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Number of items at this level: 11.


IAICH SOULAIMAIN, and MESSAOUDI LAHCEN, and LAHMANI DRISS, and CHAHLAOUI ABDELHADI, and TIJANI NAJIB, (2013) Elaboration Et Caractérisation De Nouveaux Support Membranaires Tubulaire Monocanaux A Base D4argiles De La Région De Meknès-Tafilalt Destinés Au Traitement Des Eaux Usées Domestique. ScienceLib Edition Mersenne: Volume 5, N°130513, ISSN 2111-4706(2013).

IAICH SOULAIMAIN, and MESSAOUDI LAHCEN, and LAHMANI DRISS, and CHAHLAOUI ABDELHADI, and TIJANI NAJIB, (2013) Etude De La Perméabilité De L'eau Potable Des Supports Membranaires Tubulaires Céramiques A L'aide D'un Micro-Pilote De Filtration Tangentielle. ScienceLib Edition Mersenne: Volume 5, N°130902 ISSN 2111-4706(2013).


KHALID YAMNI, (2014) Synthesis and structure of metal tetra caffeine complexes. Phys Chem News, 74, (2014), 68-75.

KHALID YAMNI, (2014) characterisation of silicon substitued hydroxyapatite powders synthesized by a wet precipitatipn method. IOSR Journal of of applied chemistry, volume 7, issue II, ver II Nov2014 PP 24-29.

KHALID YAMNI, (2014) A novel method to synthesize nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite: characterisation with x ray and infrared spectropcopy. IOSR Journal of of applied chemistry, issue 5 ver II May2014 PP 107-112.

KHALID YAMNI, (2014) synthesis and characterisation of nano sized Bticalcium phosphare: effects of the aging time. IOSR Journal of of applied chemistry, issue 7 ver I July2014 PP 57-61.

KHALID YAMNI, and TIJANI NAJIB, (2014) influence of crystallisation temperature on the synthesis of Y zeolite. IOSR Journal of of applied chemistry, issue 7 ver II July2014 PP 58-61.


MESSAOUDI LAHCEN, (2014) Mise au point et caractérisation des membranes minérales de micro-filtration déposées sur des supports céramiques tubulaires à base d’une argile Marocaine naturelle (Development and characterization of inorganic membranes for micro-filtration deposited on tubular supports ceramic based on natural Moroccan clay). J.Mater. Environ.Sci. 5 (6) (2014) 1808-1815 CODEN: JMESCN, 5(6), pp. 1808-1815,2014.

MESSAOUDI LAHCEN, (2014) Preparation of new ceramic supports macro-porous for microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes based Moroccan clay. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 11, Issue 2 Ver. VI (Mar- Apr.2014), PP 56-62.


TIJANI NAJIB, and HAMMOU AHLAFI, and MONIQUE SMAIHI, and ABDESLAM EL MANSOURI, (2013) Preparation and Characterization of NaA Zeolite Membranes and its Application for Removal of Heavy Metals. Mediterr.J.Chem.,2013, 2(3), pp.484-492.

TIJANI NAJIB, and KHALID YAMNI, (2014) synthesis of type A zeolite membrane : application for retention of heavy metals. IOSR Journal of of Environmental Science, Toxicolgy and Technology, volume 8, issue 5 ver IV, May2014 ,PP 90-94.

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