cods in Rings. British Journal of Mathematics andComputer Science, vol 4, issue 10, 2014,PP. 1365-1364.

LAHCEN BIH, and ET ALL, (2014) BaO effect on the thermal properties of the phosphate glasses inside the Na2O–SrO–TiO2–B2O3–P2O5 system. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 405(2014) 33–38.

SAID EL-JALLAL, and ET ALL, (2014) Cavity modes and optomechanic interactions in strip waveduide. IOP Conf. Series:Materials Science and Engineering68, 012003(2014)..

MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Characterization of Two New Chemotypes of White Wormwood (Artemisia Herba-Alba Ass) Domesticated In Errachidia. Review of Research Vol, 4, Issue 6 (Version 3), June 2014..

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) D'Alembert's Functional Equation and Suuperstability Problem in Hypergroups. Handbook of Functional Equations Springer Optimization and Its Applications 96, pp. pp 367-396, novembre 2014.

HMICHANE, and ET ALL, (2014) Duality of Almost Limited Operators. Extracta athematicae, 2014, Vol. 29 (1-2), 65-71.

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Etude des performances épuratoires de la technique du lagunage aéré appliquée à la station d'épuration d'Errchidia - Maroc,. Afrique Science, 10(2) (2014) 173-183..

CHAOUKI HAMID, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Evaluationof content of Heavy Metals and Organic Micropolluants in the Effluents of th wastewaterTreatment Plantof the Errachidia City - Morocco-. Int, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol, 4, Issue 6(Version 3), June 2014, pp, 28-32,..

E.H. ACHABANI, and ET ALL, (2014) First report on pseudomonas marginalis bacterium causing soft rot of onion in Morocco. Atlas journal of Biology Volume 3(2), 2018-223, 2014.

M. EL YADARI, and ET ALL, (2014) First-principles prediction of the magnetism of 4f rare-earth-metal-doped wurtzite zinc oxide. Journal of rare earths, Vol. 32 (8), 2014, P. 715..

MOUMNI MOHAMED, and LAHCEN EL WATIK, and ET ALL, (2014) Insecticidal activity of the essential oil from seven accessions of Artemisia herba-alba asso domesticated in Errachidia (south-east of Morocco) against Triblium castaneum. Int, Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol, 4, Issue 6(Version 3), June 2014, pp, 33-36..

I. AJANA, and ET ALL, (2014) Low-energy electron-helium d-YAG Laser field. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 192, 19-25(2014).

A. MAKHOUTE, and ET ALL, (2014) Low-energy electron-impact laser-assisted ionization of atomic hydrogen. Physical Review A90, 053415(2014).

DAOUD A., and M. AISSA, and H. OUGUIR, and ET ALL, (2014) Magneticcontext of Bou SKOUR COPPER DEPOSIT 5eASTERN Anti Atlas, Morocco. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 97, p.40-55, 2014.

R. SHEKHAR, and I. SAHNI, and G. BENSON, and ET ALL, (2014) Modelling and simulation of a Jurassic carbonate ramp outcrop, Amellago High Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Petroleum Geoscience, first published, 2014, Vol. 2 (1) pp. 109-123.

T. MASROUR, and ET ALL, (2014) On the Convergence of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of the Olaplacian with Wentzell-Robin Boundary Condition. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 3, issue 2, (2014), 11-20.

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) On the superstability of the pexider type generalized trigonometric functional equations. Acta Mathematica Scientia 34 (2014), n° 6 1749-1760.

D. ZEGLAMI, and ET ALL, (2014) On the superstability of trigonometric typ functional equations. British J. of Math. and Computer Science 4(8) : 1146-1155, 2014.

MOURAD OUDICH, and ET ALL, (2014) Optomechanic interaction in a corrugated phoxonic nanobeam cavity. Physical Review B89, 245122(2014).

S. EL-JALLAL, and ET ALL, (2014) Optomechanic interactions in two-dimensional Si and GAAs phoxonic cavities. Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter26, 015005(2014), 12 pages.

LAHCEN BIH, and ET ALL, (2014) Phosphate glass-glasses as new energy density dielectric materials. Procedia Engineering 83 (2014 ) 371 – 377.

A. MOUMEN, and H. JARAR OULIDI, and M. AGADI, and M. NEHMADOU, and M. BENDAOUD, and A. BARICH, and A. MRIDEKH, and B. EL MANSOURI, and ET ALL, (2014) A Sensor Web for Real-Time Groundwater Data Monitoring in Morocco. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2014, 6, 613-623.

LAHCEN BIH, and ET ALL, (2014) Some Physical, Chemical and Electrical Properties of the Polyphosphate LiMII2(PO3)5 (M=Cu, Zn, Cd, Ba, Pb) Glasses. Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research,2014, 1, 51-56.

SOUMIA CHQONDI, and ET ALL, (2014) Spectral Analysis of the photoionization of atomic hydrogen in Intense High-frequency laser Field: Numerical Simulation. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Vol6, No. 3 July2014, 504-5014 (2014).

M. ELHASSNAOUI, and MABROUK BENHAMOU, and ET ALL, (2014) Temperature and pressure effects on the statistical properties of lipid bilayers. international journal of advenced research in computer science and software engineering, 2014, 4 (12), P. 5..

F.N KRENCKER, and S. BODIN, and HOFFMANN R., and ET ALL, (2014) The middle Toarcian cold snap: trigger of mass extinction and carbonate factory demise. Global and Planetary Change 117 (2014), PP. 64–78, 2014..

I. AJANA, and ET ALL, (2014) The second Born approximation in laser-assisted (e,2e) collisions in hydrogen. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Phydics47, 175001(2014).

AIT HADDOU, and A. BLENZAR, and Z. MESSAOUDI, and VANDAME P, and ET ALL, (2013) Caractérisation pomologique de 22 cultivars locaux du figuier ( Ficus carica)au Maroc. European Journal of Scientific Research vol 112, N°3 (2013) pp:416-428.

M.TAHIRI, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and ET ALL, (2013) Evaluation of airborne particulate matter pollution in Kenitra city of Morocco. An interdisciplinary Journal of applied science,2013: 8(1): 38-47.

RAJAE BEN TAHER, and ET ALL, (2013) More on the subnormal 2-variable weighted shifts and Linear Recursive Relations. Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7 no. 11, 2013, pp. 525 - 534.

ABDESLAM AHMADI, and ET ALL, (2013) A Noval Decoder Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Linear Block Codes. International Journal Communications, Network and system Sciences2013, 6, 66-76..

M.TAHIRI, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and ET ALL, (2013) TXRF characterizationand source identification by positive matrix factorization of airborne particulate matter sampled in Kenitra city (Morocco). X-ray Spectrometry Journal, 42(2013) 284-289.

H. AIT BOUH, and F. BENIYAÏCH, and M. BOUNAKHLA, and M.ZGHAÏD, and Y.NOACH, and ET ALL, (2013) Variations saisonnières des particules atmosphériques et ses composants chimiques dans la ville de Meknès-Maroc. Journal of Materials and Environment Science,4(1),(2013), pp. 49-62.

MOHAMED KHALIL BENSALAH, and NASRRDDINE YOUBI, and ABDELKADER MAHMOUDI, and ET ALL, (2013) The jurassic-cretaceous basaltic magmatism of the oued el-abid syncline (hight atlas, Morocco): physical volcanology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 81, May 2013, Pages 60–81.

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