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Number of items: 20.


ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and BERNARD GENSOUS, and ANDRE MONACO, and BOUCHTA EL MOUMNI, (2014) Caractérisation géophysique, chronologique et sédimentologique des dépôts postglaciaires holocènes de la plate-forme deltaïque du Rhône. Notes Et Mémoires Du Service Géologique, N°577, PP. 89-97, ISSN 374-9789..

ALI DEHBI, and ADIL LAMMINI, and HIND OMARI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, (2014) Formes de Phosphore dans les Sédiments Aquatiques - Cas de la Retenue du Barrage Sidi Chahed - Phosphorus Forms in Aquatic Sediments - Case of the Retaining Dam Sidi Chahed –. International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Volume 1, Issue 7 (August 2014), 298-305..

DRISS ABRID, and SAID LAAFOU, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2014) Heavy metals in sediments of the retaining of dam Sidi Chahed (Meknes, Morocco). International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Volume 1 Issue 5, PP. 1-7..

MOHAMED YJJOU, and RACHID BOUABID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MORAD EL ABASSI, (2014) Modélisation de l’érosion hydrique via les SIG et l’équation universelle des pertes en sol au niveau du bassin versant de l’Oum Er-Rbia. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES)|| Vol.3, Issue 8, PP. 83-91 , 2014..

ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and NAOUAL MONYR, and MORAD EL ABASSI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, (2014) Outils SIG et caractérisation physiographique et climatique du bassin versant du barrage Sidi Chahed (NE de Meknès, Maroc). International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, Vol. 8 No. 1 Sep. 2014, pp. 29-45.

IMAD MANSSOURI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and TAJ EDDINE MANSSOURI, and BOUCHTA EL MOUMNI, (2014) Prediction levels of heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Mn) in current Holocene deposits of the eastern part of the Mediterranean Moroccan margin (Alboran Sea). IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Volume 16, Issue 1, Ver. VIII (Feb. 2014), PP. 117-123.

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2014) Study of Trace Metals in Surface Sediments of the Dam Reservoir Sidi Chahed (Meknes, Morocco). The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014, 23-32..

AHMED LAABIDI1, and LAHCEN GOURARI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, (2014) Typologie morpho-sédimentaire des dépôts actuels de la vallée du Moyen Beht (Sillon sud rifain occidental, Maroc). IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719, Vol. 04, Issue 04 (April. 2014), PP 10-24.

AOURAGH MY HACHEM, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and SAID KAMEL, (2014) Using Remote Sensing and GIS-Multicriteria decision Analysis for Groundwater Potential Mapping in the Middle Atlas Plateaus, Morocco. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, Vol. 4(7), 33-41,July 2015, accepted 25 August 2014..

ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and HICHAM EL BADAOUI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and BOUCHTA EL MOUMNI, (2013) Application des réseaux de neurones artificiels de type PMC pour la prédiction des teneurs en carbone organique dans les dépôts du quaternaire terminal de la mer d’alboran. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.107 No.4 ( 2013 ) , pp.400-413.

ZAKARIA OUZERBANE, and ABDESSAMAD NAJINE, and TAHAR AÏFA, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and FADWA RADOUANI, (2013) Etude géophysique par imagerie électrique du système aquifère au  nord-est du bassin d’Essaouira, Maroc. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARC, Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2013, PP. 57-70..

MOHAMED BEN HADDOU, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and MOHAMED BOUJLAL, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, (2013) Study of the Geotechnical Parameters of the Different Soils by Correlation Analysis and Statistical, in the Kenitra Region (Morocco). Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, 2013, PP. 51-60..

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2013) Variation spatiale des concentrations en éléments traces métalliques dans les sédiments de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (Meknès, Maroc). European Journal of Scientific Researc, Vol.106 No.4 (2013 ), PP .503-511.

ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and DRISS ABRID, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, (2012) Caractérisation sédimentologique et physico-chimique des sédiments de carottes de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed, NE de Meknès, Maroc. JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEAR, Volume 3, Issue 2, 91-96, 2012..

MOHAMED YJJOU, and RACHID BOUABID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Caractérisation topographique et climatique via le SIG du bassin versant du haut Oum Er-Rbia en amont du barrage El Hansali (SW du Moyen Atlas, Maroc). JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARC, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 104-109, 2012..

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Etude de la contamination métallique des sédiments de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (NE de Meknès, Maroc). JOURNAL OF HYDROCARBONS MINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, Volume 3, Issue 2, 55-60, 2012.

YASSIN AZZI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, (2012) Evaluation of the Groundwater Vulnerability to the Pollution at the Middle Atlas Plateau( El Hajeb-Ifrane Region) Based on Drastic Model an GIS. Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4(1), PP. 1-4, 2012, ISSN: 1995-9044.

DRISS ABRID, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and ABDELAZIZ ABDALLAOUI, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, (2012) Impact de la pollution sur les eaux de la retenue du barrage Sidi Chahed (Meknès, Maroc). Etude physico-chimique et bactériologique. Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research,, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, PP. 31.

AOURAGH MY HACHEM, and ALI ESSAHLAOUI, and ABDELHADI EL OUALI, and ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and SAID KAMEL, (2012) Lineaments frequencies from Landsat ETM + of the Middle Atlas Plateaus (Morocco). Research Journal of Earth Sciences 4 (1): 05-11, 2012..

ABDELLAH EL HMAIDI, and BOUCHTA EL MOUMNI, and DRISS NACHITE, and RATIBA BEKKALI, and BERNARD GENSOUS, (2010) Distribution et caractérisation des associations d'ostracodes au Pléistocène supérieur et Holocène au niveau de la marge orientale du détroit de Gibraltar (mer d'Alboran, Maroc). Revue de micropaléontologie, 53 , 17-28, 2010.

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